

I knew it was not a wise decision of my part to not obey his orders but I tought that he was asleep,that he would not know about it,yet somehow I found myself caught into another dangerous situation.

-Mylord I beg your pardon!I said with a frightful voice for I knew I was in deep trouble.The man that had me under complete control,ready to receive my punishment was no regular one.Top was the best of the best in manipulating fire and one of the most feared warriors that lived amoung our world.Yet me,Asiria,a week fire bender,dared to challenge  this death god.You might think I am stupid put I find his beauty difficult to ignore,his anger so stimulating and his closure one of my favourite drougs.

-Ts ts ts!he said disaprovally.I told you more than once not to stir my anger,yet you chose to do as you wished.Now,now…what punishment should I choose for you,my queen?he said in a mocking tone,while his eyes held a strange glitter as if they were trying to tell me something.

-I am truly sorry!i said while looking straight into his deep black eyes.I felt my hands go numb under his tight grip and by body slowly heating because of our closure.Seunghyun had pinned me to the bed and hovered above my body.I could feel every inch of his toned abs pressed upon my soft stomach,his strong and built chest making it hard for me to breath but not in a bad way,oh no,but in a delicious yet taintalizing way.

-Mmm,I somehow find it hard to believe you!he said while his lips slightly brushed mine.He was teasing me,enjoying the way my body responded to his touch.He knew I was posseded by the desire to have him,to taste more,see more,feel more.It was sweet torture that only made me think that every sad or hard moment I had faced this past weeks were worth it,that top was worth all the pain,the blood,the sleepless nights,all the tears and deprimating toughts,that they were not in vain.The things he could make me do,this man will be the death of me,but a willing one,in which I surrender by will for I want him,I need him,I can't live without him.

-Are you trying to seduce me?I asked in the same tone he had used on me.

-Maybe!he said while making that heartbreaking smirk of his that only drove me to the edge.

-That is not fair sire!I told Top.You never did say I was not allowed to watch you in your sleeping.

-We both know that is not true!Seunghyun said.I specifically told you to stay on your side of the bed yet you chose to defy me as you always do woman.

-That is not true!I did not do it on purpose.I said with a whining voice.

-Than why were you on my side of the bed than?He said while cocking one of his eyebrows making my heart skip a beat.That was one of the things I liked more about him,his eyes,his beautiful eyes and that defying action of telling a person only by using your body as a tool “I don’t believe you” made me lose my mind.

-I was simply cold!i told him althought I knew it was a stupid excuse for I was a fire bender and could have kept myself warm without any problems.

-I see!he said while smiling.So you chose to come to me for I provided the necessary warmth.I can understand that!Top continued although we both knew it was not true.But what I can not comprehend is why did you feel the need to stare at me in my sleep and to touch my body while I had no control upon your action.Care to tell me what is it that you needed from me,other that heat?

He had caught me,for I did not know what to say.I had no excuse,nothing I could use as a lie for Top held me captive with his strong arms and forced me to look into his eyes while I answer the question.There was no escape for me,I now knew it so I chose to tell the truth:

-I was simply enjoying the view!i responded in a confident way.You looked peacefull enough and I felt the need to watch your face,I continued,to listen to your steady breathes,to touch your lips,I said while tracing my eyes along those elements as I told him.Is it such a bad thing to do mylord?

He seemed taken aback by my sudden confession as if he did not expect to hear me admit that I was actually enjoying my time,that it pleased me to see him sleep and that it made me happy to touch him.We just stooded there for what seemed like hours gazing at eachother,lost in our own world till Top decided to break the silence.he leaned closer to me,till his lips here almost touching mine,his breath caressing my cheeks.

-Do I make you hot?Do I wake the fire inside of you?he whispered with a husky voice that sent shivers down my spine and made goosebumps along my skin.Do I?Or do I not Asiria?Answer me!Seunghyun continued but before I had the chance to reply he closed our lips together in a slow,but tantalizing kiss.I could feel his velvety tongue circling my lower lip,searching for entrance,so I gave him  the permission and opened my mouth for him.The moment I did that he started exploring my cavity with such force and curiosity that it sent my body to flames.

-Mmmm!!I could hear myself moan,the pleasure was beyond that of my imagination.Our kiss was rough,hungry and demanding as we were the life out of eachother.I wanted more,I needed more and I found myself scared at the tought of having to end it.But this was not the case for I could feel tTops arms releasing mine and gripping my waist.I used my now free hands to circle his nape and bring him closer to me,for our bodies to have better access to eachother.I felt him grunt in aprovell and his grip tighting.We were so close to eachother that we became one.Skin pressing skin and heat generating heat.I could not take it anymore so I lost it,the last part of my reasoning,my urge to have this man making me to almost rip the nightshirt he had.

-Feasty!Top said while obliging to my desire by discarding that piece of clothing and leaving his half body free to my ministration.It was heaven and hell.How can something so beautiful make me this hot.

I used my fingers to trace his muscles,to feel his chest,the soft skin covering it.Heat emanated from every por of our bodies.

