

This was not a loving nor a gentle kiss,it was one filled with anger,frustration and desire,one meant to shake your world and hunt your dreams for years to come,and oh,what an exquisite sensation it gave,making you crave for more of it,making you capable of murder in order to prolong it.And I was lost,completely indulged in the feeling it gave me,loving the way Tops lips moved on my soft ones,loving the way his scent was engraved on my skin and the sound of our bodies moving together,closing the little space left between  us,molding into eachother for a better access…man and woman…soft and rough…that is what we were..


-Mmmm!I found myself .What was this man doing to me?Why was he capable of starting a fire so big and delicious in my body?Why must I feel all this heaven when I know that I am  confined to stay in hell?

His hands travelled to my waist,grabing it with so much force that I knew it will bruise,bringing his body closer and closer till it became hard to breath.His mouth pressed upon mine,his tongue circling my lower lip made me lose control and give into his request.Fire started to burn inside of us,and I could hear my flame purring with content and telling me once more that Seunghyun is ours to keep..

The water started to boil for we were both indulged in our own desire for eachother to even control our bending power,the chamber was filled with steam and everything became almost .

Tops hands traveled from my waist slowly tracing each curve till they reached  my collarbone.He used his finger to remove the strap of the dress while never breaking our kiss…My heart pounded and I waited for his next move but before I even had the chance to let the feeling sink a guard pounded on the door with a desperate plee:

-Mylord!!Mylord!!!!You must answer me for I have bad news!he said.

-What is it?Top asked while looking directly into my eyes…he seemed mad,like he did not agree to this interruption..

-We found some spies around the castle ready to attack us!I believe they are from the Ice Kingdom!The guard told us..

-Damn it!Top shouted in his godly voice,while breaking apart from me in a more than brutle way..

-What is it that you wish to do with them mylord?Should we kill them?

-No!Torture them till you find the real reason for their attack,and when you do so report it to me imediatly!Top ordered the guard.You may leave now!he said through the closed door..

And so we were left alone in an akward an rather dangerous situation…

-Do not think that this little what ever you want to call it meant something,nor that it changed my decision to throw you out if you do not meet my expectations.Top said.

His harsh voice pierced my heart and my soul.It was as someone gave me a candy that I loved to eat but told me at the same time that I would die because of it.It was not my intention to provoke him to do something against his wish,nor did I seek attention and favouritism by using ual means.The kiss surprised me as much as it did to Top.Why was I the only one responsible for it?Was he not the one to start it?Was he not the one to pinn me to the wall?Have I imagined it all?This was not the case for I knew that he enjoyed it as much as I did,and that angered gave me the impression that he once again treated me like a damn toy,like a personal slave,to whom you can do whatever you like..


-I never thought that it would change something,nor did I want it to!Why are you like this Top?I shouted with all my anger..

-Do not shout at me,nor speak my name for you are not entitled to do so!I am your king so you will  obey me woman!He said while staring with those frighting eyes directly throw my soul..

-You might be my king,but I am not your slave to be treated like this!I demand respect for I am not one of your !I told him while keeping my head high..

-The next word that comes out of your mouth shall be the last one of your life so speak quickly while you still have time!he said while making a fireball in his left hand..

-I dare you to kill me!I said while taking a step closer to him.I dare you to end my piteous life!I dare you to be the last man I see,the last one I kiss,the last one…!I dare you!I shout while taking his left arm in mine and directing it to my neck.I dare you!I am not scared!Death is an easier way than living with you!Do you hear me?

And that was when he started to smirk,that evil and attractive smirk than only he could ingrave it in my memory.

-It’s that so?Living with me is a pain for you?Seunghyun asked rather amused.But I thought that you could not live without me!

-That is true!But things change,and you are hard to understand…I said

-Are you giving up?that is quite disappointing !I never thought you would be this weak!Top said…mmm..but at least I will have my fun with you.I wont kill you,not yet at least.You said you wanted to be my queen,then you must be more carefull with your little confessions.They do not move me nor change the way I see you!I will let this situation go,and not harm you,but be prepared for the worst.Everything that will be given,taught or shown to you will be under my direct command.You will train with me,eat with me and do everything I command you to!I am your king,you may not consider yourself a slave but you are nonetheless my vassal,you owe me obedience and respect.So bow your head and swallow your pride for I am a beast!I will destroy you if I feel the need to do so.Is it clear enough for you?He asked

-Yes mylord!I understand!I said with an anger filled voice.I will do what you order me to sire!

