

Top’s point of view



-We must gather and discuss this situation.I myself find the need to search for some answers to my doubts.I do not want to justify my decision nor excuse myself once again,although I respect all of you,as my friends,you must understand why  I had to hide this information from you .And I tell you now,do not question my devotion for Asiria,nor her right to stand by my side.We’ve known eachother for years,do I seem like a man unsure of his decisions?


-That is not the case here!We have trust in you and your judgment.Taeyang said.The only problem is that you worry us.As a friend,I find the need to protect you,even thought I am not as strong as you.


-I know that!And I respect you!It is not often that I am remained of the fact that I am never alone,that I have you to cherish and consult!But this is not the reason we are gathered today!the problem here is why am I capable of having a mate?How is it even possible when we all know that firebenders are mateless?I thought it is impossible for a man like me to gain something as precious  and sacred as a mate.


-There is always a way!a new voice that I recognized as my friend’s Seven said.I thought you understood that by now,after all,even our existence would have been only a dream 200 years ago.Evolution,my dear friend and brother,brought us unlimited possibilities that there are only few things we dare to mark impossible today.As you might know,even the word impossible says I’m possible.So rest aside.There is always a solution,it is only a matter of time before your problem will be solved.The question that  remains is,though, why would you want to hide something as important as this from me?Do you not trust me?Have I not done enough?


-It was never about your loyalty,nor about my distrust in you.As you might know,I treasure you as my own brother.We’ve been through thin and thick,our blood was shed together,and we each lost something we treasured.I know your history with the Dragon Clan,your distaste and anger towards them,and even if I am your  friend I know this matter would have affected our relationship.I am a selfish person,Seven,I wanted to have you by my side.


-And you will!I will support you.One cannot erase love simply because you chose to wake up your beast.I am,and will always be,your brother.Do not fear!I do not intent to leave you.Seven said.


-Well in this case,we must work together to reveal the secret behind this matter.Daesung said.


-I think I know a way to find the hidden puzzle piece,Seven said once again.But for that,we will need your wife’s help,Taeyang!


-Madalina?Why is that?Taeyang asked a little surprised and unsettled.


-Is she not a time bender?Does she not control this element?Seven asked in a grave voice.


-That is true but I do not understand why is that we need her here.Please elaborate your plan.


-Well,it is as simple and old as time itself.Seven said looking at each and everyone of us with a blank yet introspective look.Ever since I met Seunghyun,my heart told me that something about him was different.I felt attracted to his person like a moth is attracted to a flame.At first,I thought that maybe his insatiable love for living stirred my almost dead heart to life.But even after his father broke the last remaining piece of his soul,I found myself being attracted more and more.And then I asked myself:What is so captivating about this man?And something deep inside of me said that  maybe he is more than meets the eye.


-What do you mean by that?G-dragon asked.


-I recall hearing that when Seung was born,Ashgar,the great wizard warned the queen about the possibilities of his death.There were even rumors,that Top was born dead,and that,by some magic,life came back into his body,and it chose to remain till this day.


-I’ve heard about this things as well!Seungri said.For years and years I tried to find out if there was any piece of truth behind those rumours.But I could not find any,as if all the documents,people or objects that were used or present at your birth,Top,we’re lost or cast into the fire.But I never thought about it ever again,after I assumed my defeat.


-And yet I do not understand what does this rather strange but clouded problem of his existence,come in handy to our problem.GD asked rather upset.


-Well,do you know why fire benders do not have mates?Seven asked.


-Of course!The fire consumes their soul and so it cannot be divided into two pieces.One must merge with another if he or she wants to be happy.Unlike us,other element benders,they choose who they want to live with.


-That is correct!And one might think that Top does not have a soul anymore,that he is incapable of sharing a piece of his being,and we might be inclined to believe that Asiria,is not his mate but his dragon’s one,because,as you pointed out just seconds ago,firebenders do not,under any circumstances mate.And yet we are all wrong my friends.Seven said with an amused expression.


-And might you tell us why?Daesung said.


-Because you presumed that Top doesn’t have a soul.We never questioned this problem.We knew he is a firebender and chose to believe that he is soulless.Yet Seung is not an ordinary person,as we all found out this morning.And this is where I need your wife  to interfere,Taeyang.


-And yet,it is not clear to me,as to way we should call Madalina,nor what is it that you want from her.I asked truly intrigued about this whole problem.


-We need to find out if something truly happened the day you were born,if some part of the story is true,and you somehow gained a soul.This will not affect only your mate,but your dragon as well.Having a  soul might come in contradiction with the beast’s will.You might have thought that you were powerfull enough to restrain it,but I think that something helped you deal with it.


-If I understood correctly,you want to call my beloved wife,to interfere with the past?Sun asked


-Not interfere,but only have a glimpse at a certain day.Do you think you can do that for me?Seven asked Taeyang.Your wife is the key to this complicated puzzle,and,as I recall,she is one smart lady.


