Intentions and Other Interesting Findings

An Orchestra Love Story


“Oh my goodness! Sungminnie! You look amazing!” Donghae squealed as he and Hyukjae turned to see their friend hesitantly peek out from behind the door.

The duo were over at the blonde’s house at Ryeowook’s request, the flautist entrusting the task of properly dressing Sungmin to them as he gleefully told them of Sungmin’s little date later on in the evening. Showing up at the door like grinning idiots, Donghae and Hyukjae immediately pushed past all of Sungmin’s protests of ‘No I’ll be fine by myself’ and ‘How did you two even find out about this?’ and shoved the man into the restroom with formal wear for him to try on.

Sungmin was proclaimed the ‘fashion terroist’ of the group, the young man never caring about what he wore and simply always just throwing on whatever was at the top of his pile of clothing in the closet. Thus he ended up going to school in all sorts of interesting ensembles, prints and fabrics clashing with rather comical results.

While his friends didn’t mind him for his quirky outfits, Ryeowook simply could not allow his best friend to go on his very first date looking like a fashion disaster. Hence his emergency phone call to the 2 most fashionable members of their group, Donghae and Hyukjae.  

Staring at their friend’s lithe figure on display after their tasteful adjustments, the two shared a look of success.

Oh was Kyuhyun in for a treat today.

The boy’s light hair was styled to perfection, the glossy smooth strands looked like they were straight out of a magazine photo shoot. His man’s side- swept bangs accented his wide innocent eyes, the boy’s dapper charm highlighted by the simple yet classic outfit of tailored tuxedo pants and a fitted black button-down. The soft fabric of the shirt framed Sungmin’s petite body well, emphasizing his pale creamy skin, the top button left loose to show off his long neck. The dress pants hugged his lower half snuggly, giving the illusion of longer legs than what the smaller statured man actually possessed. Any girl would be lucky to have him as a date, but in this case, they were dressing him up for a certain man.

Donghae grumbled in his thoughts. That Kyuhyun brat better appreciate me and Hyukkie’s efforts. My Min looks so cute, I could just trap him in a jar and keep him all to myself!

Hyukjae obviously agreed with his best friend’s opinion, the man unconsciously reaching out a hand to pinch Sungmin’s cheeks and cooing at the now giggling and squirming man. Even though they were the same age, all of the blonde’s friends loved to baby their classmate, treating him as if he was the maknae.

Donghae’s smile flickered for a second as he saw Hyukjae continuing to ravage the poor guy’s cheeks. His Hyukkie shouldn’t be messing with Sungmin right before his date. With a small pout, he removed Hyukjae’s hands from Sungmin’s cheeks.

“Hyukkie! It’s almost time for his date! Don’t mess up our hard work.”

Hyukjae stuck out his tongue at Donghae playfully, but kept his hands away from Sungmin’s cheeks nonetheless. With a satisfied grin, Donghae turned back to Sungmin.

“Okay, Sungmin. Are you ready to blow Kyuhyun away? Remember, just be yourself and he’ll fall head over heels for you.”

A light pink blush made its way onto Sungmin’s face, and buried his face in his palms, trying to hide his bashfully flushing cheeks. Donghae chuckled inwardly. Sungmin could sometimes act almost as cute as his Hyukkie.




The sound of a doorbell pierced through the quiet atmosphere of the house. Kyuhyun had arrived. Before Sungmin could even move a muscle, Donghae and Hyukjae was already racing down the stairs, running towards the door like parents ready to inspect the boyfriend. Flinging the door open with all the drama they could muster, the mischievous duo prepared to glare at this Kyuhyun with the fiercest and most intimidating gaze they could muster. However, this didn’t particularly work when their glares could only reach the man’s nose, the two resorting to slightly tilting their heads up to stare the smirking man in the eyes.

Indignant, Hyukjae pouted. “Yah, are you wearing shoe lifts?”

Donghae chuckled, “Hyukkie, not everyone is obsessed with those things the way you are.”

