
Half & Half





 At that time, I had met my other half...



 Once in Woollim Middle School's Class 1-B, there was a certain girl named Choi Hyorin. Hyorin had lived in the countryside all her life. She was defined as "Perfect" by her classmates. Why is that? That's because she was perfect in any aspects of academics and sports. She was also number one in class and was also number one in the school's ranking of popular students. She was loved by everyone because of her attitude - She was a very cheerful girl. Any work that she faced, she always wore a smile even though the going gets tough. She was admired by everyone else. They thought that the Choi Hyorin they knew lived a very wonderful life.


 Well, that's what they thought.



 Hyorin walked home from school, receiving news that there would be a new student in her class. Since she was class president, she had always expected that transferees would get close to her so easily. Though she had a lot of friends, she never had a real one. Hyorin considered them as her "Fans", for they only try to get close with her or befriend her because they look up to her that much and just for the reason to become popular. She didn't like it, in fact, she never did. Not in a life like she lives...


 She finally reached her home, which saddens her the very moment she sees it. She didn't feel like coming home. Hyorin always felt that way everyday, especially when she has started school recently. Her joy dropped down to zero the moment she touched the knob of the door. Her family lived in a small apartment any person can afford - Any person who are not that rich, that is. She opened the door and was greeted by the noises her busy family made. 


 Hyorin's mother was a busy working woman, while her father was just a slacker in the house. She had a little brother who was still in elementary school. 


 Her mother seldomly goes home for she always had some kind of work to do at her office which was a few kilometers away from her current home. While her father, too, seldomly goes home for he always hung out with his friends and did all sorts of gambling and vices; while she was the only person left to take care of her brother. With the little amount of money she gets from the work of her mother, it was only enough for two people to feed - Which was her baby brother and her. Unfortunately, her father goes home at around dinner and demands for dinner. Without any option left, she takes the day off without eating supper.


 In short, they were unfortunate.


 No one knew this side of her life. She had always wanted to get a job because she wanted to help her unhealthy family, but she was too young. Her mother said that she would finish high school first before getting a job, so she tried. But it didn't go well until a certain person in her life appeared...



 Everyone in Hyorin's class was very excited for the coming of their new classmate. Even Hyorin herself was, too. She was anticipating it so bad that she had plotted some future plans for the two to get acquainted. She was already daydreaming since the time she arrived in school. The time she sat on her chair which was at the last row on the left near the window, she had already started spacing out about the transferee. Is it a girl or a boy? Who knows... Even the whole class was already chattering about it. The atmosphere turned even more exciting as soon as the teacher got inside the classroom with a shadow tailing her from behind.


 Hyoyi wanted to befriend the new girl for her own personal reasons. One is because she never had friends. Two is that she had found out that the two looked very similar. 


 Everyone sat down in their respective seats with wide grins. "Okay class, calm down." The teacher chuckled. You can tell how excited they really were when the teacher spoke, especially Hyorin. "As you all have known, we have a new classmate today~" The teacher held the little girl's shoulder and brought her in front. Uwah... It's a girl! Hyorin was feeling tingly all over. "Please introduce yourself." The girl kept quiet for a little while and after a few seconds, she finally talked. "I'm Jung Hyoyi." She bowed, "Please treat me well."


 "Yes~!" The whole class exclaimed, including Hyorin. They were all delighted having a new classmate who came from the city. Since it was a first for the children, they really cherished this moment. It was like finding a sea of gold after meeting Hyoyi. Her whole existence gave meaning into the whole class. "But..." The teacher broke the moment of joy the kids were having, "Isn't it your name is... Nam Hyoyi?" The teacher got her student checklist and searched for her name. Because of this, the whole class got confused; Hyoyi noticed this.


 "I don't know of any Nam Hyoyi." She answered sternly. 


 "But I'm sure the registered name is - " The teacher checked twice.


