Pain Part 2

Beyond What You See

A/N Just so you know, I'm hurting while writing this story because it's somehow injuring Big Bang in my head T_T But then again, I enjoy writing it for people who love to read it. ^^ Always open for ideas, just fill them in the comments~!

And I had to fast forward to few months because.. I don't know. Typing more painful moments is painful and I thought the story was getting really draggy. You think? And the main image is from Osaka's show, not Saitama.

Apologies for slow update, assignments are killing me. ):

TOP saw Seungri wincing in pain but he also saw Seungri's determined to finish the concert. TOP went up on stage and quickly grabbed Seungri and placed their hands on each other's shoulder, pretending it was a fan-service.

Everything must end, unseen by fans. TOP thought and smiled as the encore song started to play.


Seungri managed to survive standing till the concert was over. Tomorrow is going to be just like today, only without the bleeding. Seungri went down the steps and struggled to walk towards the backstage. His vission started to blur and knew he could not walk any further. He started struggling to search for something he could hold on to, the walls, the chairs, anything. His legs started to turn jelly and was about to give way when Youngdeuk, who was walking pass, managed to catch him before he landed on the floor. Gathering all his strength left after the concert, he managed to assist Seungri back to the room for proper treatment.

Seungri was in so much pain and anyone with a vision can see that easily. Daesung sighed and silently wished that it was him suffering and not his little brother. They might be awkward at times but, Seungri was like a brother, a family. Daesung takes care of family, any time. Just when he was about to get up and change into a more comfortable attire, YG walked in while checking his magazine. It was not like YG and Daesung knew that. YG only checks his magazine and cleans his Sig only after he shot someone. But who did he shoot this time?

"How did it go hyung?" Daesung heard TOP speak in a low voice to the YG Entertainment president who only returned a caring smile. Something did happen out there tonight and hopefully won't happen again tomorrow.

29 September 2012

According to sources months back, their target is in Singapore for a private meeting. That was the main reason why a tour to Singapore during these dates were possible. Taeyang closed his eyes to relax for a few minutes but all he saw was Seungri getting injured back in Saitama and Daesung almost got blown up while having lunch with GDragon when they were back in Korea. It was starting to get too much and Taeyang don't like the idea of having any of his brothers injured, again.

Thankfully, GDragon and Daesung left the scene unharmed and Seungri already recovered from his gunshot wound. He was damn sure he wouldn't want to see his brothers see the end of their lives at such a tender age. This mission here in Singapore had better be accomplished without any mistakes.

"Come on Youngbae, no time to reminiscence whatever it is you're thinking. Last few stages!" His manager was always calm and knows when Taeyang was in deep thoughts. Somehow, he always manage to bring Taeyang back on Earth and focus on what is in front of him.

Guards were placed at every corner of the area, snipers were in position in the stadium. But damn that guy is too good to get caught so quickly. Since Singapore has a tight security everywhere, they had to brew their own concoction of poison, something that will take a few hours to take effect and would not show up on any forensic investigation, not even in a autopsy report. The poison will make it look like the person died of natural cause.

Taeyang took a deep breath and went up on stage again. This is it, it'll be fine.

Daesung saw Taeyang look so tensed up as he approached his hyung. The concert was ending but there was no sign of anyone trying to break in to the concert and no sign of injury anywhere. The entire concert was nothing but peaceful and he felt worried. It seems out of place. Very out of place.

When the entire concert ended, the 5 went to their personal bags and started to strap their own revolver on their ankles and checking that their Sig Sauer had a full magazine. One by one, YG saw them heave a sigh of relief, knowing that most of their fans had cleared the area and any form of injury would not affect them directly. But they knew, not one of them can escape injury if there were to be a battle right at that moment.

They'll be flying back to Korea soon as scheduled but... They didn't want to leave Singapore without completing the mission. If the target was here, then they have to finish their job. They must finish the job. Then they'll feel the peace that they have not had for months.

"Back to safe house boys."

