

Asiria's point of view




-We get only three shots! That is the maximum times I can bend history for you! Madalina said .If this does not work the way we want it , I am afraid there is nothing more I can do.


-Three times will be enough! I said .I am sure we will be at the right time.


-Let us hope that! Seungri said.


-Then you should prepare to start your journey! Madalina told us while gesturing to the chairs scathered around the room. Please sit down , this will be like a trance and I need you to feel comfortable during the operation.


-How will this work? i asked curiously.


-You will be able to walk and talk with people as if you belonged there. But please be carefull! We do not always understand how our actions can change the future.


-Of course! We understand that! Seunghyun said.


-Then please let me know when you are ready to begin!  Madalina said .Once you are there I can not take you back into our world before time decides that you saw what it was meant to be seen. So take care for it might take a while before we see you again.


-I will guard your bodies and secure this room !Taeyang said.


-I will make sure everything goes well In the kingdom while you are gone my friend! Dragon said.


-And I will feed and monitor your bodies while  your souls are elsewhere! Dara said.


-You are in good hands,rest in peace! The blond haired man said.Nothing will happen to you in this world.


-Thank you Daesung!Thank you my friends! Seunghyun said and did a short bow in sign of respect.


-I might not know you yet,I added, but I hope that once we return everything will change between us. If Seunghyun chose you as his friends I am sure you are wonderful persons with whom I would be honored to talk.


-I think the feeling is mutual! Dragon said.


-Then we are ready to begin this !Top said, while holding my hand.


-Then let’s begin!Dara said approaching us  with the others.


And the last thing I remember from our world was nothing else but the sweet voice of Madalina, chanting the spell that granted our journey:


-let us see what we thought lost

Let us touch something that is now dust

Let us travel back in time

Let us witness all the crimes.

Play with us and let us breath

The air that is now obsolete.

Let us see what we thought lost

Grant our wish and let us pass!


Seunghyun’s point of view



We woke up only to find ourselves in a room I knew too well: it was none other than the one we mated in. Why were we here, I do not know. I could only hope that it is somewhere inside the castle.


-Are you alright? I heard Asiria asking me.


-Yes! I responded but I am a little bit surprised that we are here.


-Maybe we should try to exit this room and find out where we are and in what period of time we are!she said and we both proceeded toward the door.


Once we left the chamber I recognized the hall as being the one in the left part of the castle. But something was wrong for I knew that the tiles that covered it were the same ones I ordered after my father left me and my mother behind.


It couldn’t be the past ,simply because when I was younger father used to drag me along them after a long beating .I hated their brown colour ,it reminded me of my own blood and I changed them imediatly.


-Something is wrong !i told Asiria when I was sure  that we were not in the past ,or at least not the right one.


-What do you mean ?she asked me back


-See these tiles? i questioned her while gesturing towards the floor we  were stepping on .These are the ones I ordered .They did not exist in my childhood.


-Then It must mean that we are somewhere in our near past.


-It might be! But let us convince ourselves of this. I told her while I directed her towards the throne chamber.


-Wait, she stopped me as soon as she recognized the path !we can not go there! What if you meet yourself?


-I haven’t thought about it, but I am sure that it will not happen. I tried to reassure her .And even if that happens we will hide. And I don’t remember seeing someone familiar in my past.I think I would remember if a future me came to discuss one day .If I meet the past me,the actual me ,the one who is talking to you now, should remember, do you not think the same ?i asked  her curious to see if she understood my logic.


-Well ,if you put it that way ,it seems right. I guess we can go then.


We were breathless ,unable to say another word to each other the rest of the way. Tension was slowly building inside of us, ready to erupt at the smallest things.


-Wait !Asiria stopped me before I could open the door to the throne chamber.


-What is it love? I asked her worried because she seemed more tense than I was.


-Why are there no guards? She asked. You do not find it peculiar?


-I do, but that is not our major worry now !Please calm down, everything will be allright ,I promise.


My words seemed to calm her down for she relaxed and let me open the door .But the sight that greeted us was not something we expected.


The room was empty except for a small boy who played with something that resembled a wooden horse. He was a beautiful child,but he remained me of someone.


-Little man! I called .My voice seemed to startle him for he looked with a scared expression in our direction.


-Yes?he slowly asked.


-What’s your name?


-I’m Seugho ,mylord! He said while bowing and then I noticed something that made my heart stop. It was the same toy he was playing with earlier,the horse. That exact piece was given to me when I was 7 from my mother.


I wouldn’t have given it away if he was not an important person in my life.I understood that we were somewhere in the future and that this child,this beautiful boy could be none other than my son so I had to ask:


-Who is your mother,little man?



Asiria’s point of view




The moment we entered the room our eyes were glued to this beautiful and enchanting child before us.Seunghyun seemed particulary fascinated with him so he kept on asking severall  questions till one caugh my attention:


-Who is your mother,little man?Seunghyun asked the beautiful boy


-The queen!


So he was our son. i could not believe it.


-And where is your mother now?Top asked again.


-i am afraid she is dead,sir!


A mutual gasp filled the room as we,both I and Seunghyun tried to regain our breaths.The news was shocking and sad. I now knew that my future was never meant to be a long one.


-Are you sure?Seunghyun asked again.Are you sure your mother is the queen?


-Well, it is a little complicated! The boy answered. But my mother would have been the queen if she lived long enough. You see , she died giving birth to me.


I was beyond shocked to hear that and at the same time felt blessed to be able to see him one more time. It must have been hard for me to understand that I will not be able to see him grow.


