

The night was long and quiet…the silence kept creeping into your soul for everything seemed to change in the dark,all the pain seemed to unbind itself from the deepest peaks of your mind,and I found myself weeping for my long lost freedom.I was no longer my possession,my body,my soul,all belong to him…what a cruel fate,what a sweet torture to be his…to long for his touch,to dream of his voice,the imagine of his face invading my thoughts..and so I woke up the same way I cried myself to sleep,with him in my mind,my body and my will.

There was no need to concentrate on his word for I knew that soon enough I will find out what is it that he wants from me.The fire king is not one to put his wishes aside,for he is the ruler of this part of the Supernatural Earth and we abind to him.We are his servants,he is our lord..we owe him obedience and respect.

-Good morning Mylady!I trust that you slept well!But it is time to get dressed for The king wishes to see you!a maid came to inform me.

-Very well!Than let’s proceed!We shouldn’t make him wait.I said knowing deep down that I was as keen as I could get…

I chose a long dress that was adorned with small saphires who seemed to shine even brighter upon the deepest  shade of green.It was not a sophisticated piece of clothing,but it was beautiful none the less.And in the back of my mind I knew I wanted to get a reaction from him,a thinkle in his eyes,a spark in his body…everything and even one was enough to make me crave for more..

   I kept walking along the hallways with the maid showing me the way,and as if my feet had a mind of their own I found myself in front of my location,the library.I was soon to find out that my future husband was not a fool.His love for knowledge draw him to built the biggest and most imposing library there was.A strong man is nothing without a strong mind,and so I found it only normal for Top to be an educated person.Was there something that he could not do?Some would say that he is incapable of loving,but I and the queen are willing to show that it’s merely a lie.Where there is fire,it can not lack passion.These two elements are bind together in the human nature.All that is needed to set them free is the right person,and a little spark…I guess I am fortunate to be able to control flames.

   -I see you have arrived!Top greeted me.

  -Good morning,Your Majesty!I said while was only common courtesy to show your respect for the king while you are invited to have a discussion with him.Not many had that privilege,and I would have felt all giddy if I did not know that something really hard awaited me.I was informed that you wish to have a word with me!I said again mustering the courage to look at him…oh..and such a mistake it was..for he was beautiful beyond words.I thought that I would get acostumed to his godly appeareance after seeing it,but I was wrong.The feeling it gave me,shot directly throw my veins.Like a drug,a powerful and sweet drug,it consumed me from the inside out,and I felt my flame grow.It heated my body and begged me for wanted to be drowned in the fire inside of him,it weeped for his warmth..but soon enough,soon enough my dear..

  -It is true!I wish to inform you of your first task!Please take a seat,and listen carefully,I will not tell you twice!Seunghyun said with his baritone voice.A strong man needs to have an even stronger woman by his side,she will support him and complet him where he lacks.A king must have a strong queen,one capable of rulling while he is gone, capable of rising his children and healing his wounds when he comes back from the war.A great woman is a far better fortune than all the gold in the world.SO it is only natural for me to want to test you.I can not promise you love if you pass these tests ,but I can promise to give you my respect,and my life if everything or anyone threatens your safety.

  -Thank you your Majesty!I will try my best to furfill your wishes.I said..

 -Good,because I will not be gentle,I will not show you mercy nor regret,and if it’s  something I can assure you of that is that by the end of the trial you will see Hell as a better place than Larisium.Some say I’m cruel,some say I’m a tiran,but I work and breath fire,I would give my life to protect this place,and if I’m cold than that is because none has stirred my feelings,none has risen to my expectations.I will give you everything if you are willing to give all to me as well.

   -Than so be it ,my lord!I am ready for everything you want me to do!Please tell me what is it that you wish for me to accomplish?I said while looking straight in his eyes,a risky move endeed,but a necessary one nevertheless..