The skinny man scoffed. Turning his attention back to the man at the door, he put on his best impression of a stern father.

“So, what do you want with our Sungmin?”

“Yea, what are your intentions?” Donghae added.

Kyuhyun looked back at the two, a resolute smile on his face as he answered them with a calm and unfazed air.

“What are my intentions? Well, I plan on taking Sungmin to a Symphony concert. I plan on treating him to a nice dinner afterwards. I plan on walking hand in hand with him in the streets. I plan on hugging him. I plan on kissing him. I plan on making him fall in love with me.”

A slight pause. The two stared at Kyuhyun in surprise, amazed by how earnest he sounded.

Kyuhyun looked back at the duo.

“What else would you like to know?”

“N-Nothing. They don’t need to know anything. Don’t take them seriously Kyuhyun.” A blushing Sungmin hastily told the man as he struggled to push the two men aside, having just made his way downstairs. Feeling Kyuhyun’s appreciative eyes sweep across his body, he just wanted to hide under his covers for the rest of the day, the man’s mere presence making his heart flutter in nervousness.

“Whatever you say honey!” Hyukjae and Donghae chorused, the two ruffling Sungmin’s hair as if he was a 5 year old while Kyuhyun watched on, clearly amused by the scene before him.

Sungmin sighed. His friends are going to be the death of him.




Sungmin had decided to thank Donghae and Hyukjae for helping him get ready for his date by entrusting them with his precious collection of Harry Potter movies for the evening (his little savings were splurged on this one thing, but hey, it kept him entertained on lonely days).

Needless to say, the two best friends were ecstatic. Donghae was a big fan of the elf Dobby, finding the creature’s wide eyes adorable and his mannerisms super endearing. Hyukjae simply liked the movie for the cute reactions it created on Donghae, the man’s funny facial expressions and lovable giggles always drawing the boy’s attention away from the movie and onto his best friend.

While Donghae slid the DVD into the player, Hyukjae went to go get a bottle of Coke and some popcorn, deciding that it was ok to raid Sungmin and Heechul’s fridge. Letting out a contented sigh, the two plopped onto a small couch and started to play the 2nd movie of the series.

Donghae snuggled up close with Hyukjae, getting comfortable as the movie began. He rested his head on his friend’s chest and wiggled his torso so that half way sitting between the other’s legs. Hyukjae automatically wrapped his arm around Donghae and pulled him closer. In that position, Donghae could smell the comforting scent of coconut shampoo and feel Hyukjae’s chest move up and down with every breath he took. A light blush tinted his cheek as he tried to quell his suddenly heightened awareness. The young violinist tried to focus back on the scene in the movie – Hello flying cars!- but the loud crashes of his own heartbeat distracted him, the pounding in his chest drowning out any other thought he may have had.

Donghae was rather confused. He had never been this nervous and jittery around his best friend. This was nothing but friendship between them after all, they were almost like brothers for goodness sake! – What was there to be worked up about? Finding all this confusion very tiring to his simplistic mind, the young man yawned in annoyance as he felt his eyes start to droop. After a few minutes, Donghae’s fluttering eyes finally closed, and he drifted off into the world of dreams with a smile, the image of a brightly smiling man etched in his mind.



Hyukjae glanced over at Donghae and chuckled. It was still only the 2nd movie in the series, but Donghae was sleeping already. It was just like Donghae to fall asleep during the movie he really wanted to watch. He didn’t think that was a bad thing though; Hyukjae actually found it kind of endearing. He had that air of innocence around him that made one want to just hold him tight and keep him safe from the world. Even his face while sleeping was adorable.

Donghae looked really calm and at peace, unlike his usual state of hyperactive jumpiness in his awakened state, and the smile just added to that. The boy’s well-built body was curled up to fit around Hyukjae’s lanky frame, the two of them connecting like matching puzzle pieces as they cuddled on the sofa. The violinist’s handsome model-like face was framed by perfectly messy caramel locks of hair, and as the boy shifted in his sleep, a few strands found their way onto the front on his face. Hyukjae laughed as Donghae wrinkled his nose in irritation.