-Good!Now go to your room,and do not leave it!I will assign guards to watch you.Top said

-Than so be it!I said while storming out of the water and closing the door with as much force as I could gather.

I now knew that I have angered Top beyond reason.It was not wise of me but nonetheless i felt the need to tell him once more that I am not a toy,nor a slave,nor everything else but a woman that loves him for that matter.But he was right!I should have been more carefull with my confessions,I should not show my weaknesses to him,nor show pain or despair for he will not tolerate it.I know knew that I lost the opportunity to please him,to get closer to him.But why,oh why did he have to kiss me?Why did he have to shake my world in order to destroy it the other minute?Does he truly see me as a weak,stupid and hormone driven woman?

-My lady I think it is time for your battle training!The old maid told me

-Oh!Thank you!I was too preoccupied with my thoughts to even notice the time!You saved me!I told her truly gratefull for everything.

I changed in my costume and hurried to the arena hoping to get there in time for I knew that if I was to be late Top would have given me a hard time.But the situation was that he already intended to do so,even without any mistakes from my part.

-Oh,I see you have arrived!Good!Today you will train with me!I heard Top saying.

-But my king,you must be tired from your journey!I heard Madra say.

Jealousy creeped its way throw my soul once again..

-Do not worry!I am not tired!And she is too weak to do something to me!It will only amuse me..I heard the king tell Madra.Are you ready?he asked with his deep penetrainting gaze.

-As ready as I’ll ever be!Was my response.

-Then let the fun begin!HE\e singed those words while I got into my fighting position.

I was scared for I knew that nothing could save me from him,he was stronger,biger and faster than anyone in this entire kingdom and even world to say so.My flame prepared herself for the worst and wished me luck.We needed!

The first attack caught me off guard.The fire ball missed me by inches,and I knew he was taking it easy on me.That angered me more!Does he not see my as an equal fighter?If it was Madra in my place would he have given her more respect?You might think it is stupid of me to ask for harsher blows but,by acting this way he was stating me as an inferior person,to whom you have to show pity.Yet I knew he is not that kind of man so I somened my flame and swinged my whip in his direction.

-Arent we playing hard to get?He said while smirking.Why are you making it so easy for me?Have you not learned nothing this past days?

Another attack was lauched and it hit me on my left foot.The pain was incredible but the fire did not pierce my skin.And so our little battle continued till I managed to hit him with my whip.That seemed to anger and surprise him at the same time,not expecting me to have a comeback because of the way he played with me on the battle field.I was a source of amusement,and if you would have looked it from afar you would have thought that I am a child to whom Top agreed to play.I was pathetic and I knew it but I refused to succumb to this feeling.

-I better watch out if I were you!He told me.You managed to make me mad,so you will have to pay the price little girl!Top snarled through clenched teeth..

And with that he released a fireball much bigger that the other and lauch it at my direction.I managed to avoid a part of it,but the rest hit me on my right arm.

-Ahhh!I  heard myself screaming,while my knees lost their fight with gravity.I was now looking at the ceiling and praying for the pain to succumb.

-Your majesty!We must help her!I heard a man saying to Top.

-She will be fine!There is no need to help her!He commanded.Are you hurt little girl?He mocked..

I was,the fire did pierce my skin this time but I refused to tell him that,or to show any weakeness one more tie so I used my remaining force to get up and tell him a simple:”everything is fine”.

-Then we will end it for today!You should go get changed before you come into my chamber!Top said.The palace is surrounded by spies.It is not safe to leave you alone.The guards I left at your door were found dead.You will be sleeping in my room!I can not afford to put men aroud your chamber for I need to protect mother.All of our guards have been dispatched to the Queens appartments in order to secure the area.It seems that I must take care of you on my own.Now hurry and come back quickly for I need my rest,he said.

