
An Orchestra Love Story


Kim Jaejoong.


Forbe’s #3 most influential man in Korea. Top 10 in People Magazine’s most eligible bachelors. The forerunner in this year’s upcoming presidential election.


Handsome and charismatic, the politician would be the youngest ever candidate in the election process at age 36, capturing the nation with his charm and ease with rhetoric. Some may say that it was those soft credentials that was winning the race for him but behind the pretty face were cold hard facts.

Graduating valedictorian of his high school class, he was quickly sent off to study overseas at the prestigious Yale University, earning top honors there during his political science degree as well as in the highly competitive law school 4 years later.

Coming from a family filled with politicians and other household names, Mr. Kim was bred since birth to be the best of the best, long accustomed to the comings and goings of the political world and a master player when concerned with the secretive dealings politics were known for.

Owning the top law firm of the country since age 24, Jaejoong had long built up an extensive array of wealth that one would need on the campaign trail.

Now currently the attorney general, the man was well poised to win the election with ease, the polls now reflecting a gap of nearly 10% between him and the nearest competitor.


And it was this man, the most well- known face in the country at the moment, that was sitting in Sungmin’s dining room, calmly contemplating the shocked faces before him.



Kyuhyun didn’t know what to make of the situation, his dry throat gulping nervously as he observed the tense scene before him. Neither of the men were speaking, Sungmin and Mr. Kim eyeing each other silently, the latter with almost a predatory sort of gleam as he looked at the boy whom he called his son.



How could Sungmin be his son?

From all that Kyuhyun knew about the blonde, it’s always been clear that he was from a poor family. With only Heechul’s meager salary of a music teacher supporting both of them, the apartment they were in right now was evident of the fact that clearly Kim Jaejoong and Lee Sungmin were from two different worlds.

The politician’s pristinely pressed suit, his carefully waxed shoes, and the ominous blank-faced body guards were completely out of place from the small yet homey environment of Heechul and Sungmin’s living quarters.



Shaken out of his thoughts, Kyuhyun glanced up to see the blonde quietly take a seat by the dining table opposite the man, both of them still not taking their eyes off each other.


“What is it that you need Mr. Kim?” Sungmin coldly directed his words to the politician, his usually warm smiling eyes replaced with a cold bitter look.


Jaejoong, chuckling as if enjoying a private joke, waved his hands casually in the air. The man reeked of confidence, as if the uncomfortable atmosphere in the room didn’t affect him at all.


“Now now son, no need to be so formal. You can start by calling me father. All I want is a good chat between us. Now is that so hard?”


Sungmin shifted.


“No thank you sir. You didn’t have to take the effort to make your way down here just to have a talk with me. It must have pained you greatly to have traveled so far. After all, you never have before for the past 16 years.”


Jaejoong’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

It seemed that his son was more perceptive and less forgiving than he thought. To be honest, he had his secretary do a bit of research on Sungmin before he came here to broach his cause.

He was please to find that his son was at the top of his class with an outstanding record in school. The boy was almost a carbon copy of himself back when he was in school, well-liked by the teachers with an urge to succeed and go far in life.

All these qualities just made the politician more and more eager to pay his son a visit.


Still smiling, Mr. Kim took a sip of water and calmly answered the boy across from him.


“Well Sungmin, you know I have been busy. After all, the political world is no place for a child. But now that I have the ability to raise you up properly, why, you must join me and be a proper family with me. It would be the perfect situation for both of us. I’ve seen your school records and with my connections, I can get you farther along in no time at all. You can come join me as a lawyer or pursue any career you’d like. What do you say son?”


All this time Kyuhyun had been mute, tensely observing the exchange of barbed words and thinly veiled dislike between the father and son. He was quite puzzled over what exactly had happened to make the family dynamic like this.

Just where had Mr. Kim been all this time if he was really Sungmin’s father? Heechul had always been known as Sungmin’s adoptive guardian; no other parental figure had ever been present in public view in the blonde’s life.

Just what exactly was Kim Jaejoong to Lee Sungmin?


Sungmin though, was clear in expressing his disdain for the politician.


“Mr. Kim, there is no need for me to consider your proposition. Even when I first saw you sitting in this room, I knew what my answer would be to anything you ask of me and that is no. I don’t need whatever it is that you can give me. Heechul and I have been fine on our own for the past 16 years and it is definitely no thanks to you. The door is that way. I think you’ll understand if I don’t show you out. Good night sir.”


Dismissal was evident from both the boy’s words and tone, and Mr. Kim was not a man so rude to ignore the obvious. Still appearing as unfazed as ever, the man once again smiled calmly and got up, motioning for his burly body guards to accompany him out.

Before he reached the door, Jaejoong turned around once again and sought out Sungmin’s figure, still postured stiffly against the dining table.


“Sungmin, just consider what I’ve offered to you. I know that you are quite a smart boy; after all, you take after your father for sure. You know that not many people get opportunities like this and I can tell from what you do in school that you do want it. You want the taste of success as much as I did when I was your age. And I can help you get there. So don’t answer me so quickly, think about it son, and then tell me your answer.”


Turning to Heechul, his tone took on a sharp edge.


“As for you Heechul, trust that you will hear from me soon.”