-If you truly believe that this could help us find an answer to our question,than I will ask my queen to help.But,if I feel,by any means that Madalina is in danger,I will stop this process.You are all my friends,and I would die gladly for you,but I would never,and I mean,never,risk the life of the person I love more than my life.Is that understood?Sun asked us with a serious face.


I could understand his feelings.I myself,refused to even think about  putting Asiria in danger.Now,after our mating,the feelings I so long fought against came flooding my entire being.I could register every heartbeat,every breath and every thought that crossed her mind.I never taught that a simple rithm as that of a human heart can bear so many joyfull feelings.I contemplated on the complexity of our relationship while we waited for Madalina,and was surprised to find my mind unwilling to let go of her presence.I was like a child who understood for the first time what is the purpose of the moon.I was fascinated,amused,intrigued,inlove,scared and yet so happy to have her by my side that I knew I will never be able to love somebody else till the day I die.


-Good evening gentlemen!A new and fresh voice greeted.I recognized it  imediatly as Madalina’s,g the time bender queen.A peculiar yet charming woman,wise and gentle,she could stir any men’s soul and attract respect.


-Nice to see you again,Madalina!i greeted back.It has been too long!


-It has indeed!she said.But it is wise to say that I would have preferred to see you with another occasion.Yet,I am glad to see that you are well.But let us skip the greetings  and chit-chat.I know that you need my help.


-Indeed.We need you to transport us in the past.Do you think you could do that for us?Seven asked.


-Exactly what period of time?


-The day Seunghyun was born.


-That might be hard to achieve.Madalina said.


-And why is that?I asked truly curious.


-Because the element I control is a tricky one.It is not seen,yet it is measured.It can’t be held back,yet there are times when it stops.For some it flies,for others it crawles.Time has it’s own mind.It does  not listen to my command,it just decides to humor me sometimes.I can try to send you back in time,but for that,you must accept the mission time gives you.It might want to show you something,or  teach a lesson you fail to learn.The problem in this whole situation is that you never considered the fact that the element I control can not be controlled.


-But why?We do that all the time!GD said


-And there is where you’re wrong,Ji!How can you control something that doesn’t exist?Time is a figement of our imagination,a tool God himself chose to teach us a lesson.Immortall beings do not feel time,nor do they understand it’s value,unless they love a mortal.Every each and one of us can bend time,when we rush or when we choose to cuddle with our beloved one.I am only capable of opening a door for you,but I can not invite you inside the house.You are the only ones capable of doing so,because the building we are talking about is your mind.


-So I have to open my mind in order to see the past?I asked.But that would bring back all the memories I chose to bury.It might be the last introspection I will ever do.And,I am sorry to say,that I do not think I am ready,just yet.


-Now,you forget one thing,the most important thing there is.


-And what is that?I asked her


-Even if your soul will be crushed by the burden of the past,you will survive,and be complete again.Scars will heal,memories will fade away simply because you forget one important thing.


-Please do tell me.I pleaded with her.


-You do not own yourself anymore,you are not alone.Half of your soul resides in another body strong enough for the both of you.You have Asiria.



Aigooo  i know i am a bad,bad person for making you wait,but exams are killing me.T_T I hope you guys enjoy some fun time.Anyhow this is a chapter i want to dedicate it to a special person as an early birthday gift sooooooooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADALINA!!!!!!^^ I hope you enjoy my little gift for you ^o^


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Chapter 14: i love the story. please continue it... i don't really mind with your grammar hahaha.
hmm you know.. i'm curious bout asiria's background & life.
mirelatop #2
Chapter 14: Yaaaa i loooove the surprise ♥_♥ , i forgive this time but promise to update soon, kisses ^*^
maddye16 #3
Chapter 13: ahhh seriously this was too short TT TT ...but i loved it <3~~~
can't wait for next chapter ^.^ @mirelatop haha i can already imagine you trying to figure out the surprise :*
mirelatop #4
Chapter 13: Nice , love it.i'll wait for the other half, also you made me curious ,what suprise?? Now i can 't sleep ... -_- but anyway kumao chingu for the update ^*^
maddye16 #5
Chapter 12: dying to read it *-* on my lunch break .
Oana-Eufrosina #6
Chapter 12: nice, nice, niice :D next chapter seems really interesting ^_^
mirelatop #7
Chapter 12: Oooo tareeee ^_^ i enjoyed reading this new chapter . Good job chingu ^_~
Oana-Eufrosina #8
Chapter 11: Loved this chapter!<3 this story keeps getting better ^_^ I can't wait for an update!:*
maddye16 #9
Chapter 11: Don't know why but when it comes to you i have this feeling that we've known each other for a lifetime.guess that happens when two persons just click ^.^ i am soo happy and blessed to have such amazing and talented people in my life <3 thank you for this ohhh so special birthday gift *-* " Taeyang's wife" haha loved that title <3 Anyways keep doing what you do because you have a beautiful mind and soul my friend ,sending hugs and kisses your way :*
mirelatop #10
Chapter 11: Kumao chingu for the lovely surprise, what a wonderful chapter i am sure madalina will be very happy ^^