Chuckling, Hyukjae reached out a hand, lightly brushing the few strands of hair out of Donghae’s face like a mother cleaning up after a grubby child. As his fingertips brushed past Donghae’s smooth skin, Hyukjae admired the boy’s features, his heartbeat accelerating as he drew closer to the sleeping boy.

Donghae’s cheek looked so soft, so delicate, and… so alluring. The thumping in Hyukjae’s chest grew faster and louder as he slowly bent over. Just as his lips lightly brushed Donghae’s cheek, he pulled back suddenly. What it the world had gotten into him? It wasn’t like him to kiss his friends. Hyukjae bit his lip in surprise at his own actions, and he attempted to focus all his attention on the movie, trying to keep his mind off Donghae. However, that was easier said than done. Every few seconds, Hyukjae would catch himself staring at Donghae’s sleeping face again… and again… and again.

Sighing in defeat, Hyukjae gave Donghae a kiss to the forehead, and then proceeded to rest his head upon Donghae’s. Well, it’s not like Donghae was ever going to find out that Hyukjae kissed him, and Donghae really wasn’t the type to feel uncomfortable about the situation even if he knew. Hyukjae couldn’t prevent a satisfied smile from adorning his face, and pretty soon, his eyes fluttered closed as he drifted off into sleep.

If anyone were to look at the two while they dozed off in the middle of the Harry Potter movie, it would have been impossible to say that they were best friends in reality. No, while they snuggled up close to one another, their relationship looked anything but platonic. They were the perfect example of two oblivious, adorable lovebirds. They just didn’t know it yet.



AN: YAY there is finally some (short) Eunhae. But I can't take all the credit <3 Eunhae chaptered inspired and co-written by my amazing bff Sonia <3 You can find her AMAZING SHINee stories at her account ------> Show her some love please :D

Hehe, sorry to keep everyone waiting for the date chapter. But I will work hard on that one to make it hopefully up to everyone's expectations. Updates will be a little slow again because I really need to learn the Bartok divertimento before the All State convention =.= piece is almost half an hour long and I'm dying over it. 
Hope to talk to everyone soon! <3

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Chapter 23: Oh my god no Victoria!! Don't play with ma bunny!!!
EunHae. I just simply love the last part of this chapter
Chapter 23: Woah... Thought this was simply a college (or was it high school?) type of love where it's all bubbly and filled with teenage drama. Now, suddenly they're working in the political world?? Well that complicates everything! :O Especially with that sneaky Victoria and the sly Jaejoong....
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 23: Kyumin and Eunhae are so sweet together!
I really hope that Kyuhyun and Sungmin will confess to each other, so they both know that they do love each other, and not have Victoria in. In the last chapt I really wanted to slap her...

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
elmokyu #4
Chapter 23: Thank u for updating! If Sungmin wonders what exactly is him to Kyuhyun, Kyu's music should have given him all the answers that he's looking for. .. but Kyu must try to tell Min himself... ciz even if Min does understand, a self-confess is the best answer one wants to hear...
Chapter 23: awwww... Kyu's speaking through his music, I can imagine this so well... romantic!:)
and EunHae, so cute XD
Chapter 23: i have no idea why but this made me really sad but otherwise i love it <3
Milielitre #7
Chapter 23: My favorite thing about this chapter is how you talk about music. Your passion really shines through the words, and makes them amazingly beautiful.
Chapter 23: Awwwwww :3 I really liked the EunHae bit at the end. It was so sweet! o^^o I enjoy this story so muchhhhh
julia_morbelli #9
Chapter 23: I missed this story so much!! You must like Kyuhyun's song with Ahra, "Etude of Memory", where Ahra plays the violin. Is was sweet, but since I just read the previous chapter, I'm still angry with Victoria. Haha oh, EunHae, long time no see. Good luck with your summer school course autornim, don't tire yourself to much.