
Beyond What You See

"No, I will not let you hold on to it anymore G!"

"Hyung, I've been doing fine all these while!"

Daesung shook his head, still getting short sharp pains from the flashbang that was thrown in at the window by the intruder. What are they even talking about, he had no clue. But he was not the only one without any idea what the hyungs were talking about. Seungri was looking at them, hoping for answers.

"Hyung, what are you talking about?"

"Come on Ji, give that necklace up." TOP continued, ignoring Daesung's question.

"C'mon G, give it up. It's an order!" Barked Leon.

"Then let it be the first order I'll defy!"

Leon sighed and went back downstairs to check the dead intruders' identity. They obviously came knowing someone will get left behind, the two left without even looking back at their two dead accomplice. As he scanned the intruders' thumbs for print, Leon wondered if he could identify the intruders without waiting for their forensic specialist to run through the thumbprint list. The intruders did not look like newbies when they combed the house, they were really calm and somehow expected to get shot. Maybe that was distraction. They knew how to hide their weapons well too but damn it, this is not the way it was suppose to go.

The print scanner beeped and Leon took a look at the result, how can it be? He removed his thumbprints. Good.


GDragon hurriedly closed the door after Leon left and turned to his brothers. GD looked at his two maknaes and took a deep breath. As if on queue, Taeyang opened his mouth and spoke slowly.

"The necklace was a gift from YG hyung for Jiyong. At least we thought it was just a necklace until years later during a different mission. Jiyong wore the necklace and by accident managed to get us in to a building where they used retina scanner for security."

"Wait, what?"

"The necklace, unlocked the security system. Not by hacking though, just.. Like magic!"

"She's like magic!" Seungri suddenly sang but got stares from his hyungs.

"Anyway.. When you hover the necklace on a scanner, it'll unlock the system and the alarm will not go off." TOP continued after a few seconds of awkward silence from Seungri's singing.

"The necklace was suppose to be destroyed when Hyunsuk hyung had it because it couldn't work back then. But it was too cool, too chic, so I asked if I could have it, promising that I will not misuse it. Seeing no harm in it, he gave it to me."

"So, who are they and why are they after it?" Seungri asked, still having no clue where they were going on in this topic.

"No clue. The question is, how did they even know we are here?" TOP questioned silently, almost rhetorical.


The members looked up and gave a questioning look to Jiyong. Just like the members, he can't believe his words too. He overheard Leon speaking over the phone in a low voice saying "The boys are sound asleep and can be taken anytime." For many years, he have worked with Leon and he wished he could take back those words but it was all too late. Daesung was already panicking, wondering what would happen to all 5 of them. In fact, it's not just them Big Bang, there's 2NE1, Epik High and all the others that would be in great danger if they don't stop Leon's plan now.

"How sure are you?" TOP asked, starting to feel that his own suspicion on Leon was right.

"Not really hyung. I don't wanna believe in everything that my gut tells me about." GD sighed and shook his head. He should have kept that idea to himself. He didn't want to let his brothers feel threatened, especially during mission, from someone who was suppose to be on their side.

"Then we should just give him the necklace and get ourselves out of here." Taeyang suggested.

"It's not that simple Bae. If it was that simple, then Hyunsuk hyung would have given it to him straight."

"What should we do now? You guys want out of this for sure?" GD asked for opinions. He saw the members slowly nodding one by one, agreeing that they don't want to this anymore. He could understand why they wanted out of this crap. He wants nothing to do with this service anymore. Killing people secretly, what if one day, someone else was hired to kill them all one by one?

"But hyung.. Why should we give up over one necklace?"

"Because maknae, this will endanger all of our lives! Our family, our fans."

"You should have thought of that before agreeing!"

Seungri stood up and walked out of the room. Surprisingly for all the hyungs, Daesung stood up and followed Seungri too. The two may not be hundred percent close but the hyungs know well enough that the  two are still quite awkward with each other.


"C'me on hyung. We have to finish our own mission!"

"Ya.. What if what Jiyong hyung said become real? We will get ourselves killed and the hyungs too!"

"Lets get back to Korea soon. Kill him."

"You sure?"

Seungri looked up and looked straight into his hyung's eyes to show his sincerity and seriousness to complete the task.

"Kill him."

A/N: Short update so that y'all know I'm still writing. Been surrounded by assignments I even abandoned fangirl life for quite a bit. But rest assured, I'm still a VIP & still gonna continue writing, just at a really really slow pace.

Here's a Seungri to compensate a slow and short update (cr on pic):

Hope you enjoy the short chapter! (:

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baoling90 #1
Chapter 2: wow! very interesting fic!!
Chapter 13: Omg!!!!! Good job writing author nim! I enjoyed it very very much!
Chapter 11: my babies~ -sobs-sobs-
Chapter 11: Oh! So this whole time Leon was the made guy! Good luck Big Bang! Annilated Leon!
Chapter 10: Hmm What's the necklace about? I mean, the story behind it that makes it so 'burdening'?
Chapter 10: Uh oh!!! What's going on!?! Please update authornim!!!