 "Teacher, I told you! I'm Jung Hyoyi!" Hyoyi kept on persisting until the teacher gave up and let her sit down. There was an empty chair in front of Hyorin, which where the teacher had decided to sit the little irritated girl. Hyoyi left an awkward atmosphere in the class. "Hyorin, take charge of her. As class president, when recess comes, show her around, okay?" The teacher told her and nodded as a reply. As soon as Hyoyi sat down, Hyorin leaned closer to the seat in front of her and tapped Hyoyi's shoulder, "Hi~ I'm Hyorin, nice to meet you!" She smiled as wide as she could. Hyoyi looked back, "Don't talk to me." She immediately turned her head around and left Hyorin hanging. Okay...?



 It wasn't how Hyorin expected things to be. It wasn't going through as planned. I'll get to befriend her by recess! She exclaimed in her head, fully determined. At that point of time, the bell for recess came, and the whole class rushed outside as soon as they heared it rang. Hyorin tapped Hyoyi's shoulder once again, signaling her to come with her. Hyoyi followed suit as quietly as possible. But then, the whole class kept on following the two, especially Hyoyi. They kept on asking her questions about her life in Seoul and whatsoever, which annoyed her the most. Hyorin noticed this - "Hey guys, could you leave her a little space?" She asked humbly. The whole  class backed out and minded their own business.


 Hyoyi sighed, keeping a straight look. Finally, those guys are gone. She gave off a visible smirk which Hyorin noticed. "You're not the socialite type, huh?" She asked with a smile. "Let me be." Hyoyi replied, "They call me the "Ice Princess" back at my elementary days, so if you don't want to get embarrased, don't talk to me." She informed the now confused Hyorin. "Why yes, your majesty." Hyorin did a courtsey in front of Hyoyi as a form of a joke. She laughed at her own joke, which Hyoyi found weird. She found Hyorin weird as a whole - It was her first time meeting a certain person to pursue her "friendship" with the ice princess. Now Hyoyi found a challenge.


 "Any who, about what teacher said a while ago..." Hyorin cleared , "Who is Nam Hyoyi?" Though Hyorin knew that Hyoyi seemed to hate that name, she couldn't help but ask. Hyoyi flinched after hearing the name, "I told you, I never knew her! Don't go minding other people's business!" Hyoyi screamed, which shocked Hyorin. It gave her chills that ran down her spine. Hyoyi left after that, leavin Hyorin rooted to her spot.


 I think I failed gaining a friend...



 For the past few days, Hyorin found herself trying even harder in pursuing Hyoyi. Though she had known a whole lot about the girl for all those times of being stubborn. But that's what she thought...


 She followed Hyoyi to the main gates of the school, which annoyed the ice princess so much that she had to hide or run circles for the girl to not follow her. But no matter how hard she tried, Hyorin was still there. She was sticky as glue. Hyoyi had no choice but to keep her "Shadow". It creeped her for having a stalker-like person following her around all day, let alone the whole class bugging her. "Going home already?" Hyorin poked Hyoyi. She brushed it off in annoyance, "Is it obvious?" Hyoyi said in a sarcastic manner, still wearing that expressionless face. "Can I join you? Please, please, please?" Hyorin begged like there's no tomorrow. "Oh! And while we're at it, we can stay at your house! We can play, and oh! We can all each other by pet names." Hyorin kept on babbling in excitement.


 Hyoyi was silenced when she had heared the word "Home". As expected, the "perfect" Hyorin still hasn't known anything about her yet. She stopped walking, "...You can't." 


 "Why?" Hyorin tilted her head, "But I think you'll like it..."


 "No. You don't know me. I hate my life, get it? Will that keep you from befriending me?" Hyoyi said with furrowed eyebrows.


 I... Hate my life too. "But you will, really!"


 "No!" Hyoyi shouted, "I never did, and I never will! So leave me alone and don't try to befriend me 'cause I never will!" 


