Time Passes, But Words Remain the Same

An Orchestra Love Story


Tossing and turning in bed, Sungmin sighed as he stared at his blank ceiling, angry that he still couldn’t fall asleep after 2 hours of just lying there in bed, despite being tired and feverish. It wasn’t like him at all to be unable to sleep; the boy was usually out cold as soon as he hit the pillow after staying up late every night to do homework.

After all, he hadn’t had the luxury of taking a nap at this time of day since elementary. Sleep was very precious to him, it was his escape from his worries and insecurities and often like any other teenager, Sungmin often felt like there just wasn’t enough hours in a day to accomplish what he needed to do. But he didn’t have to worry about those things when he was asleep.

He didn’t have to think about his grades, his future, or just his life in general. Pressing his face into his pillow, Sungmin gritted his teeth in frustration. Finally he had time to catch up that dearly needed sleep and here he was, sleeplessly flopping around like some giant worm wrapped up in his fluffy pink blankets.

 It was almost 6 o’clock now, right around the time Heechul should be getting home from work. The sky was slowly getting darker as he listened to the birds that were chattering outside his window, the fading sunlight shining its last rays of the day through his slanted blinds. Sungmin yawned as he clutched the blanket closer to him, propping his arms up under his head as he stared at the note that was placed on his bedside counter.

Sungmin had spent quite a while thinking about the writer of that note after the man had hastily left his house, leaving a confused Sungmin behind as he muttered something about missing his cello practice.

To be honest, he didn’t know what to think of Kyuhyun anymore. To put it bluntly, the man was just bipolar in Sungmin’s opinion after he pondered the man’s actions in detail, his behavior changing almost every hour, ranging from just plain rude to an inexplicable kindness that  the cellist didn’t even seem capable of. While Kyuhyun’s sweet actions to him today made him feel taken care of and warm, he hesitated in trusting the man when just a few days ago he had been shoved against a wall by the very same individual.

No, Sungmin couldn’t forget the cold look in the cellist’s eyes the very first time they met, when he was in tears and the man simply brushed him off as if he was trash.  It was a look of pure disgust that had been given to him. He could still feel the sharp pierce of those eyes when their gaze met that day, the taller man treating Sungmin as if he was scum that could be stepped on. Sungmin was hurt that day, yes, but it was nothing compared to the self-loathing he felt now, after experiencing the compassion the man was capable of.

How revolting he must’ve been to Kyuhyun to gain such a response from him that day. Was Kyuhyun’s sudden change of attitude just a joke to him? It certainly had a much bigger effect on Sungmin if it was. Did Kyuhyun intend to just embarrass him publically for what he did that day in the café? Was this just all a big plan of revenge to the man?

Just what exactly had he meant with all those gestures, those little acts that had made Sungmin so flustered?

Sungmin felt so tired as his thoughts raced off in every which direction, seeds of self-doubt planted in his mind as he curled up under his sheets. What happened today just confused him even more. Sungmin told himself that he was just overthinking it, that he had just been lost in the feelings when Kyuhyun had been kind to him.

He mustn’t read more into it. There was nothing else. Kyuhyun’s warm hugs, his fluttering kisses, they weren’t there to stay. Sungmin had just met the man 3 days ago for goodness sake. Those actions, they couldn’t even have been out of genuine concern, let alone love. He was just such a child, naively falling for those tricks anyone could’ve pulled on him.  

No, his feelings for the cellist meant nothing. His confusion just proved that. If it was love, he would be sure about his feelings wouldn’t he? There would be no doubt at all.

True love wouldn’t leave him, but Kyuhyun most definitely would. He was nothing to Kyuhyun. Why would the man who had it all want to be with him? He couldn’t give the cellist anything he didn’t already have. Popularity, affection, happiness, all those things Kyuhyun held within his palm, and Sungmin could provide none of that even if he didn’t.

“What would the ice prince want with a poor nobody like you?” his mind taunted him as he gripped his blankets tightly.

“His sweet words are just fooling you and you’re just that stupid to fall for it. He couldn’t give you an explanation for his actions could he? If he liked you, he would be able to tell you so. Dumb stupid Sungmin. That’s why nobody wanted you, even when you were born.”

Tears finally escaped his eyes as he turned away from the pink sticky note that was stuck on his counter, sleep finally overtaking him as he brought his knees up tightly to his chest in a protective ball, hiding his heart from the world as tear drops dripped silently down his face, the words left by Kyuhyun echoing in his mind. 

 “Take care Sungmin. Don’t read too much into my words.”



Kyuhyun paced nervously back and forth in his room, muttering darkly under his breath as he pulled on his hair in annoyance. The cellist had walked back to his house after making sure Sungmin was safely tucked in under lots of blankets in his bed, the man’s ruffled blonde hair the only thing peeking out of the blankets as the taller scrambled out of the house nervously, mumbling about cello practice. After some deliberation, he had left a note on the counter, trying to express his urge to make Sungmin less wary of him, telling him not to overthink the harsh words he had said to the blonde when they had first met.

