Our days

Soulmates From The Start


We got married, the two of us. It was a fantastic day with vows and promises we both knew we would keep forever.

As the months go by, we bought a house together. My band mates often go over to keep us company as she cooks meals big enough for an army.

I noticed that she would often get sick a lot. It was never anything too serious, the minor cold. But what really bugged me was the fact that she never once showed me her wrist. The wrist that indicates our time left.

It doesn’t really bother me as much as it should. I’m too immersed into the time we spend together to really remember I need to see it.  

One day Serenity comes into the recording studio, as she watches my band mates and I sing I can’t help but add even more emotion into my music.

The director seemed pleased with our work as we ended up leaving the studio a lot sooner than we would have.

I blame Serenity.

As I get close to her she gives me the news.

She’s four weeks pregnant.

I’m going to be a father.


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Umi-Archangel #1
Chapter 11: This made me cry :(
Yuki2591 #2
Chapter 11: This is so sad ㅠㅠ
Chapter 10: This is so sad T_T
fArhonEy #4
Chapter 9: You will make her serenity die while she delivers the baby right?
kpopluvergirl #5
Chapter 8: She's going to die in child birth? Poor Kevin.......I love this story though!
Chapter 6: This was beautiful :3
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 4: lollllll, Henry's like the MatchMaker. XD
KISSmeBecca #8
Chapter 3: What sort of misery? ._. Omfg
Chapter 2: Sounds fantastic :D I already love your story ^_^