Morning Surprises

An Orchestra Love Story



“Mmmmph…” Sungmin sighed comfortably into the soft blankets, rubbing his cheek contentedly on the satin pillow covers.

Burrowing his face deeper into the memory foam, the boy’s blissed out expression was like that of a baby angel’s as he rolled around the king sized bed in his blanket cocoon. With the blanket tucked up to his chin and legs curled up so that he was like a giant roll of sushi, Sungmin happily stretched out his arms, yawning lazily as he slowly blinked open his sleepy eyes.


Light grey walls greeted his vision instead of the usual beige he was used to, the table by the bed holding a foreign Blackberry instead of his stuffed animal entourage.

If his memory served him correctly, he owned a simple slide phone, not the black business oriented cellphone that was currently besides him. He wrinkled his eyebrows cutely, gazing at the foreign phone confusedly. Reaching out a hand to grab the offending item, he blindly pushed around the available buttons until he finally hit the oddly located unlock key, the screen lighting up in response.

The wall paper was a picture of himself, his own face staring back at him as he blushed, finally realizing just who’s room he was in. The photo must’ve been taken when he was preoccupied with managing the percussion instruments during rehearsal, his serious face contrasting with the toddler-like pout that he was directing towards the difficult music.

Kyuhyun must’ve taken it when the cello section had a long section of rests in the Haydn concerto, their seating arrangement providing him with the perfect vantage point to snap the shot.



Yawning, Sungmin rubbed his eyes tiredly as he wiggled his toes against the soft blankets, eyes crinkling against the sunlight filtering in.

He realized that he must’ve fallen asleep in Kyuhyun’s embrace yesterday night, too tired to have made it to the bed himself.

His face flushed as he realized that the cellist probably had to carry him to bed as if Sungmin was a just-married bride entering her new home.Groaning, he ran his fingers through his hair, each strand now sticking up in odd directions as he sat up in the bed, feet stretching out towards the edges.

The blonde sighed.

He wondered just how awkward it would be to face Kyuhyun now in the morning, and speaking of the man, where was he? He certainly hadn’t been in the same bed, the other side completely unruffled compared to the little nest he had made for himself on his corner of the bed.

Gingerly swinging his feet to land on the floor, Sungmin pushed off the remaining blankets and gasped, eyes opening wide as he surveyed just what exactly he was wearing.


It was a pink nightgown, the type that young girls would wear, with white lace fringes and ribbons adorning the edges of the soft fabric. The bottom of the dress barely covered his upper thighs, the baby doll style innocent yet provocative at the same time.


Sungmin palmed his now burning face.

Why would Kyuhyun dress him in something like this?

Why did he even have a dress like this in the first place?

The blonde teenager sincerely hoped that this was just yet another joke of Henry’s and not evidence that Kyuhyun had a girlfriend regularly coming over to visit at night. No, Sungmin would rather not think about that.

Slightly lifting up the hem of the dress, he was relieved to find that he still had his underwear on, though he really would rather not imagine how the man had undressed him to put him in the nightgown in the first place.

Quietly making his way out of the room, he curiously strode down the main hallway, on the alert for any signs of the elder as he made his way back towards the living room.

Poking his head from the corridor, he held back his urge to laugh when he caught side of the older man curled up adorably on the couch, his body in the fetal position with a fluffy blanket wrapping around him as if he was a giant burrito.

The tall man was clearly too long for the medium sized couch; if he had extended himself fully, his legs would’ve easily been dangling off of the arm of the sofa.

Stifling a giggle, Sungmin tiptoed his way to where the sleeping man laid, slowly and hesitantly reaching out a finger to touch the cellist’s cheeks, slowly tracing his way upwards to the man’s long feathery eyelashes.

Kyuhyun really was quite handsome, Sungmin decided. He could see why the man held the affections of their school’s female population in the palm of his hand, his wide almond shaped eyes and pale countenance resembling that of a charming foreign prince. His glossy brown hair and tall stature made him look the part of a classical gentleman from the 1800s, and his smile, the smile he had shown towards Sungmin. 

The smile alone could melt the hearts of an entire kingdom.


Before he could withdraw his hand, he gasped as his cold wrist was grasped firmly by a warm hand and Sungmin found himself face to face with a pair of devious eyes and a smirking smile.

