

It felt strange to have his fingers trace the curve of my arm,to caress my wound for I felt myself trembling under his touch,attracted like a moth to a flame.I was scared,scared of his reaction to my secret.Top was a man that did not like to be lied to,that disliked everything involving trickeries,yet I had broken that rule and brought displeasure to my king.

-It is true I was wounded,but it is not serious nor life treating mylord!i said while looking into his beautiful and blue eyes.It was an unusual colour for a firebender and I found myself curious as to why they chose to shine like this tonight.Was it another form of anger or was it something interely new?

-It is from our practice?Did I inflicted it upon you?Top asked in a serious yet slow voice,almost like a whisper..

-Yes mylord!One of your attacks caught me off guard and the fire pierced my skin.But it is not something that can not be healed!I whispered back

-Yet you should have told me!I am responsible for your well being!And since is something that I provoked I feel the need to heal it myself!he said

That truly surprised me for I never thought that he could be gentle nor caring toward someone as common as myself ,that he was not capable of pity nor regret when it came to his actions.Was It another test or was it something new?Was it a part of him that was well hidden underneath his armour?Had I penetrated his defense?Was he allowing me to see a part of him that might change the way I feel about him?Could it be this the answer I was praying for?

But those blue eyes kept mine with a force that even divinity could not brake and made my mind fear of any of this conclusions for I was alone with Top.I was at his mercy,and even though I knew that no one could defeat him even if there were with us,it unsettled me.I had no control over him nor over my own body and soul.I was like a spectator that kept looking at his life.

I was fascinated with the way he unfolded my dress in order to get a better acces to my wound,the way his hands seemed to leave a trace of fire along the skin that was touched,the way his heartbeat melted with mine and ourt breaths moulded in a symphony of their own.His eyes changed colour once again,his skin was going hot,and his mouth decended upon my arm.

-My lord,what is it that you wish to do?I asked half scared,half aroused.

-Do not worry!Since it is my fire that created this wound,my fire will be the one to heal it!Do not worry,it will not hurt at all!He said

And so I was mesmerized to feel his soft lips tracing the shape of my wound.I could sense the way my skin reacted to his godly touch,the way my particled seem to come back to life,as if his kiss had awoken my body from a long and restless sleep.No pill,no treatement could do what that kiss did.It was as if,for a second,I was allowed to see what heaven truly is,what it felt like,what it  could make you do.

This man would be the death of me.He was unpredictable in everything he did,cruel and ruthless one moment,sweet and gentle in the other.

That night was a sleepless one for I kept replaying the entire scene,as if I was trying to convince my self that it was not a dream,that Seunghyun had treated my wound and dressed me in his clothes,that he had cared for me,providing warmth and security.There was no other room as safe as the kings one.I had the best warrior in my bed,I knew I was lucky.And yet,why did he chose to protect me?Was it because of the kiss?That was something that I had to find out.

The days continued to pass,life took its course,and while I was still sleeping with the king,I had no other interactions with him beyond that one.Top was preoccupied with the castle’s security,with his chores as a king,and I found myself weeping for his presence.

My training duties became less and less enjoyable for I had Madra as my companion,and as much as I wanted to ignore her presence,I could not find pleasure in the time I was confined to spend with her.

She was brutal,she was as ruthless and arrogant as Seunghyun himself and it made me mad.So in one of the days I decided to charge her with all my strength.

But I was not fast enough,nor powerfull enough so I was  defeated....

One moment was  all it took to have me on my knees crying in pain.But Madra had other plans.While I was still under the effect of the blow,she made a fireball,a big and powerfull one nonetheless,while aiming towards my body.I closed my eyes and said my goodbye to the world,wainting for the pain to consume my body.But it never came…I was surprised and I slowly but surely opened my eyes to find an angered and red eyed Top staring at me.He had blocked the blow and saved my life once again.

-That is enough for today!He yelled at both of us.The next time you will try something like that I will kill you personaly,did you understand me Madra?he said in his usual cold and composed tone.

-I am sorry sire,it will not happen again!She said with a hint of surprise and fright of his majesty’s reaction.

This was the first time that the king defended me.It was curios of his part yet again for it is not something that he would do in a regular base.That only meant that I was getting closer and closer to his heart.I was melting that ice that covered his feelings and his soul.I had finaly found a trace of humanity in him,and that was all that mattered to me,it was all worth it,even the pain that I was put throw.

I know knew that our king was facing a terrible threat for the ice kingdom spies managed to get into the castle and attack him in one of the days.Luckly Top managed to destroy all of them except one throw who he sent a message,a bloody one that promised total destruction to anyone who dared to harm his servants,his family or friends.The stress he was in took its part in the agitated sleep that Seunghyun had.Nightmares crept there way into his eyes and did not let him get his rest.

I felt myself useless,for I could do nothing for him,till one night when I decided to leave everything behind and not fear Top's anger.That one moment when I placed my arms around his well toned  body and brought us together in a tight,yet comfortable hug made it all worth it.His nightmare ceased,his body relaxed and joined sleep.Everything came back to normal,except the morning after.

