Unfortunate Events

Soulmates From The Start

Chapter 1-


It was a beautiful morning, sunshine rays beaming through the trees, birds singing. I felt like I could walk on air. Today I turned seventeen, today is the day I meet him. I know I’m young, but fate does this for a reason. Fate does not make mistakes. As I’m walking to school I take in my surrounding, snow covered the ground and a chill escaped my breath. But despite the winter season it felt the most beautiful. Winter will always be my favorite season and my birthday will always be something special once I meet my soul mate.

I stare at my wrist again, 00D 3HRS 23MIN 49SEC.

So close, yet so far. A sigh escaped my breath revealing a white smoky cloud.

I enter the school gates, students shuffling everywhere. Students talking with their friends as they await the school bell.

I’m not like them though; I have only one friend and my love for books keep me enough company. I walk to a lone tree where me and my friend Henry usually meet at. He’s a band geek but you can tell that one day he’ll be something extraordinary. He doesn’t have his meeting date yet but he’s keeping his fingers crossed that it will happen soon. He’s such a sweetheart; whoever wins him is truly lucky. I get to our tree and silently lean on it as I observe the rest of the students.

A few moments later I spot henry walking through the school gates. I wave to him and he waves back as he picks up his pace to meet me. Once he’s in front of me we both share a hug and begin walking towards class.

“So did you finish your homework for Miss Cho’s class?” I asked as I reached into his backpack for a cereal bar. He usually keeps them in here for whenever one of us is hungry.

“Yeah, all 80 problems.” He sighs, "I swear she just loves to torcher us."

“I know right? I mean the chemistry is easy but it’s annoying when you think your so close to finishing but remember there’s the back of the sheet.” I finally found a cereal bar and begin munching on it as we enter the classroom. We take our usual seat in the middle and set our bags on the lab tables.

“So you’re going to meet him finally?” henry asks staring at my wrist. I ruffle his black hair and poke his button nose. “You’ll get your date soon, don’t worry.” I assured him.

He sighs, “Let’s hope so.”

Just then Miss Cho walks into the classroom and drops a big book on her table causing several students to jump.

“Take out your homework and pass it up, then take out your chemistry books and turn to page 193. I want you to silently read up to page 215. Once you’re done, finish the questions at the end of the chapter. No talking.” With that she plops onto her desk and starts’ grading what I presume is our tests from Friday.

“See what I mean?” Henry points at the angry looking Miss Cho.

I smirk and take out my homework while grabbing henrys to pass it up to the guy in front of us.

“She’s probably on her period,” I defended.

“No talking!” Miss Cho yelled.

I cringed and began taking out my book but then I noticed the time on my wrist had changed.

4YRS 00D 16HRS 23MIN 12SEC

I probably hadn’t moved for a good five minutes. Why…why did the time change? I tapped Henry on the shoulder as my hand uncontrollably shook. He looks over to me and shrugs his shoulders, ‘what’ he mouths. I point to my wrist frantically as tears began to form in my eyes. “My time changed” I whispered, choking on a sob.

I began crying right then and there. My soul mate had just died, and I never got to see his face.


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Umi-Archangel #1
Chapter 11: This made me cry :(
Yuki2591 #2
Chapter 11: This is so sad ㅠㅠ
Chapter 10: This is so sad T_T
fArhonEy #4
Chapter 9: You will make her serenity die while she delivers the baby right?
kpopluvergirl #5
Chapter 8: She's going to die in child birth? Poor Kevin.......I love this story though!
Chapter 6: This was beautiful :3
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 4: lollllll, Henry's like the MatchMaker. XD
KISSmeBecca #8
Chapter 3: What sort of misery? ._. Omfg
Chapter 2: Sounds fantastic :D I already love your story ^_^