-Ohhh!I whimpered when I felt his lips brush along my neck,lower and lower till they settled upon my collarbone.His hands traveled along my long legs sending shivers of pleasure at each centimeter they passed.He used his teeth to bring down the strap of the dress,earning better access at my already abused and sensible clavicle.By now I was a mess that only lost it even more when I noticed the lust filled eyes of my king.There was no tourning back by now,I was to be his tonight,and while my heart told me it was too soon,my mind could not comprehend any of her pleas.I was in a world of my own,in which top and I existed,in which pleasure was the key word and time stoped working.

I could feel him shift from his position,trying to figure out a way to undress me,his hair disweleshed because of my hands,his body tensed and breathing hightend.He grabed the other strap of the dress and slowly began to lower it with one hand while the other pushed the dress down.I was excited for I knew that the moment I expected was approaching,so I watched him,his fascinated almost tranced look while undressing,cold air enveloping me more and more till….

-Mylord!a loud voice was heard outside the door.Both me and Top stood frozen in our tracks.

-Mylord this is urgent!the same voice continued.It is a matter of life and death!

That word seemed to have woken Seunghyun from the trance for he gazed in my direction,as if debating what to do.Some part of him wanted to know what was wrong,but the other wished to continue our act.The king side of him however seemed to win

-This better be important of it will be the death of you!Top growled at the man behind the door!Wait a minute!he continued while he grabed his shirt and wore it!he left the bed and went for the door but before he opened it,he turned in my direction and said with a hard look on his face:

-You!You better not leave this room,nor the bed for that matter!I will return and I expect to find you here when I do that!

-And if I do not obey your command?i asked in an irritated but aroused way.

-Prepare to meet your punishment!he said with a devilish smile while he left.

So I decided to wait for I knew that I could not get any sleep,not after our little act,I was too aroused and anxious to do so. the hours passed but they did not bring  Top back and I found myself becoming less and less alert.I must have gone asleep sometime in the morning for I woke up at noon,alone and deject to find out that my king had not returned from his task.

I made my way to the chamber I once occupied for I wished to change unaware that I was being followed.But an unknown and quite dangerous voice stoped me in my track.

-What does a beautiful creature such as yourself do alone in this big and scary castle?

I turned in the direction of the sound only to find a man looking me up and down,clearly enjoying his action.He was a beautiful one indeed,but nothing compared to Top.I did not know who he was but I knew for sure that he was dangerous.The feeling only increased  when he approached me and grabed one of my arms as if he was trying to prevent me from leaving.

-Who are you?He whispered in my ear.Are you alone?Mmm…I want you!he said while tracing one of his hands along my bare arm.I whimpered in fright.He was an air bender,I could feel that.But what was one of those doing in Larisium palace?I tried to get away from his grip but only managed to make it stronger

-What do you want from me?I asked scared thinking if my flame could help me get away from him

-Many things my dear!The stranger said with a smug face that only sent shivers of fair down my body.But before that I must ask,he continued,do you belong to someone?

-Please leave me alone!I pleaded once more.

I was too scared to think clearly so I tried yet again to get away from his touch,and when I failed I started to trash my body back and forfth in order to create some distance between the two of us.And exactly when I thought I lost hope a deep and mad voice said:

-She is mine!


Soo i hope you enjoy this chapter,and,even if it's early i want to say happy birthday to one of my dearest friend,Mirela!

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Chapter 14: i love the story. please continue it... i don't really mind with your grammar hahaha.
hmm you know.. i'm curious bout asiria's background & life.
mirelatop #2
Chapter 14: Yaaaa i loooove the surprise ♥_♥ , i forgive this time but promise to update soon, kisses ^*^
maddye16 #3
Chapter 13: ahhh seriously this was too short TT TT ...but i loved it <3~~~
can't wait for next chapter ^.^ @mirelatop haha i can already imagine you trying to figure out the surprise :*
mirelatop #4
Chapter 13: Nice , love it.i'll wait for the other half, also you made me curious ,what suprise?? Now i can 't sleep ... -_- but anyway kumao chingu for the update ^*^
maddye16 #5
Chapter 12: dying to read it *-* on my lunch break .
Oana-Eufrosina #6
Chapter 12: nice, nice, niice :D next chapter seems really interesting ^_^
mirelatop #7
Chapter 12: Oooo tareeee ^_^ i enjoyed reading this new chapter . Good job chingu ^_~
Oana-Eufrosina #8
Chapter 11: Loved this chapter!<3 this story keeps getting better ^_^ I can't wait for an update!:*
maddye16 #9
Chapter 11: Don't know why but when it comes to you i have this feeling that we've known each other for a lifetime.guess that happens when two persons just click ^.^ i am soo happy and blessed to have such amazing and talented people in my life <3 thank you for this ohhh so special birthday gift *-* " Taeyang's wife" haha loved that title <3 Anyways keep doing what you do because you have a beautiful mind and soul my friend ,sending hugs and kisses your way :*
mirelatop #10
Chapter 11: Kumao chingu for the lovely surprise, what a wonderful chapter i am sure madalina will be very happy ^^