The cellist had pulled the unsuspecting man onto his lap, the boy awkwardly lying on top of him as both of time stared wide eyed at each other.

Both teenagers’ breaths hitched in their throats as they gazed at each other, reveling in the sudden intimacy.

Reaching out with his other hand, Kyuhyun hoisted the petite man so that the blonde was fully straddling him, Sungmin’s cheeks blushing furiously as he shyly looked down at Kyuhyun’s lackadaisical figure currently sprawled across the couch.

Lazily blinking his eyes at the boy above him, the cellist interlaced their fingers together, holding both of Sungmin’s hands tightly.


“Good morning Min.”


His face flushing prettily, Sungmin bent down to give Kyuhyun a lingering kiss, sweetly pressing his lips to the man beneath him. Kyuhyun eyes blinked wide open, surprised at the boy’s forwardness, smirking into the kiss as the younger leaned back with a soft chu.


“Good morning Kyu.”


Kyu. Kyuhyun liked how his nickname sounded coming from his Min’s mouth, the name sweet and affectionate in the boy’s voice.

He wished he could freeze this moment in time, forever reminiscing back to the feeling of the warm body of the blonde in his arms and the feeling their lips on each other, like two puzzle pieces finally being put together after having lived without each other for so long.


To Kyuhyun, this Saturday morning simply felt a bit like heaven.


And seeing Sungmin in that delectable dress just made it just that much better.


That was, until a certain bumbling chipmunk crashed into the room, fingers clutching a key as he stopped in his steps, mouth gaping open at the rather suggestive scene before him.




“No Henry, this isn’t what you’re thinking right now” Kyuhyun blurted out hastily, Sungmin scrambling to get off the man and crashing first onto the floor.


“Henry, please don’t take this the wrong way.” Sungmin choked out, rubbing his tenderly as he slowly got up, turning his burning face away from the other two people in the room.


“Kyu hyung! I didn’t think you’d be the type to do such a thing on the first date! You promised me that you’d be the perfect gentleman to Minnie hyung and this is how I find you when I come over in the morning? And with Min hyung in that dress too. Glad to see you finally putting it to use though Kyu-ah. I knew I would be doing you some good when I bought that for you. Don’t forget to thank me later eh hyung? And jeez Kyu, at least have the decency to do it on a bed you know, a couch is no where –mmmphhh”

Henry’s rambling was cut off by Kyuhyun’s palm that was forcibly covering the chipmunk’s mouth, both the cellist and the blonde’s faces a bright cherry tomato red after hearing Henry’s implications.


“Yah Henry! Stop jumping to conclusions you little freshman. Sungmin and I most definitely did not do whatever it is that you’re implying. And anyways, why are you here in my apartment this early in the morning? If I was in my right mind, I’d drag you out right now!” Kyuhyun scolded the younger boy, Henry’s bright smile immediately wilting a little under the man’s harsh words.


Sungmin though melted at the boy’s forlorn expression. Walking over, the blonde pulled Henry into his arms, softly ruffling his hair in a motherly manner as he cooed at the younger.


“Oh Kyuhyun didn’t mean that. Now what do you need Henry?”


The violinist beamed at his savior, cheekily turning to Kyuhyun and sticking his tongue out as he giggled impishly.


“Hyungs, I just wanted to ask if you guys know who got the Principal’s scholarship in your grade. I got an email this morning saying that I was one of the recipients for my class and I was hoping one of you guys got it so I wouldn’t be alone at the internship place.”


Sungmin eyebrows rose excitedly, mouth open in anticipation.

The Principal’s scholarship was the big award that he had been working hard towards for the entire year, the prestigious achievement only available to the top 2 students of each grade level.

One first had to get heaps of recommendation letters from their teachers and other adults as well as maintain a 95+ average on all their classes. After they met that set of criteria, the remaining people were further eliminated through a competitive interview process that knocked out 90% of the applicants.

This award looked for people who not only met the academic criteria but also students who had the best social upbringing, those with manners and poise.

Finally, the lucky two people in each grade level was selected through the judging of the personal essay that they submitted at the beginning of the year, the principal personally reading each one and making his decision based on how well the writing reflected its author.

