Fates Entwined



Ai is a girl who has a passion for the arts. She loves anything to do with freedom of speech, freedom of life, and freedom to roam free. Everything is perfect when she is adopted by a loving and caring family, until one day they decide her fate. With Ai being 17 she has no choice but to comply with whatever her parents agreed to. When her parents come home one night they break the ‘good’ news and tell her she will become an idol. But to their dismay Ai throws a fit, she knows exactly how the Asian entertainment industry works and the first thing that pops into her mind when she thinks of it is, No freedom.


Poster done by, ---asphyxiated. Check her out she's a sweet heart! <3


Ai Guam

Age: 17

Clothing style: Punk/emo (loves galaxy print)

Personality: Ai is your typical angry teenager. She is normally a fun and cool kid to be around but since her parents 'ruined' her future she had become angry. As the story progresses you will notice a more soft side of Ai. So in general she's,

  • -Fun
  • -Comical
  • -outgoing
  • -artistic
  • -doesn’t realize she’s cute

History: Ai was adopted at the age of 13 years old, her mother is a heroin addict who used to be a renown japanese singer  and she has no idea who her father is. When Ai turned 13 she lost any hope of finding a family and had even come to terms with it. Until a family decided they wanted to take her in. Ai is forever grateful but can’t help but be angry at them for taking away her future.

Fun facts!

  • Ai is both fluent in English and Japanese.
  • Because her adoptive parents are Korean they had her speaking Korean at home thus she is also pretty good at Korean.
  • Ai originally came from the japan orphanage but at the age of 8 she was transfered to an orphanage in america.
  • Ai was put into an orphanage when she was 7
  • If you havent guessed Ai is japanese. She is also half Korean but she doesnt know it. (only i the author know this XD)
  • Ai secretly wishes her real father would find her some day


(I'm sorry I fail at making up girl group names OTL)

Ai Guam

Age: 17

Role : Lead singer, Maknae

Personality: Ai Is the one the group constantly bullies. In front of the camera Ai does what she has to and pretends to be very close to them but as soon as the camera goes off she ignores the girls and keeps to herself.


Chung Eun (Sarah)

Age: 18

Personality: She was the first person to start bullying Ai. She was jealous when Ai entered the comapny because she knew that she wouldnt be the main singer anymore. She works hard to get what she wants and is determined to rise above everyone else.

Role: Main singer, Face of the group


Hyun Ae (StarR)


Personality: She's very nice and sweet but also manipulative. Whenever the camera roles she knows exactly what to say but dont count on everything to be true. She knows how to use fanservice to her advantage.

Role: Lead dancer, main singer


Jun Jae (JadE)

Age: 20

Personality: Jun Jae is stuck up and usually takes a lot of time trying to make herself pretty. She only listens to Min Sun and take part in the bullying of Ai. She respects 2ne1 and hopes to one day become as famous as their sunbaes.

Role: Rapper,  Main Dancer


Min sun (Alison)

Age: 22

Personality: In front of the camera she acts like an ideal Leader, but off camera shes extremely mean and doesnt like anyone in her face. She usually only hangs out with Jung Jae.

Role: Rapper, Leader



Ullzzang Photos from: xLuSarang

Starring! EXO





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Chapter 6: Can I just marry Baekhyun? He's so sweet and corny and I don't care he's so cute ;-;
Chapter 6: Baekhyun's so sweet. ;_;
serafina91 #3
Chapter 5: 0.0 oh nooo Aiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: I wonder what happened. :O
That's why you shouldn't have run away when you don't know Korea well Ai!
Wolf_97 #5
Chapter 4: Omg Amber and Exo in one fanfic ^.^ p.s. loving it so far<3 Please update soon