I'm Not That 'Nice Girl' You Think I Am

Poems and Prose


Well, I'm actually nice. Yes. But just like what they always say, Nice girls are Naughty girls that never get caught. Maybe I'm just good at playing that 'nice girl'. Well, you'll never expect anyone to be naughty and all at the very first time you met.

And maybe that's the problem. I've been too good in front of them. I've been too engrossed at playing that 'nice girl' role. And I've never really been true to myself. They say that in order for a guy to fall in love with you, you have to be just you. The real you.

effing know that. It's just that I'm so used on doing what's appropriate and what should be. Was all I've been doing is wrong? Was being nice rather than being real is wrong?

I'm just not that 'nice girl' you think I am. And I'm sorry if I made you think that way. I just can't afford to lose that nice image I had by being so careless in an instance.

I want to go wild. Well, I'm actually wild. I want to go crazy. Well, I am already crazy. I want to drink liquor until I can't handle it anymore. I want to make out in the dark. Have a one night stand with the guy I like or anything like that. And whatnots.

But maybe it's not what you think or say that defines you. It's what you do. 'Coz people just don't normally do things that could destroy them. Do they?

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Chapter 12: Hello! ; u ;
So i came across this and you wrote beautiful poems! ^-^
And youre a kpoper too omg *^*
So yeah.
Keep writing! ^^