The winners would then receive a full scholarship to the college of their choosing as well as a high demand internship position at a leading company, the location a different spot each year according to the Principal’s decision on choosing a sponsor.


For Sungmin, this was his chance for a brighter future, a future without the economic constraints that had plagued him for all his life. It was his chance to pay back Heechul for taking him in when no one else had, and for giving him a home when no one else had offered. He treated this scholarship as a doorway to future success, to a time when he could give himself and Heechul a comfortable life that didn’t depend on the teacher’s meager pay check.


For once, he wanted to live without the constant fear that the few things he had worth living for would be gone in the blink of an eye, his entire life vanishing just like that if the little family he had left was taken away from him.


So it was with eager eyes that Sungmin approached Kyuhyun, asking for his computer as he bit his lips anxiously, waiting to see the results.


To him the computer took forever to start up, the log in screen seeming slow and lagging as Kyuhyun hurriedly tapped in his password, the CPU whirling madly in response to the hasty start up.


Standing behind Kyuhyun’s shoulder, he unconsciously began tapping his foot, childishly stomping a bit as the browser loaded, the cellist logging on to his email for him as he recited his username and password to the man.


The very first email in the inbox was from their school, and Sungmin hastily clicked it open as he scanned the contents of the message, a wide smile breaking out across his face as he recognized the names “Cho Kyuhyun and Lee Sungmin” along with the words “Sophomore recipients of the Principal’s Scholarship”.


Turning to the man, Sungmin was about to dive into his embrace before he paused, noting the man’s struggling expressions, a mixture of surprise as well as trepidation in his eyes.


“Kyuhyun, what’s wrong? We won! Can you believe it?”


Without speaking a word, the silent man pointed to the computer screen once more, fingers resting on the last sentence of the email that Sungmin had failed to notice.


“The internship this year will be held at Kim International Law Firm, directly under the guidance of Mr. Kim Jaejoong.”






AN: Yay for quick updates :D Didn't have much homework this week so I was super motivated to write. On an orchestra note, my school just got back from our UIL competition and we got all 1s! Super excited and all the section leaders including me bought 50 cookies each to celebrate the occasion <3 Also awkwardly saw cute cellist there and his school watched us perform = me almost flailing on stage =.=" 

But thanks for everyone's comments on the last chapter <3 It's always so much fun to read them and I always grin like an idiot knowing that you guys like my story <3 

And dun dun dun the Jaejoong is back XD



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school is outtt


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Chapter 23: Oh my god no Victoria!! Don't play with ma bunny!!!
EunHae. I just simply love the last part of this chapter
Chapter 23: Woah... Thought this was simply a college (or was it high school?) type of love where it's all bubbly and filled with teenage drama. Now, suddenly they're working in the political world?? Well that complicates everything! :O Especially with that sneaky Victoria and the sly Jaejoong....
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 23: Kyumin and Eunhae are so sweet together!
I really hope that Kyuhyun and Sungmin will confess to each other, so they both know that they do love each other, and not have Victoria in. In the last chapt I really wanted to slap her...

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
elmokyu #4
Chapter 23: Thank u for updating! If Sungmin wonders what exactly is him to Kyuhyun, Kyu's music should have given him all the answers that he's looking for. .. but Kyu must try to tell Min himself... ciz even if Min does understand, a self-confess is the best answer one wants to hear...
Chapter 23: awwww... Kyu's speaking through his music, I can imagine this so well... romantic!:)
and EunHae, so cute XD
Chapter 23: i have no idea why but this made me really sad but otherwise i love it <3
Milielitre #7
Chapter 23: My favorite thing about this chapter is how you talk about music. Your passion really shines through the words, and makes them amazingly beautiful.
Chapter 23: Awwwwww :3 I really liked the EunHae bit at the end. It was so sweet! o^^o I enjoy this story so muchhhhh
julia_morbelli #9
Chapter 23: I missed this story so much!! You must like Kyuhyun's song with Ahra, "Etude of Memory", where Ahra plays the violin. Is was sweet, but since I just read the previous chapter, I'm still angry with Victoria. Haha oh, EunHae, long time no see. Good luck with your summer school course autornim, don't tire yourself to much.