With that, the attorney general strode out of the room, leaving behind the room’s inhabitants all with varying emotions and thoughts. No one moved to speak, the tension never leaving the air as Kyuhyun gazed at the others, worry written all over his features.

Heechul for once was solemn; no sense of light hearted joking or nagging was present in the man whatsoever as he stared at his clenched fists. Sungmin was equally silent, biting his lips out of nervous habit.

This stagnant pause lasted for nearly 3 minutes, the quiet ticking of the clock heard as clear as day as no one made an effort to speak.

Wringing his hands, it was the music teacher who moved first, snapping out of his seat as if someone had whipped him. His hands tugged at his hair agitatedly, frown lines strident upon his forehead as he began pacing back and forth across the dining area. Shifting to look at Kyuhyun, Heechul opened his mouth to speak but hesitated, his dilemma clearly making it hard for him to reach a decision. Frowning, he decided to continue.


“Kyuhyun, would it be possible for you to take Sungmin to your house today? I have a few things I need to clear up here and I think it’ll be good for him too to get a little change of scenery. Would that be alright with you?”


Kyuhyun blinked.

The cellist, to be honest, had not expected the over-protective music teacher to trust him with Sungmin like this. After all, just a few days ago, he had been accused of taking advantage of the blonde as Heechul had so eloquently put it.

Just what exactly was this family’s connection to Mr. Kim? And where did Heechul fit into this?

Based on the conversation, it seemed that Sungmin had known about the politician being his father. It was evident that Sungmin felt abandoned by the man, having faced the reality that he was not wanted by his real family from the minute of his birth all the way until now.

Obviously he wasn’t just going to accept the man’s offer like that. If Kyuhyun was in his position, he wouldn’t either.

What did the politician know about what Sungmin had gone through all those years? In those years of glory for the rising presidential candidate, Sungmin’s childhood was left irrevocably with a gap that other children never had to face.


Kyuhyun gritted his teeth. No, his Sungmin shouldn’t and wouldn’t have to suffer through those images of self-doubt and questioning anymore. Kim Jaejoong had no place in his life.

Whatever warmth and care Sungmin was missing in his life, Kyuhyun was willing to provide for him, every minute, every hour, every day of the year that Sungmin spent with him.


Quickly replying a yes to Heechul’s question, Kyuhyun motioned for Sungmin to come with him, the blonde silently following behind him with his head bowed.

Once they reached the apartment elevator, the cellist turned to face Sungmin and gently grasped the boy by the shoulder, reaching down to touch his forehead to the latter’s. Both of them closing their eyes to revel in the warming touch, Kyuhyun gently tilted his head to softly brush his lips across Sungmin’s, providing comfort and a sense of care through the simple contact.

It was just a simple touch of the lips, all innocence and naivety, but chaste gesture was so much more than that.

To Kyuhyun, it was as if he had just smiled into a cloud of soft  fluttery down, the press of Sungmin’s lips against his creating a warm rush of affection in his chest.

To Sungmin, the kiss was something different. At this moment in time, it was like the much needed sip of hot chocolate on a snowy winter day, the simple heat from a gloved hand-hold, the caring words of a confidante on a rainy day.


To both of them, it was the start of a melody, the melody to their hearts. 



AN: yay for quick updates since it's Easter holiday <3 hope everyone will enjoy the drama but no worries, fluffy kyumin will most definitely happen @ Kyuhyun's place :) please anticipate it!
update: ah fixed some grammar issues x.x good practice for SATs I suppose ahahaha. Btw, is anyone else flipping over Sungmin's parody of Hyuna as much as i am? XD

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Chapter 23: Oh my god no Victoria!! Don't play with ma bunny!!!
EunHae. I just simply love the last part of this chapter
Chapter 23: Woah... Thought this was simply a college (or was it high school?) type of love where it's all bubbly and filled with teenage drama. Now, suddenly they're working in the political world?? Well that complicates everything! :O Especially with that sneaky Victoria and the sly Jaejoong....
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 23: Kyumin and Eunhae are so sweet together!
I really hope that Kyuhyun and Sungmin will confess to each other, so they both know that they do love each other, and not have Victoria in. In the last chapt I really wanted to slap her...

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
elmokyu #4
Chapter 23: Thank u for updating! If Sungmin wonders what exactly is him to Kyuhyun, Kyu's music should have given him all the answers that he's looking for. .. but Kyu must try to tell Min himself... ciz even if Min does understand, a self-confess is the best answer one wants to hear...
Chapter 23: awwww... Kyu's speaking through his music, I can imagine this so well... romantic!:)
and EunHae, so cute XD
Chapter 23: i have no idea why but this made me really sad but otherwise i love it <3
Milielitre #7
Chapter 23: My favorite thing about this chapter is how you talk about music. Your passion really shines through the words, and makes them amazingly beautiful.
Chapter 23: Awwwwww :3 I really liked the EunHae bit at the end. It was so sweet! o^^o I enjoy this story so muchhhhh
julia_morbelli #9
Chapter 23: I missed this story so much!! You must like Kyuhyun's song with Ahra, "Etude of Memory", where Ahra plays the violin. Is was sweet, but since I just read the previous chapter, I'm still angry with Victoria. Haha oh, EunHae, long time no see. Good luck with your summer school course autornim, don't tire yourself to much.