   -I see you are restless to start your task!So for the beginning I will have to test your  ability to control fire.One of my best warriors will train with you and will inform me of your improvement.But today I will make a little exception and I will join you for I am also keen to see why is it that my mother wanted to bring you to the castle so bad.I want to see if queen mother was right or not for this entire situation brought me a lot of dissatisfactions..

    -As you wish!

   -You are excused!Follow the maid and change into the uniform we use for training!I will see you in 20 minutes!Do not make me wait for you,for I told you already I am not a very patient person.You wouldn’t want to stir my madness.The king said while giving me a beautiful yet startling evil smirk..

   I now knew that this was to be one of the toughest days of my life…my heart throbbed inside of my chest while I considered only for a minute that this could turn in something really dangerous..I knew that top will not settle for nothing bellow the best,and so I prayed to my flame not to leave me for I needed her help.I pleaded with her,that if she craved for the bigger fire inside of the king she will have to fight with me,she will have to obey my wishes so that both of us may get what we dreamed of.

   But even something as powerful as fire was scared of the king,because it can sense his power,his cruelty and knew that if he wished to, it could kill both of us in a blink of an eye.And yet,it was excited to test his abilities against something far stronger and trained than itself.

   I found the training uniform quite flattering,for it imbraced my curves with it’s leather,and enhanced all my features with its cut.It was a dark brown, soft yet resistant with a cleavage that made me blush.If the training did not go the way I wanted it to,at least I would give the king a show.Mother nature was somehow good to me,for it gave me just the right amount of curves to stir the imagination,without being too obvious.And so I made my way to the training arena,full of doubts and second thoughts,for I truly did not know If I could rise up to Seunghyuns expectations.

   -I see you have arrived on time as I requested!Good!That means we can start this task early!But before we do so,I want you to meet your first opponent.This is Madra,the best female warrior there is,and one of  my closest companions.The king said while introducing me to a young and beautiful lady.She was also dressed in the battle uniform,but hers was a deep red,as if to enhance her powers.I could not help to feel a little gelous,for she stood close to top.Something about her ticked me,like a warning you get inside of your head,you do not know who made it,but you believe it none the less.She was dangerous and not so friendly,for in her eyes I could see the displeasure I was giving her.I now knew that she liked Top,the same way I did,or maybe even more,and I pittied her,for I knew the pain of being ignored by your loved one.

  -I am quite happy to meet you my lady!Madra said,but her tone told me something else.She would give me a hard time,she would not let me win,for this was not a normal battle for neither one of us.Than so be it..I am ready..let us bring her down,my flame told me.She was upset and wanted to defeat Madra  for laying eyes on her man.

  -I hope we make a good team today!I  said.I look forward to fighting with you.And I really did,because everything she was going to do would serve me as a lesson.she was my Teacher,and I was to be her most attentive student.

  -Then let us begin!The king informed us..Get in your position!And…start.

Before I even had the chance to blink Madra threw a ball of flames aimed for my face.It surprised me but I was able to dodge it.This angered me".I will bring her down for you",my flame told me.So I mustered as much energy as I could and created a ball of my own.I tossed it aiming for fer chest,but she was fast and used the same energy as the one I had earlier to swing the fire back to me.This time I was not prepared so I was strucked in my leg.It felt like something was eating me inside out,but I refused to succumb to the pain.I watched closer this time,knowing that anger was not in my advantage.I could see clearly now that Madra had a weak spot just above her clavicle,so I concentrated on it.I summoned my flame to make a whip so I can take her down.And so I waited for the exact moment,while doing my best not to get hit by her powerful strikes.She was good,I will not lie,but I was not an amateur myself.Growing up amoung boys though me  a little or so.I saw the look in her eyes,and I knew she was about to give me a deadly blow.She came running from my left side,prepared to attack once she approached me,but I was ready,the adrenaline rushing throw my veins making me excited for the clash,and just when she was about to unleash the fire I swirled my whip and caught her of guard.She was surprised,to say the least,but the pain I gave her was far greater than anything she experienced before.It was my personal way to claim Top,to show her that I can be as much as of a beast as he can be when I fight for something I want.