-But everything is allright! I have my new mother,Mirela !She’s great! the child added. She loves both me and my father.


-Something is not right!Seunghyun said. This can not be the reality. I Know I would never mate again. Even the thought of loosing you it’s unbearable .


-It is allright,Seunghyun! I told him already feeling ready to burts into tears. I am sure you had to for the child. I tried to calm him down for the sake of the boy that was watching us.


He hugged me and planted a kiss on my lips as if he was trying to convince me that everything was a lie.


-I was right,it seems! A voice said.You did travel in this time,yet you chose to keep it a secret from me,Seunghyun! The same voice that we recognized as being Seungri’s said.


We were all petriefied,unable to say a word, not understanding what was happening.


-I see you’ve met my son!the same Seungri said.


-Your son? I asked confused,but I thought he was ours.


-No,he is not!


-But he said his mother was the queen.Top argued.


--And that is true!But what you failed to ask is who is the actual king!


-But,how could this happen!?Seunghyun said.I thought you were my friend?


-I could say the same thing about you,TOP!But follow me!we are not safe here,there are eyes and ears all around the castle.


So we did,we followed Seungri inside  a small room filled with many books and a big portrait of a beautiful woman.She had long blod hair and the complexion of a fairy.A beautiful woman indeed.


-Ah, I see you are admiring my wife,Mirela! Seungri said.


-Your wife?But what happened with your previous partner? Seunghyun said


-She died at birth! And her death was the reason why I resented you for almost an year.


-But why? I don’t understand.Top said.


-After you came back from your first time journey, I could sense there was something you were hiding from us.When we asked you what did you find out you simply said that it was a mistake,and that you were both transported into a near future that didn’t have nothing to do with us.You said that by some sort of magic you both landed into a small village that could not have offered nothing important to know.Seungri said . And I believed you, we all did. It was only after my first wife died I saw something changed in you.


We were both concentrated in the development of his story,curious as to what might have happened.


-You gave my son that wooden horse that we both knew you adored and wanted it for your children,saying that you were sorry. I thought and thought  for days at what you were trying to say and finaly understood. You must have met me,or known that something like that would happen. And I hated you, I really did Seung,for not telling me that I could loose my love if I had a child.Seungri added. I refused to help you when you needed me the most. And I am sorry,I am truly sorry.


Tears were starting to form in his eyes and I knew he spoke with his heart, that he was true to us.


-But then I met the woman of my life,the one you were looking at earlier and she made me understand that  you did it in order to protect me. If I have known that Seungho’s birth would mean the death of my wife I would have prevented it.It took me months to understand that not only would I have lost the opportunity to hold my son and love him but I would have cheated my wife’s desire as well.So, thank you for not telling me, for not letting me know this, and I beg you to do it once again.Dont tell me!Seungri finally said tears running frealy on his cheek


Seunghyun could only hug him and swear that he will keep the silence even though that meant the loss of his friendship.


-But what happened to us?i asked Seungri. Why are you the king?


-That is not something I could tell you.The future is not something we can carve into stone and I am afraid that if I told you the  entire story ,time will find a way to destroy your plans.


-But there must be a reason as to why we came here In the first place!Seunghyun said.


-Yes, and I believe it is because I had to redeem my mistake of not helping you when you needed me the most!Seungri said


-But how? Top asked.


-All I can tell you is that when time comes ,when you will not be sure whether to use the sword or not, when guilt and friendship might come in the way, take the chance. Use your weapon, I am ready to take the blow.


taadaaa!another update as i promised! will you still kill me chingu? kiss yaa

and i hope you enjoy it!

sorry for the mistakes but i didnt have time to check it!^^ i'm lazy and forgot to do it at the right moment and now i had other things to do!


If you like it  or you want to tell me something you are free to comment and share your opinion!

also if you want you can follow me on twitter: roxyelena21





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Chapter 14: i love the story. please continue it... i don't really mind with your grammar hahaha.
hmm you know.. i'm curious bout asiria's background & life.
mirelatop #2
Chapter 14: Yaaaa i loooove the surprise ♥_♥ , i forgive this time but promise to update soon, kisses ^*^
maddye16 #3
Chapter 13: ahhh seriously this was too short TT TT ...but i loved it <3~~~
can't wait for next chapter ^.^ @mirelatop haha i can already imagine you trying to figure out the surprise :*
mirelatop #4
Chapter 13: Nice , love it.i'll wait for the other half, also you made me curious ,what suprise?? Now i can 't sleep ... -_- but anyway kumao chingu for the update ^*^
maddye16 #5
Chapter 12: dying to read it *-* on my lunch break .
Oana-Eufrosina #6
Chapter 12: nice, nice, niice :D next chapter seems really interesting ^_^
mirelatop #7
Chapter 12: Oooo tareeee ^_^ i enjoyed reading this new chapter . Good job chingu ^_~
Oana-Eufrosina #8
Chapter 11: Loved this chapter!<3 this story keeps getting better ^_^ I can't wait for an update!:*
maddye16 #9
Chapter 11: Don't know why but when it comes to you i have this feeling that we've known each other for a lifetime.guess that happens when two persons just click ^.^ i am soo happy and blessed to have such amazing and talented people in my life <3 thank you for this ohhh so special birthday gift *-* " Taeyang's wife" haha loved that title <3 Anyways keep doing what you do because you have a beautiful mind and soul my friend ,sending hugs and kisses your way :*
mirelatop #10
Chapter 11: Kumao chingu for the lovely surprise, what a wonderful chapter i am sure madalina will be very happy ^^