It's Not You, It's Me

Poems and Prose


I suppose all of us have friends even those who thinks that they don't need them.

For me, I do. I have lots of them and I cherish and treasure them so much. And I know they do the same thing.

But you know what? It wasn't that easy. It wasn't easy how I ended up having them. Like most of you does, I've also gone through many hardships before I had them.

It feels like I'm a miner who's looking for diamonds under a dark and uncertain labyrinth of life. Along the way, you're going to meet muddy stones. But sometimes if you're lucky, you'll be able to find silvers and golds. But if you're patient, you'll surely be able to find what you're looking for. Diamonds.

That's life I guess, you can't easily have something for free. You have to work for it. But there are some instances that you really don't have to work so hard if it's really for you. Just make it sure that when you already have it, you'll take care of it like a precious diamond.

I still can't believe that I have faithful, loyal, loving, caring, true, crazy and beautiful friends. Like, what did I exactly do  for me to deserve having them in my life. I'm really curious of their reason to why they decided to befriend me, to stay by my side and consider me as one important person. I mean, we're not even blood related but they love me so much. I was just so thankful for having them, for letting me be a part of their life, and for wanting to be a part of my life too.

I might not be able to remember anymore of how we became friends. There would be moments that we had together and I couldn't remember it anymore. But through all these years that we've stayed together as friends, I could say that there's only one thing that I could remember - the reason as to why we're still here for each other. It is because of love.

But I couldn't also deny that there are times that I'm doubting that love. I was thinking, do I deserve the love they're giving me? Have I been a good friend? Do they really treat me as a friend? Are they really a true friend to me or they're just pretending to be one? What am I really to them?

Lots of questions actually. Lots of uncertainties and doubts. And when I think of those, I tend to separate myself to them and can't help to feel that I'm nothing compared to them. Like I'm just a dust compared to a shining diamond. It feels like their brilliance and grace is too overwhelming that I couldn't believe it anymore. Insecured and Unworthy.

And everytime I think about that, those diamonds that I dearly treasure would always prove to me that I'm an equal and sometimes way more than I think I am. They would always make me feel that I'm also one of a kind precious diamond that you can find under this dark and uncertain labyrinth of life.

I feel sorry. So much. For thinking that way. Like, what was I thinking? I feel sorry for doubting that love, for doubting our friendship, for doubting their preciousness to me and also my own preciousness.

It was never their fault. They never did anything to push me away neither to make me feel uncertain and doubtful. It was all because of me and my paranoid overthinking. Instead they even pulled me closer and closer just to make sure I'm really treasured.

That's why I'm thankful for I am blessed with wealth. Wealth of love firstly, from God. Second, my family that he has given me knowing that they'll be able to give me unconditional love. And lastly, my friends, the family that I chose myself. For they are such beautiful persons whom I know is able to love me without a doubt for they have proven it to me countless times.

I Am Loved.

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Chapter 12: Hello! ; u ;
So i came across this and you wrote beautiful poems! ^-^
And youre a kpoper too omg *^*
So yeah.
Keep writing! ^^