  -Very good!Top said..but you  lack patience…How about you try to fight against me?He asked..I was speechless,and quite scared as well,for I knew no one could defeat him.Seunghyung was the best warrior there was,and the ruthless as well.Fighting against him was a sure death.

-But sire,that could be dangerous!I man I did not know told top…

-There is no reason to worry about!I will be simply toying with her,for my own amusement.Her skills are merely a joke to me..But I want to see how much can she take.He retorded..Get ready,I will take it easy on you!Try to stop me if you can.HE said.

This was it..i was going to die.”I can not fight against him,his fire is to powerful,it burns me even though we haven’t started the battle.I fear that we will loose Asiria”,my flame told me.

Yes,we were going to loose,but dying in the hands of someone you love did not sound that bad.Fear rushed down my spine,and I felt more alive than ever,when the first ball of flame came my way.Somehow I managed to escape it,only to be caught by a second one.He was too fast ,too strong for my little flame.I whimpered for it hurt deeply,but I got up again and prepared for another attack.It came too soon,and took me of guard for I was now lying on my back with tears of pain in my eyes.

-Giving up so early,my dear?The king mocked..

I wasn’t going to give him satisfaction,so I once again got up on my feet.Revenge boiled my blood,so I somened my flame once again.Let us show him that we are not a toy.I swinged my whip,and touched the side of his face.That amused him for he said:

-Bad kitten,it seems I got to teach you a lesson,my dear!

And without even blinking he send a mass of fire my way.I panicked for I could not dodge the entire bundle,and I knew I was trapped.This was the end,for I surely thought that I would die.The flames were approaching and I so I closed my eyes ready to meet my creator.But this was not the case,for I found myself locked in a prison of hot flames that made me face Seunghyun.I stared at his beautiful face,while he told me:

-You did a good job today,but you are not as strong as you think you are!His eyes were the bright orange of his flames,probably consumed by his power.He could have killed me,but chose nonetheless to spare me.That in itself was a far more importat victory than that that I experienced with Madra.

-You act like a lion in battle,when you’re merely a kitten,a fierce one,but nonetheless a kitten.Next time we fight I wont hold back.The training is over,you may leave.Top continued,while releasing me from my prison…his beautiful,yet frighting face being the last thing I saw that night.




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Chapter 14: i love the story. please continue it... i don't really mind with your grammar hahaha.
hmm you know.. i'm curious bout asiria's background & life.
mirelatop #2
Chapter 14: Yaaaa i loooove the surprise ♥_♥ , i forgive this time but promise to update soon, kisses ^*^
maddye16 #3
Chapter 13: ahhh seriously this was too short TT TT ...but i loved it <3~~~
can't wait for next chapter ^.^ @mirelatop haha i can already imagine you trying to figure out the surprise :*
mirelatop #4
Chapter 13: Nice , love it.i'll wait for the other half, also you made me curious ,what suprise?? Now i can 't sleep ... -_- but anyway kumao chingu for the update ^*^
maddye16 #5
Chapter 12: dying to read it *-* on my lunch break .
Oana-Eufrosina #6
Chapter 12: nice, nice, niice :D next chapter seems really interesting ^_^
mirelatop #7
Chapter 12: Oooo tareeee ^_^ i enjoyed reading this new chapter . Good job chingu ^_~
Oana-Eufrosina #8
Chapter 11: Loved this chapter!<3 this story keeps getting better ^_^ I can't wait for an update!:*
maddye16 #9
Chapter 11: Don't know why but when it comes to you i have this feeling that we've known each other for a lifetime.guess that happens when two persons just click ^.^ i am soo happy and blessed to have such amazing and talented people in my life <3 thank you for this ohhh so special birthday gift *-* " Taeyang's wife" haha loved that title <3 Anyways keep doing what you do because you have a beautiful mind and soul my friend ,sending hugs and kisses your way :*
mirelatop #10
Chapter 11: Kumao chingu for the lovely surprise, what a wonderful chapter i am sure madalina will be very happy ^^