That surprised me for I knew nothing about this entire situation so I felt myself getting worried about the queens safety as well as for the kings one.If we were the only ones left in this part of the castle would it be safe?And more important,would I be able to control myself while sharing the same room?will I?

The pain in my arm increased while I struggled to change in a yellow silk dress,that had long sleeves to mask my wound.It was confortable to sleep in it and yet beautiful enough to attract your attention.I felt anxiety growing inside for this was to be our first night in the same chamber.

The old maid opened his majesty’s bedroom door and wished me luck before closing it with a loud thrud that woke me from my dreams.I was now in front of top who smiled wickedly at me while saying

-That was fast enough!welcome to my bedroom!He said

-Thank you!I responded while a light blush made its way on my face.

Than he motioned to the bed,which was an old victorian one,with 4 pillars that had silk attached to them and a headboard in which an intricated design involving flowers was carved.It was a beautiful bed,large enough for at least 4 persons,the type of bed that you imagine it in a story,an inviting one and  rather romantic as well.And it surprised me,for I did not think that Top is capable of being this way.The entire room screamed power and masculinity,it smelled like him,it had his air,with a fire burning in the fireplace and the big bear skin in front of it only accentuating this feeling.

-If you don’t mind,I would like to sleep for I am tired!Seunghyun said.So stop staring around and prepare for the night!He said while he got under the covers.

So I slowly made my way to the bed,climbed in and scooted to the other side of it,as far away as possible from top.

-You were so slow today!A total dissapoinment!He told me.

I felt like I was going to cry because of his harsh words but instead said nothing.

-So you choose not to answer me now?Top said with a serious tone.2 hours ago I could not make you  stop talking and now you refuse to answer me?he continued while he made his way on my part of the bed,his eyes shining red because of the fire that boiled inside.

“Answer him” my flame kept telling me for she could sense his inner power and knew that we were in danger.

-Why is it that everything about you makes me mad?Maybe I should have taught you a better lesson today!Top said while he grabed my injured arm.Pain shot directly throw my body and I found myself whimpering and trying my best to get out of his grip.

-What is it?Why are you whimpering?He asked clearly mad

-It is nothing!Now let me go!I shouted frightend that he might find out my secret.

And then he did somethind totally unexpected.He grabed the sleeve of my dress and ripped it to pieces in order to see what was wrong with my arm,and when he saw it,the wound that he himself had created,his eyes changed to blue and he said in a serious and chill bringing voice:

-So you were hurt!





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Chapter 14: i love the story. please continue it... i don't really mind with your grammar hahaha.
hmm you know.. i'm curious bout asiria's background & life.
mirelatop #2
Chapter 14: Yaaaa i loooove the surprise ♥_♥ , i forgive this time but promise to update soon, kisses ^*^
maddye16 #3
Chapter 13: ahhh seriously this was too short TT TT ...but i loved it <3~~~
can't wait for next chapter ^.^ @mirelatop haha i can already imagine you trying to figure out the surprise :*
mirelatop #4
Chapter 13: Nice , love it.i'll wait for the other half, also you made me curious ,what suprise?? Now i can 't sleep ... -_- but anyway kumao chingu for the update ^*^
maddye16 #5
Chapter 12: dying to read it *-* on my lunch break .
Oana-Eufrosina #6
Chapter 12: nice, nice, niice :D next chapter seems really interesting ^_^
mirelatop #7
Chapter 12: Oooo tareeee ^_^ i enjoyed reading this new chapter . Good job chingu ^_~
Oana-Eufrosina #8
Chapter 11: Loved this chapter!<3 this story keeps getting better ^_^ I can't wait for an update!:*
maddye16 #9
Chapter 11: Don't know why but when it comes to you i have this feeling that we've known each other for a lifetime.guess that happens when two persons just click ^.^ i am soo happy and blessed to have such amazing and talented people in my life <3 thank you for this ohhh so special birthday gift *-* " Taeyang's wife" haha loved that title <3 Anyways keep doing what you do because you have a beautiful mind and soul my friend ,sending hugs and kisses your way :*
mirelatop #10
Chapter 11: Kumao chingu for the lovely surprise, what a wonderful chapter i am sure madalina will be very happy ^^