A New Experience

An Orchestra Love Story


It was a beautiful Sunday morning, the skies blue without any hint of a wispy cloud, curious birdsong sweetly floating in the air like wind chimes.

Couples strolled through the streets with intertwined hands and cups of coffee, leisurely enjoying their time together as the first signs of spring could be seen everywhere in the winter weary city of Seoul.

Flower buds were slowly emerging from hiding, green shoots timidly rising above the barren earth like curled tendrils of tender ribbons.


All in all, it was a day to spend outside in the fresh air, to simply rejoice in the feeling of being alive and living. 


And on this particular spring morning, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Henry, and 4 other high school freshmen and sophomores from the top private academy in Seoul were gathered in the frigidly air-conditioned lobby of Kim International Law Firm, awaiting the induction and instructions for their very first day as official interns of the prestigious firm.

The off-white fluorescent lighting contrasted harshly with the bright natural sunlight outside and Sungmin stared wistfully to the lush green landscaping around the company’s exterior, wishing that he could enjoy the day like any other teenager would.


Of course, he was honored that he was picked for this intern spot; after all he had been working towards this ever since the very first day that he had stepped through the doors of his high school.

It was the highest academic honor one can receive and it was a nod to all the hard work that the recipients had put in to maintaining a near perfect record at school.

With the scholarship usually reserved for the top two ranks in each grade, Sungmin concluded with surprise that Kyuhyun must’ve been the salutatorian under his valedictorian spot, and Henry either #1 or #2 of his freshmen class.

How the two of them managed that along with keeping up their musical achievements would forever be an amazement for the blonde.


Guess there will always be surprises when it comes to him, Sungmin concluded with a smile as he thought about Kyuhyun , the boy’s various expressions running through his mind as they awaited the start of the introductory presentation.


There was his smirk, when he knows that everyone worships the ground he walks on. The self-confident glint in his eye when he knows he’s the best at whatever it is that he put his mind to do.


His blush whenever he was embarrassed, which was rare. His creepy e-esque grin when he sees something he likes.


His childish pout when he’s concentrated on those odd videogames of his. His peaceful expression while sleeping that was unblemished by the lines of stress and unwanted pressure.


And his lovely smile.







Sungmin was distracted from his thoughts by the sound of a microphone on the podium half a story above him, the winding staircase widening out into a circular balcony that served as a presentation area.

A dapper middle-aged man was currently standing there, eyes shrewdly surveying the students gathered below him. He was dressed in a pristinely pressed black suit, tie neatly knotted and flawless against a crisp white button down.

Clearing his throat, he raised the microphone stand to accommodate his height and began his speech, the young teenagers holding on to his every word.


“Welcome to Kim International Law Firm. I am sure that everyone here today knows how much of an honor it is to be here today and I commend you all for your hard work and dedication. My name is Mr. Hwang and I will be in charge of everyone here except for those who will work directly under CEO Kim. Shortly I will be passing out the position assignments so please wait in the lobby a while longer.”


The man looked over the gathered teenager once again, an indescribable look in his eye, before speaking into the microphone once again.


“Remember that you are not considered interns yet. What you can achieve will be determined by what you can show us in the next few months. Only then will you have the right to say that you work for the Kim Firm.”


With this parting statement, he stepped down to the lobby level following the staircase, a smartly dressed secretary handing him a stack of papers as he approached the now sobered group of students.


“I will call out your name as well as your assignment. There is a map attached the inside of the folder you will receive and you are expected to find your own way to your assignment area. Tardiness is not permitted, even if it is your first day here.”


Sungmin could feel the nervous glances across the room and the hushed silence, no one daring to allow a single slip up in this do or die environment.

Henry besides him was as still as he had ever seen the hyper active boy, his usually animated limbs and features now dutifully schooled into a stoic and statue-like position.

Kyuhyun looked like his normal guarded apathetic self but Sungmin could tell that every feature was tightly controlled, a calm mask concealing whatever emotions he may have felt.







“Henry Lau. Investment Analyst  Assistant.”


“Lee Taemin. Human Resources Assistant.”


“Lee Minho. Corporate Legal Department Assistant.”


“Song Victoria. Cho Kyuhyun. Public Relations Assistants.”


Two heads rose with this announcement, both recipients smoothly moving from their spots towards Mr. Hwang.


Victoria looked to be a sophomore like Kyuhyun, the young lady tall and slender like a willow, impeccably dressed in a sharp cream blazer and business chic black A-line dress.

Pin straight hair neatly fell past her shoulders down her back and not a blemish could be seen on her peaches and cream complexion. A rose gold Cartier watch hung loosely on her thin wrist with a simple matching band on her index finger.

Her image oozed upper class sophistication just as Kyuhyun’s did, manners immaculate and cultured as she went forward to accept her assignment.


“This position is especially important with the upcoming election absolutely essential to our firm and our CEO. We trust that you two will work hard.”


The two students bowed, acknowledging the man’s words.


