Beautiful Day

Soulmates From The Start


Chapter 2


I’m walking with my friends to grab some coffee. It’s a wonderful winter day and after training I asked a few of my friends out for coffee. So here we are happily walking down the sidewalk.

“Did you see her face?” Asked Soohyun. Both Eli and Soohyun were chatting excitedly about the girl they surprised. They thought it would be a good idea to go to a random girl and hand her flowers. It was cute; the girl beamed as she thanked them, and gave them both hugs.

“We probably made her day,” continued Eli.

“You guys are too much,” I say shaking my head.

All three of us lacked our meeting dates; it made us all hopeless romantics. Sighing I stare down at my wrist, the only date on it was the amount of years I had left. It’s kind of a depressing thought, But also comforting. To know how much time you have to say goodbye to your loved ones. No one really sees it as a burden. But the ones that do refuse to look at their wrist. They’ll cover it up or try to scratch it off. Unfortunately it can’t be covered with tattoo ink nor can it be surgically removed.

As we neared the coffee shop the aroma of coffee filled the air. We greeted the cashier and all ordered frappes.

“So I hear the company got a brand new shipment of trainees,” mentioned Eli.

“Any cute ones?” asked Soohyun mischievously. Soohyun is a flirt; he thinks that since he doesn’t have a date on his wrist he’s free to test out other people’s soul mates.  

Eli wiggled his eyebrows, “very cute, so cute. You could go to jail.” He deadpanned.

Soohyun puffed his cheeks, “so mean.” He muttered.

“Soohyun you should really think about your future partner,” I interjected.

Soohyun gives me a sly smile, “I do, I’m putting myself in training so I know how to treat her.” He winked. I rolled my eyes; this guy will get into trouble one day.

“I’m going to head back to the dorms,” I said getting up.

“Ok, we’ll see you later then, me and Soohyun wanted to go roam the town a bit.”

With that I left the coffee shop.

As I headed back towards the dorms I felt a tingling sensation on my right wrist, quickly I lifted it up to my eye level and noticed a new date forming.

This is it! I’m finally going to know when I’m going to meet her! I couldn’t help but jump around excitedly. I enthusiastically walked towards my dorm with a bounce in my step as I smiled like an idiot.

4YRS 00D 16HRS 23MIN 12SEC

That’s how long it would take for me to meet my beloved. I swear, before I meet her I will show her a charming and successful Kevin.

 I will complete my dreams just for her.

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Umi-Archangel #1
Chapter 11: This made me cry :(
Yuki2591 #2
Chapter 11: This is so sad ㅠㅠ
Chapter 10: This is so sad T_T
fArhonEy #4
Chapter 9: You will make her serenity die while she delivers the baby right?
kpopluvergirl #5
Chapter 8: She's going to die in child birth? Poor Kevin.......I love this story though!
Chapter 6: This was beautiful :3
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 4: lollllll, Henry's like the MatchMaker. XD
KISSmeBecca #8
Chapter 3: What sort of misery? ._. Omfg
Chapter 2: Sounds fantastic :D I already love your story ^_^