 Those words struck Hyorin. She was being selfish all these times - Only thinking about herself, and not what Hyoyi thought of her trailing the girl around. ...It wasn't her fault. It was mine.  Hyorin frowned and she wanted to tear up, but she fought her tears back. Hyoyi was still calming her anger down; she had a very short fuse. You can never be contented with what you have in life... She realized. Hyorin gulped down the lump forming in . Though you do have much, you still wanted to have more. There will never come a time when you say to yourself that 'Ah... This is enough'. All I've ever wanted is to have a happy life...


 "Hyoyi~ There you are!"


 The awkward silence was broken off by a familiar voice Hyoyi has heared before. Now what!? The two's attention diverted to the little boy who was standing behind Hyoyi. "I've been looking all over for you!" He grinned, "And look at that~" He tilted his head to have a glimpse of Hyorin, "You've made a friend! Big brother's proud of you~" He ruffled Hyoyi's hair. Big brother? Hyorin forgot all about her tears and got even more curious. "Woohyun! Don't touch me!" Hyoyi blew a fuse again, but Woohyun ignored it and chuckled. "Sorry, she's always like this." He pointed out at Hyoyi with a wide grin plastered on his face, "I'm Nam Woohyun, by the way~" Nam? Big Brother? Ah... "Come, let's go." He pulled Hyoyi out of Hyorin's sight in front of a black car, where Hyoyi's supposed parents are in there. 


 The sight of it made Hyorin even more jealous of Hyoyi. She was more perfect than her - It felt like she was replaced. Hyoyi was the new ranked one in the class, the new most popular student, the new eye candy, the new favorite of the teachers... Everything. And she tells me that she hates her life? I mean, look at it! She stared at the sight of a family really worried about their little girl while Hyoyi just stood there complaining. 


 You can never be really contented in life. 



 Since then, Choi Hyorin held a grudge on Hyoyi, even until the day Hyoyi had disappeared...



Hi peeps. Creepy author is back. I'm sorry if I confused you guys, by the way, this is a flashback, as you all have noticed. Any who, continuing the flashback at the next chappie. You'll grasped a clearer idea of the story. 

Anyways~ DKFC was yesterday, and I didn't attend, lol~ I'm poor, so I'm sorry xD I also injured my leg at the weekends, so... Yeah. I'll probably update tomorrow and I'm planning to write a new story since summer vacation is nearing in here (Though it's 2 months away xD). Enjoy~



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I might update this week. I'm sorry for the long hiatus, I was busy for school and dancing classes...! Please forgive me. *ugly sobbing*


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Chapter 14: Waaa~ I missed this and namu's gonna be L's rival,eh? Aiyoo. Careful myungsoo~
sounds very intersting ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 11: Truth revealed. What? Who's he? Who's coming? Aigoo.
Update soon! At least, myungsoo cares. :)
Chapter 10: Uwaa~ I love your update!! Like seriously~ they're so cute. Why do they need to be apart at the end? Please don't let one of them die. That's just sad~
(Keke~ sorry for being dramatic. :P )
I'll wait for your next update~
Chapter 9: Asdfghjkl!!
Update soon please!!
Myungsoo is falling for her. Gosh!! >//<
Chapter 8: What the heck. She asked her that but she forgot?
This is really confusing X.x
I don't get it.
Chapter 7: I understand where Hyorin's hate for Hyoyi is coming from but...
She's too stupid to try and replace Hyoyi.
I mean come on, she should be contented on what she has and who she is.
She shouldn't Pretend to be someone she is not. She's unreasonable.
But I think she is the antagonist of the story and so I won't hate on her~
Chapter 6: What? This is too confusing X.x
Two Hyoyis? Then Choi Hyorin and Hyoyi?
So Choi Hyorin is the Nam Hyoyi that Myungsoo is dating?
Chapter 5: What... Two Hyoyis?
I really enjoy this story.
Please update soon :)
kikiiosz #10
Chapter 2: Such an intriguing story. It kind of scares me that your style of writing is so similar to my friend on here !