Drabble: Frame Up

Poems and Prose


Blood is everywhere. Donghae is bleeding. But why? Haejin came closer and held Donghae on her arms. Tears are slowly forming on her eyes. “Oppa, what happened?” Haejin asked with a shaking voice. “I’m okay. Don’t worry everything will be fine…”

“Don’t leave me…” Haejin begged.

“Haejin-ah I love you…”

Haejin smiled. “I love you too…” The she leaned forward and met Donghae’s lips. When she pulled away, she knows Donghae already left her and all she could do is cry.

“You killed him…” A voice resonated from behind accusing her for killing the man that she loves the most.

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Chapter 12: Hello! ; u ;
So i came across this and you wrote beautiful poems! ^-^
And youre a kpoper too omg *^*
So yeah.
Keep writing! ^^