"Agh, no hotels again?" Seungri asked in disappointment. It was safe house every single time they came for a tour eversince the mission started, it was beginning to wear them out. All they could do is imagine how nice the beds and aircon would be at the hotel they were reported to be at.

Safe House

"Hey Mike, wassup?"

"Heyyo Leon, everything is here is calm. If they are up to something, they're doing it so secretly that it's hard to track the movement. But it's cool, everything is calm and nothing weird is going on. Where are you?"

"With the Big Bang boys here in Singapore. Word has it..."

"Word has it Leon? You trust on those words?"

"Damn it Mike, what are we to feed on during missions if there's no one to hear rumours from."

"C'me on Leon, we both know what you're after. Leave them already."

"We work on this slowly Mike. Look, we end this conversation here." And he ended the phone call abruptly when he heard a car pull up near the safe house. He unholstered his Sig and walked towards the front door, signalling to those on guard that night to get ready.

"Eagles report your position."

"I got a shot here Sir, eagle 1 waiting for orders."

"Hold your fire Eagles, we can't be sure yet." Leon gave orders to the snipers already on standby at a deep and dark side of the area.

4 people came out of the car, excluding the driver, and was obviously unholstering the weapon they had at their waist. Leon gave orders for the ones guarding in the house to move far back when he saw the flashbang that one of them was holding.

"Eagle 1, who do you have eye on?"

"I got a shot on the one with a long rifle sir. Awaiting orders."

"Eagle 2, you got a shot?"

"No sir, bushes blocking them."

"Dammit. Eagle 1, hold your fire."

TOP came down, holding his own Sig like he knew there were troubles outside. The rest of his dongsaengs were asleep and he wish it'll stay that way.

"What's going on?" TOP whispered to Leon when he finally reached the bottom of the stairs and stood right next to him. Leon glanced at TOP and could not help but to notice the sense of fear in TOP's eyes. He, of all people, should know how scary all these are for kids their age. Breathing in all the courage he could find, Leon moved next to the window and searched for the one holding on to the flashbang. Surprisingly, he could only find 3 of them lurking around the house. Damn it.

"Eagle 1, got a shot?"


"Do it."

And just like that, the first sniper took down one of the three that was lurking around, silently. "Eagle 2?"

"Positive shot sir."

"Take it."

Another one of the three drops to the ground and the only one that stayed alive started to look panic. Leon was about to take his shot with the remaining person when he heard a loud bang upstairs. The flashbang managed to get thrown in. Leon quickly motioned 3 guards to go up and take care of the situation. But there was no break in or whatsoever. The person was obviously just trying to scare them because all he did was to throw in the flashbang and left in the car with the partner that was still alive.

"Leon, how did they know we're here?"

"I don't know TOP. No one outside the circle was suppose to know."

TOP sighed as he looked at his dongsaengs who were struggling to get back their vision. When GD finally gained his vision, he took a deep breath, "They're after something that I have."

Taeyang looked up, panicking and kept glancing at TOP. TOP rubbed a hand over his face, "Oh god... Don't tell me it's..."

Daesung and Seungri looked at each other, questioning each other with their eyes if they knew what the hyungs were talking about. Before the intruder managed to throw in the flashbang, Taeyang managed to get a bullet to his shoulder and hoped it would injure him enough to slow everything that he was to do.

"Where is that necklace GD?" TOP asked, knowing that he will not let his dongsaeng be the one holding on to it.

Those empty streets at dawn
I'm a special agent but I still failed
I only move by the commands and I am that type of soldier
Don't touch me Big Bang is a dynamite

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baoling90 #1
Chapter 2: wow! very interesting fic!!
Chapter 13: Omg!!!!! Good job writing author nim! I enjoyed it very very much!
Chapter 11: my babies~ -sobs-sobs-
Chapter 11: Oh! So this whole time Leon was the made guy! Good luck Big Bang! Annilated Leon!
Chapter 10: Hmm What's the necklace about? I mean, the story behind it that makes it so 'burdening'?
Chapter 10: Uh oh!!! What's going on!?! Please update authornim!!!