
Beyond What You See

05 January 2013
En route Jeolla (for funeral)

While the hyungs were still wondering how Mike had died, Daesung and Seungri sat in the van quietly, pretending to sleep.

"TOP hyung, you were close with Mike. Was he on any assignment?"

"I don't know. I thought he was on holiday, that punk!"

"He can't be on a holiday and suddenly got killed. Thats impossible!" Taeyang chimed in.

"Nothing is impossible when you are in this line of business Youngbae-ah. You'll never know who will shoot us down in the next few minutes." TOP nodded, agreeing with GDragon.

TOP looked over his shoulder to the back of the van and saw that the two maknaes were sound asleep.

"They're asleep. Do you think, it's safe for us to discuss now?"

GD looked over and started, "He was trying to sell information to the North. I digged for some information, asked around discretely. He originated from the North."

"WHAT? He.. All these while, he lied?" TOP asked in disbelief.

"That's what people said. Bae did some more digging, he came from the border, survived lying to people for many years and now, here he is."

"He's good.. It's been years."

Before the hyungs were able to continue their conversation, they arrived at the countryside for the funeral. Daesung and Seungri pretended to wake up when Taeyang shook them. The maknaes looked at each other and asked, "What are they hiding from us?"

05 January 2013
Jeolla; Mike's funeral

"Thank you for coming, friends of Mike. It would mean a lot to him. His death came as a shock for us all. But of course, we'll never know when we will be taken away from Earth."

TOP bowed in reply to Mike's wife, Minhee. In their journer as spy--assassin, no one, not even their loved ones know their true identity. Minhee never knew what Mike did when he went overseas on a 'business trip'. And now Minhee will never know that Mike's death was because he was shot and not something natural.

The coffin was about to be  screwed shut when Mike's mother finally spoke. She was quiet throughout the entire service and nobody could blame her. Her son's death came by surprise, her only son had died.

"Wait, Mike requested to have this on him if he died before me." In softer tone she said, "It's like he knew he was dying."

Leon looked up and saw what he had least expected. A necklace that he thought GD had with him. So he kept it with Mike. I should have known. Now I need to find a way to get that back.

The look of surprise on Leon's face was difficult to miss. It was an indication to GDragon that Mike did not trust Leon as much as he should have. But why? Jiyong made eye contact with Youngbae. He knew that Bae would start to realise the rumours that he have heard because the entire Big Bang knew GD still had the necklace on him.

"Bae, do you see what I saw?" Taeyang nodded seriously.

"No Ma'am. I believe the owner of that necklace would want it back. I'll keep it!" Leon voiced out.

"But, it's his wish to be buried wi..."

"He'll understand." Leon cut off anxiously.

"No hyung. Let her fulfill Mike's request and wishes." GD knew this was the only way to keep himself safe from any future danger. But his heart was telling him that this was not the right thing to do. What if they dig up his grave? Mike would think I agreed on purpose, that I have no respect for him.

Leon looked straight to GD then lowered his gaze. Jiyong walked towards Mike's mother and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Let me."

05 January 2013
En route Seoul

"Hyung, what was that all about?" Seungri asked, curious.

"We talk when we get back to Seoul ok?"

"But Ji hyung!" Daesung whined.

"Seoul, Daesung. Patience."

TOP checked his Sig to ensure that it was filled. His heart felt uneasy eversince he stepped in to the car, it was beating fast it felt like his heart could jump out any time. He looked around the area and closed the door shut. May our journey home be safe.

07 January 2013
YG Building; GDragon's studio

The 5 boys gathered in the familiar studio and started their discussion. Eversince they reached Seoul safely after the funeral, the maknaes would not stop asking questions and the hyungs knew that they have to spill the beans if they want to stay as 5 for the many years ahead. They want to ensure that the maknaes will always trust them.

"We've been monitoring Leon's movement." TOP started when the silence got increasingly awkward.

"Wait, who? LEON?! WHY?" Daesung asked and looked at Seungri.

"He's been selling our military details to the North." Taeyang started to explain about how Leon crossed the DMZ many years back and founded this circle of spies and assassin. Taeyang also said that with the necklace that GD has kept with him all these years, the North could use the necklace and gain access to anywhere they want in the South once they sneak pass the 38th parallel.

"You mean, we killed the wrong person?" Daesung mumbled hesitantly.

"YOU DID WHAT?" GDragon exclaimed when he heard Daesung's mumbles.

Seungri began explaining how they had a secret mission that was issued by Leon before they joined the hyungs. Leon mentioned that there was a leak in the circle and he wants that leak to be removed as soon as they can, with any method.

Daesung and Seungri digged for many information and planted several informers around Mike and they all said the same thing, "Mike hates it when people speak ill of the North."

"We gathered more evidence and deduced that Mike was the leak. YG hyung approved the evidence and..." Daesung trailed off realising the possibilities of what could have happened.

"No, hyung would not do anything like that. What does he have to gain from it?" Jiyong spoke with confidence. If everyone were to go against him one day, Jiyong was certain Hyunsuk hyung would not.

"We need to have a plan to lure Leon and ensure that he tells the truth." Taeyang suggested.

"But how? We dont have any reasons to call him in for discussion."

"What about the necklace?" Seungri asked, curious.

GD's face lit up and immediately took a piece of his music sheet to write notes. If there was one way to lure Leon into telling the truth, it was with this necklace. This necklace, full of burden, will now be helpful.

A/N Really short and empty chapter for now! Hope you enjoyed the read.


- DMZ: Demilitarized Zone, the 38th parallel north that cuts both Korean Peninsula into two

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baoling90 #1
Chapter 2: wow! very interesting fic!!
Chapter 13: Omg!!!!! Good job writing author nim! I enjoyed it very very much!
Chapter 11: my babies~ -sobs-sobs-
Chapter 11: Oh! So this whole time Leon was the made guy! Good luck Big Bang! Annilated Leon!
Chapter 10: Hmm What's the necklace about? I mean, the story behind it that makes it so 'burdening'?
Chapter 10: Uh oh!!! What's going on!?! Please update authornim!!!