He was furious as to why I decided to invade his personal space and told me that this would be the last time I manage to get out of this situation unharmed.Yet I continued to do that the entire week that followed,carefull as to leave his side of the bed before it was his time to wake up.And so I managed to create a relaxing night for our king,even if he did not know the cause for the sudden warmth nor pressure upon his body.I was content to be able to help him even with something as small as this matter.I felt usefull and required,for I knew that I was the only cause of his relaxation.

In one of the days,the old maid warned me that the king was in a foul mood.It seems that the Ice kingdom had sent a replay to our kings message,one that angered Top beyond reason.The guards were afraid to enter his study room,for their thought that they would get killed.

That night I decided to pay extra attention to the way I was dressed.I wanted to give the king a calming effect so I chose a silk dress similar to the one I wore at the bath chamber,it was pink and it flew around my body with each movement I made.My skin was lotioned with a peach oil,my lips were red and my hair was cascading in large curls along my shoulders and my back.

He stoped at the base of our shared bed,mesmerized by my appearance as if he wanted to engrave the image in his head.

-What is it that you want to do ?He asked.Are you trying to seduce me?

-Is it working?I asked half amused half curious as to what might he think about it all.

-If you would put half as much effort in your training session you would have been an exquisite warrior.

-Maybe!But this is far more entertaining that that!I retorted with a small smile.

-I am sure of that!but I already told you that if you wont be able to protect yourself and pass the battle exam you will be expelled from this castle.I do not like weak persons,nonetheless a queen.Top told me while siting at his part of the bed.

-I do understand that sire,and I thank you for  your help the other day.But I do not understand why did you chose to save me when it was you in the first place that put Madra as my companion.I said while looking directly at his face in order to manage to see his true feelings towards this situation.

-You dislike Madra,I can feel it!He said.And she dislikes you as well!I knew that you would fight eachother without regrets,and as to why did I chose to save you..let me put it this way:I had an urgent matter to deal the next morning and I needed my rest.One night in your embrace is all it took.He said while giving me his devilish grin.

-Than you knew about that!I gasped.I thought that you did not aknolegde me for I tried my best  not to wake you up.I said

-Well you failed,and since my nightmares seem to have passed so does my patience.He said while grabing my left arm and bringing me closer to his face.The next time you will do such a thing I wont be responsible of my actions.Now,let us go to sleep,it is late and the night is not long!

How could he have known?I did try my best to do it without his notice.That single thing kept me awake for almost the entire night,until an idea crept it’s way towards me.Top was sleeping soundless,of that I was sure,so I indulged myself in the presence of the man beside me.He was mesmerizing in so many ways that it was almost painfull to watch,his body was one of an Adonis and his face one of a fallen angel.So beautiful yet so cruel.I found myself drawn to his lips,those that locked mine not long ago,those that made my knees tremble and my heart beat beyond any rate possible.

-Why are you so beautiful?I whispered while my fingers traced his upper soft lip,and even before I had the chance to enjoy the feeling,two strong arms grabbed me,and pinned me to the bed.

-Baby girl I wouldn’t have done that if I was you!


Enjoy!Thank you for your wonderful comments and i wish you all a Happy Woman's Day!

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Chapter 14: i love the story. please continue it... i don't really mind with your grammar hahaha.
hmm you know.. i'm curious bout asiria's background & life.
mirelatop #2
Chapter 14: Yaaaa i loooove the surprise ♥_♥ , i forgive this time but promise to update soon, kisses ^*^
maddye16 #3
Chapter 13: ahhh seriously this was too short TT TT ...but i loved it <3~~~
can't wait for next chapter ^.^ @mirelatop haha i can already imagine you trying to figure out the surprise :*
mirelatop #4
Chapter 13: Nice , love it.i'll wait for the other half, also you made me curious ,what suprise?? Now i can 't sleep ... -_- but anyway kumao chingu for the update ^*^
maddye16 #5
Chapter 12: dying to read it *-* on my lunch break .
Oana-Eufrosina #6
Chapter 12: nice, nice, niice :D next chapter seems really interesting ^_^
mirelatop #7
Chapter 12: Oooo tareeee ^_^ i enjoyed reading this new chapter . Good job chingu ^_~
Oana-Eufrosina #8
Chapter 11: Loved this chapter!<3 this story keeps getting better ^_^ I can't wait for an update!:*
maddye16 #9
Chapter 11: Don't know why but when it comes to you i have this feeling that we've known each other for a lifetime.guess that happens when two persons just click ^.^ i am soo happy and blessed to have such amazing and talented people in my life <3 thank you for this ohhh so special birthday gift *-* " Taeyang's wife" haha loved that title <3 Anyways keep doing what you do because you have a beautiful mind and soul my friend ,sending hugs and kisses your way :*
mirelatop #10
Chapter 11: Kumao chingu for the lovely surprise, what a wonderful chapter i am sure madalina will be very happy ^^