
Soulmates From The Start


My soulmate! I sense her, my wrist is burning with anticipation. I circle around the small café and a girl seemed to be doing the same thing. Once we lock eyes I could tell she was a beauty, my heart races and I slowly make my way towards her.

Her long brown hair brushes her shoulders, her cute button nose sniffling because of the cold winter air from outside.

I just want to hear her voice…

Before I could take another step, my soulmate runs out the door.

Her friend calls out, “Serenity!”

Wow such a beautiful name…

I run after her as she bolts, there’s no way I’ll miss this chance.

I don’t understand why she runs away; surely I’m not that ugly?

“Wait!” I call out. But she continues running knocking into people as she passes by. I pant harder as I rush for her but still with no relent she continues to speed up. Whatever game she’s playing I do not like it. But I didn’t work so hard these four years just to have her run away.

Before I knew it I completely lost her. I slow down and with it my wrist starts to cool. My chest rises and falls as I try to catch my breath. Each breath is filled with pain because of the cold winter air.

There’s no way I could lose her…not like this. I double back towards the café to check if her friend is still there. Sure enough the boy is sitting at a table reading a book. I take a seat in the space across from him causing him to look at me. He picks up his glasses and sighs.

“You’re her soulmate aren’t you?” he asks.

I nod sheepishly. “What was up with her?” I ask.

He shakes his head solemnly as he looks at me with a sense of pity.

“She’s my best friend, however the last four years she’s been pretty set on not meeting you.”

Shocked I ask, “why not?”

“Well…the day she was supposed to meet her first soulmate…he died. The time switched and she panicked. She became depressed because of this fairytale she had pictured. She wanted everything with him although he wasn’t here long enough for her to even meet him. She thinks fate cant just switch people whenever it feels like. So ever since…”

I nod my head in understanding. Sighing I take out my hand to shake his, “my name is Kevin.”

He takes my hand and nods, “I know…Ukiss right?” He asks grinning.

I smile and shyly scratch the back of my head. “Yeah, and you are?”

“Henry.” He takes out a pen and paper and scrawls something down. “Here’s her number and mine, I will not let her miss the chance of happiness... she deserves it but she won’t let it happen.”

He gets up from the table, “call me if you need anything.”

I smile and shake his hand again bowing.

“Thank you.”

“No, thank you for not giving up on her.”

With that we part ways; a new day will always come, with it, a new chance.



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Umi-Archangel #1
Chapter 11: This made me cry :(
Yuki2591 #2
Chapter 11: This is so sad ㅠㅠ
Chapter 10: This is so sad T_T
fArhonEy #4
Chapter 9: You will make her serenity die while she delivers the baby right?
kpopluvergirl #5
Chapter 8: She's going to die in child birth? Poor Kevin.......I love this story though!
Chapter 6: This was beautiful :3
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 4: lollllll, Henry's like the MatchMaker. XD
KISSmeBecca #8
Chapter 3: What sort of misery? ._. Omfg
Chapter 2: Sounds fantastic :D I already love your story ^_^