Beautiful indeed




To my friend Mirela..for her support and happiness


Sometimes what others consider a miracol can be the utter nightmare for some.I am Asiria and I live in the Fire Kingdom,the biggest and greatest of the Supernatural Earth.My King is none other than the ruthless Choi Seunhyun,also known asTop.He is said to have the body of a god,the soul of a demon and the eyes of the Devil himself.His temperament is like the element he controls:explosive.Fire runs not only through his magic but through his veins as well.A dangerous being to whom everyone bows their heads with respect.He is our leader,the Flame of life,the one who can revive our nation and bring prosperity to the kingdom.

But he is alone, incapable of love or pity,incapable of trust or friendship,he is merely a ghost.A desired man amoung the women and a feared one amoung the men…but even he needs a queen…

And so my story began..

On a cold morning my house was invaded by a group of armed men.My heart pouded in my chest as I heard the reason for this intrusion.I was to go to Larasium Castle,the fire kings home,and obey the Mother queens order.I was to wed Choi Seunhyun himself and become the mother of his children.

That itself made me happy for I have long craved to meet the famous Top but my magic stirred for it knew that the king  is not responsible of this decision.My flame told me that the queen did not inform her offspring of this action.Hell itself it’s said to be a better place to be in it than to meet the rage of the ultimate fire bender.

But my curiosity was beyond my fear,and I knew that if my destiny is to die in the hands of this strange creature than nothing can rescue me,not even my magic.

The queen was a beautiful site to see for she herself could have been Afrodita reincarnated.Seeing her only stirred up my imagination.Her child must be an angel itself for her beauty was almost painfull to look at.Compared to her I was like a ray of light trying to shine more than the sun.

-My child I see you have arrived!The queen greeted upon my arrival.I trust that you traveled well!

-I did ,thank you!I polite retorted while I made a small bow.

-You must be curious as to why I have somened you to Larisium.

-Yes mylady!that is true!I  said with my head held down.

-There is no need to act that way towards myself!You are my daughter now,and I love and respect my children,do not fear me for I have no intention of doing you harm.The queen said while smiling.I want you to be our future queen.I made the mistake to leave this matter in my son's hand but the spouses he chose were not fit to wed him,nor to reign over this kingdom.As you know my son can be a little temperamental.Please forgive him for he has had quite a hard life.Some say he is incapable of loving,but I say he hasn’t met the person worthy of his heart.He may control fire but he is like  ice.I leave upon you the task to melt the exterior shield Top has created.And so I chose you because of your magic.The little fire control you have will come in handy while living with our king.You must stay strong for both of us,for I know deep down that you are the perfect wife for him.Please help me save my son from the prison he himself has created.I beg you to fight for him and this kingdom..

-I will your Majesty!I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to be a good queen,for yourself,this kingdom but especially for the king..

-Than so be it!you may proceed to the kings throne room for he is waiting for you!May God be with you my child!the queen said while giving me a short but strong hug.

And so I was to meet the future father of my children,and I would lie if I didn’t admit that I was excited.The throne room was quite big and imposing,but not as imposing as the man occupying the main chair.It was Choi Seunhyung himself..What an exquisite creature..He was indeed an angel for his beauty was nothing like I seen before,he was like the ultimate masterpiece of God,a creation ment to show the others that we are merely humans,beautiful yes,but not this heavenly.

But not even this can hide his eyes.I see a flame ready to erupt In the and although he is the Ultimate fire bender,his mother was right,he was cold like ice,mean as if every hurtful word that came out his mouth gave him great pleasure.

He was an angel indeed,but a fallen one for sure.

-I see you have arrived!He said.You are not the way I expected you to be.MY mother has made a stupid decision bringing you here for I can assure you that you will not last long.Many others tried to take the empty seat in my right,as my queen,but none was capable to complete the tasks I gave them.What makes you think that you’re special?he inquired with those eyes that can burn right through you,and that’s when I knew..I wanted him,I was curious enough to want to see what lies hidden beyond that mask.I knew there was a passionate man capable of love,and I was scared for I felt my magic drown to him like a moth to a flame.

-I do not know if I am special or not,nor the reason why Mother queen chose me to be your spouse.I see you don’t agree to the decision,but I can assure you that I will do my best.As to my capacity of dealing with your tasks,we will have to wait and see.All I ask from you,your Majesty is a little paciente.I myself have to accommodate cu the idea that I am in the Larisium Castle.My life will not be easy,I know that,but you do not know of what I’m capable of doing.I said..

-You are right!I do not know you,but frankly I am not excited to do so.I am not a very patient man so do not stir my anger for you will regret it.That been said you may proceed into your room.We will have this discussion tomorrow morning when I will present you with your tasks.

-Yes,Your Majesty!I said while bowing.

-If I were you I would enjoy my last night of freedom for I have all the intentions of making your life a living hell.Welcome to the fire kingdom,my queen!he said with an evil smirk.

This man was dangerous and I knew it.But I was not the woman to get scared easily.If he wanted to discourage me than he failed,for everything he said only made me want to win even more than before.If he wanted Hell than I will be sure to keep the fire going.


Enjoy!This is my second fanfic so i hope you like it!please comment and  forgive me for any mistakes since english is not my first language.I will do my best to make this story one that is worthy of your attention!!

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Chapter 14: i love the story. please continue it... i don't really mind with your grammar hahaha.
hmm you know.. i'm curious bout asiria's background & life.
mirelatop #2
Chapter 14: Yaaaa i loooove the surprise ♥_♥ , i forgive this time but promise to update soon, kisses ^*^
maddye16 #3
Chapter 13: ahhh seriously this was too short TT TT ...but i loved it <3~~~
can't wait for next chapter ^.^ @mirelatop haha i can already imagine you trying to figure out the surprise :*
mirelatop #4
Chapter 13: Nice , love it.i'll wait for the other half, also you made me curious ,what suprise?? Now i can 't sleep ... -_- but anyway kumao chingu for the update ^*^
maddye16 #5
Chapter 12: dying to read it *-* on my lunch break .
Oana-Eufrosina #6
Chapter 12: nice, nice, niice :D next chapter seems really interesting ^_^
mirelatop #7
Chapter 12: Oooo tareeee ^_^ i enjoyed reading this new chapter . Good job chingu ^_~
Oana-Eufrosina #8
Chapter 11: Loved this chapter!<3 this story keeps getting better ^_^ I can't wait for an update!:*
maddye16 #9
Chapter 11: Don't know why but when it comes to you i have this feeling that we've known each other for a lifetime.guess that happens when two persons just click ^.^ i am soo happy and blessed to have such amazing and talented people in my life <3 thank you for this ohhh so special birthday gift *-* " Taeyang's wife" haha loved that title <3 Anyways keep doing what you do because you have a beautiful mind and soul my friend ,sending hugs and kisses your way :*
mirelatop #10
Chapter 11: Kumao chingu for the lovely surprise, what a wonderful chapter i am sure madalina will be very happy ^^