
Beyond What You See

12 January 2013

Saturday; YG Entertainment 2200 hours

Seungri walked in, clearly knowing he was late for meeting with the other 4. Stopping his steps all of a sudden, Seungri realised that someone else was there, someone he clearly was not expecting for the next few months.

"About time you walk right through that door, Victory." He said as he stood up and held his hand forward.

"Was not expecting to see you here. You must have missed me so bad!" Seungri joked and shook hands with the man.

"Would not bet on that. Anyway, what about the mission GD? Why the need to travel to Singapore?"

"Well hyung, I was thinking of keeping the necklace somewhere safe."

"That necklace!"

"No time to explain hyung.. We're ready to head to the airport. See you in Singapore then?"

Leon was obviously shocked but he tried to remain indifferent. He knew that he wasn't seeing things. He also knew that he saw the necklace burried together with Mike. Leon even went to the trouble of hiring a metal detector to ensure that it was really in there. He walked out of the room, confused.


"This will work good hyung?"

"We'll be alright, as long as we stick together, as 5." GDragon assured Seungri as the 5 gathered for a group hug.


After the long 6-hour flight, Leon landed in Singapore and quickly contacted his informer.

"Ya! Where are you? Do you have details on where the boys are at?"

Leon ended the phone call right after he the hotel address. He is now sure that he will get his hand on the necklace! Anyone blocking his way will be terminated, no matter who they may be. No mercy!

A car came screeching to a halt in front of him and a man in a simple black suit rushed out to open the door for him.

"I need to know, why are you after a necklace that has been thrown away for 10 years?"

"Can I trust you?"

"I created that ridiculous thing that you are after. Shouldn't you?"

Leon boarded the car with great caution of his surroundings. As soo as the door shut close and the car moved off, Leon took a deep breath and began his story.

"There's a tunnel. Right at the DMZ that contains nuclear that the North keeps. The only person that knows how to open those doors, was assassinated."

"So are you saying that you want the necklace to open that door?"

"Yes! That is the only way to protect the South."

"How did you even know the tunnel exist?"

"I have informers! Look, I need that necklace!"


"Why would he want to open the tunnel by himself? He could just tell the authorities!" TOP asked, confused.

The 5 boys have been devicing a plan for many days. Luckily for them, no one knows the actual creator of the necklace, which makes it easier to send out an experienced and trustable informer to dig out the information from Leon himself while the 5 of them stood around the radio listening to the conversation intensely.

"Where is the necklace now then?" Said the voice on the radio.

"You think I don't know Jiyong. You still have the original don't you? You planted a fake with Mike so that I wouldn't find out. Come on, I've been doing this crap tricks since forever. I know all the cheap tactics when you wanna catch someone without authorities getting involved. Dammit, I taught you how!"

The 5 boys looked at each other and gulped as they heard two shots being fired.

"Hyung.." Daesung looked at GDragon for answers but GD himself have nothing to say. Jiyong wasn't even sure if he could protect himself from Leon, what more his 4 brothers.

"Lets meet, Kwon Ji Yong."


"Safe house. The very first you went to. Come, all 5 of you."

Another shot was taken and the radio went static. Taeyang started pacing around the room to think while Jiyong started packing their weapons.

"What now G?" TOP asked as he checked his Sig's for ammo.

"Now hyung.. We risk our lives."


Don't touch me Big Bang is a dynamite
Boom! Throwaway your life along with the sound
Thumbs up for finishing the mission
Love is a luxury for people like us
Coldblooded and zero emotions, that's the rule.

- Hallelujah; Big Bang

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baoling90 #1
Chapter 2: wow! very interesting fic!!
Chapter 13: Omg!!!!! Good job writing author nim! I enjoyed it very very much!
Chapter 11: my babies~ -sobs-sobs-
Chapter 11: Oh! So this whole time Leon was the made guy! Good luck Big Bang! Annilated Leon!
Chapter 10: Hmm What's the necklace about? I mean, the story behind it that makes it so 'burdening'?
Chapter 10: Uh oh!!! What's going on!?! Please update authornim!!!