“Aish. Why did I write that note? He’d probably misinterpret that. No, anyone would misinterpret that. Kyuhyun, you’re supposed to be the genius here.” The man swore under his breath as he contemplated the misleading words he had left on the paper.

He just couldn’t think straight around Sungmin, the man’s presence messing up his rational thinking like no one else could. It’s strange to think that someone he had met just 3 days ago could have such an effect on him, but he couldn’t deny it. There was something special about this boy.

And now he probably messed up any progress he had made. The boy probably thought Kyuhyun was just playing with him, that he didn’t mean his promise to take care of Sungmin on the way home.

Within the 3 days of meeting him, Sungmin's meaning in Kyuhyun's life changed drastically. It was as if the man had planted a seed in Kyuhyun's heart, the plant's roots holding on tighter and tighter as it blossomed, his whole body becoming drunk on the flower's fragrance. What started out as a simple annoyance turned into something much more as the blonde’s actions fascinated Kyuhyun every time the cellist saw the shorter man.

His smile when he’s with his friends. His frown when he plays a rhythm wrong during rehearsal. His tears when Kyuhyun had insulted him when they first met. And his blushing face. Those flushed pink cheeks fascinated Kyuhyun to no end, the man’s innocent and endearing demeanor oddly charming, making Kyuhyun’s curiosity grow and grow until he simply had to talk to the boy he had written off as useless.

At first he used Kibum as an excuse, telling himself that he had to protect his quiet hyung from the boy’s bad influence as he saw the 2 of the interacting. But the warm feeling he got from simply just back hugging the boy made him realize that his excuse was just a big lie.

No, he was a selfish person. He wanted to get closer to Sungmin for himself. He didn’t want Sungmin to like Kibum’s gentlemanly personality. He wanted Sungmin to like only him. Kyuhyun liked how Sungmin fidgets when he’s nervous, and he liked how Sungmin smelled like fresh cotton, the clean scent perfect for the boy’s naivety. But most of all, Kyuhyun loved how Sungmin fit perfectly in his arms, his arms curving just right over the shorter man's torso. 

If Kyuhyun's life was a black and white photo before, Sungmin had just given him the perfect splash of color. 


AN: Ahhh misunderstandings galore >.< tbh, I had a lot of trouble writing Minnie's part as I am just really not the type to write even slightly sad stories. But  I felt like that was needed for Kyumin's progress don't you think? Even if it felt right, I wouldn't rush headlong into a relationship like that and Sungmin is smart enough to know that too, albeit he realizes it in a much more depressing way. Kyuhyun though, I think he knows what he wants. Lets anticipate how he'll fight for it now! :) on a super duper happy and fluffy and bright note, my crush for 5 yrs, the cellist, is going to tomorrow's social >.< eeeeeepppppp perfect fluff inspiration right here loll 

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Chapter 23: Oh my god no Victoria!! Don't play with ma bunny!!!
EunHae. I just simply love the last part of this chapter
Chapter 23: Woah... Thought this was simply a college (or was it high school?) type of love where it's all bubbly and filled with teenage drama. Now, suddenly they're working in the political world?? Well that complicates everything! :O Especially with that sneaky Victoria and the sly Jaejoong....
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 23: Kyumin and Eunhae are so sweet together!
I really hope that Kyuhyun and Sungmin will confess to each other, so they both know that they do love each other, and not have Victoria in. In the last chapt I really wanted to slap her...

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
elmokyu #4
Chapter 23: Thank u for updating! If Sungmin wonders what exactly is him to Kyuhyun, Kyu's music should have given him all the answers that he's looking for. .. but Kyu must try to tell Min himself... ciz even if Min does understand, a self-confess is the best answer one wants to hear...
Chapter 23: awwww... Kyu's speaking through his music, I can imagine this so well... romantic!:)
and EunHae, so cute XD
Chapter 23: i have no idea why but this made me really sad but otherwise i love it <3
Milielitre #7
Chapter 23: My favorite thing about this chapter is how you talk about music. Your passion really shines through the words, and makes them amazingly beautiful.
Chapter 23: Awwwwww :3 I really liked the EunHae bit at the end. It was so sweet! o^^o I enjoy this story so muchhhhh
julia_morbelli #9
Chapter 23: I missed this story so much!! You must like Kyuhyun's song with Ahra, "Etude of Memory", where Ahra plays the violin. Is was sweet, but since I just read the previous chapter, I'm still angry with Victoria. Haha oh, EunHae, long time no see. Good luck with your summer school course autornim, don't tire yourself to much.