
Beyond What You See

A/N I wanted to wait till I have half of the next chapter done but.. What the heck, since it's my birthday today I shall treat you guys an early chapter! But it's almost the next day here at where I live so, it's a little late update, if you know what I mean. So I dedicate this chapter to my family, online & offline friends and you who reads this crappy note. Thank you for being part of my life and making it enjoyable. <3

Hehe enjoy the chapter! ^_^

Dae looked over his shoulder to check on Seungri. Though he wants this nonsensical mission to end, he does not want to execute the kill on someone he knows.

"Hyung, you look nervous."

"I.. I don't know if I can."

"Remember all the things he did to us hyung?"

"I remember but... He did help to save us, safe the country."

"He works for them. That is what he have to do in order to gain our trust."

"V, he safed you. He could have just left you there to bleed!"

Seungri opened his mouth to argue but his hyung was right. The one person that was there to help him back in the North when he was badly injured ended up in their to-kill list. He did try denying all the details that they both managed to collect.  But he can't do anything since every movement and words have been clearly recorded. Seungri spoke in a low voice, "We have no choice now that we have boarded the plane. We have to stick to the plan hyung.."

Though confident about not turning back on their mission, Daesung knew that no one else was as scared and sad as Seungri is on this mission. The one person that was there when he was all alone was going to be shot by their own guns. But they both know that this is for the best of everyone in South Korea. Shoot one, save a million others.

The plane that they boarded slowly took off. They're heading off to where Leon is, which means that Leon will see the duo's actions. But they'll be able to justify their action. They have evidence and Leon cannot deny strong evidences.

Daesung leaned back to his seat and stole a short glance at his younger friend. Seungri had his eyes closed but Daesung knew, Seungri was trying to hold back his emotions and control his fear. Dae smiled and closed his own eyes, trying to control his own emotions.

This was a mission only they both knew about. A mission that would save many. A mission that they both have to execute even if it means killed the person they used to trust. This mission that the 3 hyungs know nothing about. This mission that no longer put Big Bang's life in extreme danger. Mission Mike Choi!


2 October 2012; LA

The duo arrived in LA and went straight to the hotel for a short rest. Even after travelling on the plane for almost every week for the past few months for their world tour, they still cannot handle the jet-lag. Daesung took out his laptop and started punching in keys after keys.

"Found them!" Dae exclaimed, satisfied with his work.


"Apparently they are in a room together! Together, as in.. You know, like us." Daesung quickly finished his sentence before Seungri could say anything.

Seungri giggled, "I know hyung! Lets go and prepare for tonight!"

Daesung closed his laptop while Seungri went to get his weapons ready. It was cold outside, perfect weather to snuggle in bed with the comforter, especially after a long plane ride.

Daesung prepared his own stuff. Just in case they managed to walk pass Mike, they won't have to shoot him with their gun. The poison in this needle is strong enough to do that. He remembered the first time the two maknaes met Leon with Hyunsuk hyung. He sounded dead serious and looked like someone he should not mess with or even joke with.

Leon passed them their own set of 9mm Sig Sauer and needles in a box wrapped neatly with plastic strong enough to withstand the needles' sharp end.

"These needles are covered with poison so strong it would kill. But don't worry about getting caught, the needle marks will be gone within an hour." Both maknaes looked at the needles in amazement.

"But don't you forget, this is only for missions, not revenge of your own. It kills someone but makes it look like natural death. So take really good care of it." Leon warned as he passed a box each to them both.

Seungri looked at Daesung who was staring into space and knew his hyung was reminiscing. Seungri looked at the sniper in his hand. The very first weapon he had ever held and shot with, the weapon felt so dear.

"This use to be Mike's!"

"Mike? Never heard of him."

"Of course Seungri. But you will, one day."

Leon passed Seungri a semi-automatic Barrett XM109 while he gave Daesung a bolt action APR308.

"With your skills, I doubt you will miss any target!"

"Wow..." Dae looked at the weapon in awe.

As the night sky covers the beautiful blue clouds, Daesung and Seungri went out of their room and made their way to the car. When the journey started to feel really long, they suddenly reached few kilometers away from the house.

The area was quiet and far away from the night life in the city. The two made their way to check the parameters, as quiet as a mouse.

"Hyung, I'll set up near the forest!"

Daesung was about to argue that he should take that area because it was more dangerous but there were sudden movements in the house that made Daesung aree and quickly walked to set up his own sniper into position.


"Mike come on, we agreed to wait till the 5 of them back out of this business!"

"I can't wait any more Leon! It's been years, we need to bring them all down, get the military information and give them to the North!"

"I want no part of this. I..." Before Leon could finish his sentence, Mike was suddenly clutching his chest and bent down on his knees.

"Mike?" Leon called out to his bleeding colleague but Mike was losing his breath and consciousness rapidly. Leon sighed.


"Target locked V."

"Target locked D."

"On 3..."

Both held their breath and pulled the trigger, but prayed that they missed their shots.

"We got him V."

"Hyung, time to fly home."

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baoling90 #1
Chapter 2: wow! very interesting fic!!
Chapter 13: Omg!!!!! Good job writing author nim! I enjoyed it very very much!
Chapter 11: my babies~ -sobs-sobs-
Chapter 11: Oh! So this whole time Leon was the made guy! Good luck Big Bang! Annilated Leon!
Chapter 10: Hmm What's the necklace about? I mean, the story behind it that makes it so 'burdening'?
Chapter 10: Uh oh!!! What's going on!?! Please update authornim!!!