Clearing his throat once more, Mr. Hwang pulled out the last stack of papers.


“Lee Sungmin. CEO Personal Secretary.”


All eyes were on the blonde as he walked up to receive his assignment folder, no one breathing as many narrowed their eyes at the final intern candidate. Sungmin could feel the curiosity, surprise, and even hositility coming from his peers as they processed the position that the boy had received.


Personal secretary to the owner of the firm. It was a job envied by many who wanted a quick way to the top, guaranteeing a bird’s eye view to the inner works of the company as well as the inhumane precision that Kim Jaejoong ran his enterprise with.  


But Sungmin didn’t want it.


His hands shook as he reached for the assignment folder, forehead strained with tension as Mr. Hwang smiled a knowing crooked smile at him.


“Good luck Mr. Lee.”


Sungmin gave a stiff nod in response, numbly walking back towards Kyuhyun and Henry as he felt the weight of the others’ judgment on his shoulders.

He knew that he was the object of curiosity now, all wondering just exactly what strings he must have had pulled to get such a position. They all probably assumed that his family must have bribed the firm, or that he even had the money to win over the CEO himself.


Well, he supposed that their ignorance was their bliss.


After all he was born into this misery.


Kyuhyun had anxiously reached out for him once he had walked back, but retracted his arm awkwardly once he realized that they were in a public place, and a place with strict expectations for employee behavior at that.

Sungmin gave him a strained smile, but kept a respectable distance away from him, both conscious of the gap between their bodies.


Taking in a deep breath and letting out a long sigh, Kyuhyun looked towards the blonde, wanting to reach out a hand to comfort the man but couldn’t.


“Well, I suppose I have to go to my department now…. Min, you’ll be alright right?”


Shakily letting out the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding, Sungmin tried to smile reassuringly at the taller.


“Of course Kyuhyun. We both should get going now.”


“I’ll see you at the end of the day right Sungmin?”


A nod was all he got in reply as he watched the shorter teenager walk off towards the reserved elevator leading to the top most floor of the firm, exclusive to the director.


Kyuhyun turned around reluctantly, shouldering himself for the long walk towards the other end of the building where the Public Relations department was located at.

Feeling someone’s gaze on his back, he turned around curiously, wondering if Sungmin had turned back to call out for him. But the blonde had already left though, the elevator closing fully as Kyuhyun glanced around the now near empty lobby.


Shrugging, Kyuhyun guessed it must have been the stress wearing off on him, the boy now consciously repressing the prickling chill of someone else’s eyes on his retreating figure.





A smirk deceptively like Kyuhyun’s could be seen for a fleeting second as a pair of wide cat-like eyes blinked, it’s owner standing relaxed in the silent front hall.


It’s game on, my little mouse. 



AN: AHHHH update in the middle of AP and exam week. I am so proud of myself x) But I'm pretty sure I failed the computer science AP today so I guess writing was a way of not thinking about it XD oh wells, scores come out in july. 
But yay, I'm super excited to write more about their interning experience although the Kyumin will be a bit more...less happy and fluffy :/ but after all, it's not true love if it hasn't been tested by trials right? so please anticipate and subscribe and comment and all that good happy inspirational stuff <3 
much love from your author who doesn't update enough and has too many projects at once <3




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Chapter 23: Oh my god no Victoria!! Don't play with ma bunny!!!
EunHae. I just simply love the last part of this chapter
Chapter 23: Woah... Thought this was simply a college (or was it high school?) type of love where it's all bubbly and filled with teenage drama. Now, suddenly they're working in the political world?? Well that complicates everything! :O Especially with that sneaky Victoria and the sly Jaejoong....
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 23: Kyumin and Eunhae are so sweet together!
I really hope that Kyuhyun and Sungmin will confess to each other, so they both know that they do love each other, and not have Victoria in. In the last chapt I really wanted to slap her...

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
elmokyu #4
Chapter 23: Thank u for updating! If Sungmin wonders what exactly is him to Kyuhyun, Kyu's music should have given him all the answers that he's looking for. .. but Kyu must try to tell Min himself... ciz even if Min does understand, a self-confess is the best answer one wants to hear...
Chapter 23: awwww... Kyu's speaking through his music, I can imagine this so well... romantic!:)
and EunHae, so cute XD
Chapter 23: i have no idea why but this made me really sad but otherwise i love it <3
Milielitre #7
Chapter 23: My favorite thing about this chapter is how you talk about music. Your passion really shines through the words, and makes them amazingly beautiful.
Chapter 23: Awwwwww :3 I really liked the EunHae bit at the end. It was so sweet! o^^o I enjoy this story so muchhhhh
julia_morbelli #9
Chapter 23: I missed this story so much!! You must like Kyuhyun's song with Ahra, "Etude of Memory", where Ahra plays the violin. Is was sweet, but since I just read the previous chapter, I'm still angry with Victoria. Haha oh, EunHae, long time no see. Good luck with your summer school course autornim, don't tire yourself to much.