
Half & Half





 It was morning; the sun was b brightly as ever and the birds were singing their daily lullaby. As usual, it was that normal and happy though very busy morning. But not for everyone. I hate this. Jung Hyoyi grunted as she put her white, milky-toned hand a few inches above her eyebrows for shade. Yes, it was the usual morning for her, but it was different in her own opinion. The sun's shining too brightly! And it has to be today... Ugh, I hate this. As you might've known now, Hyoyi is not your typical girl. Though she may have the looks of an angel from above, she was very much different from the outside.


 Hyoyi was a cold-hearted girl. As nicknamed back at her elementary and high school days, she was called the "Ice Princess". She had the looks of a princess, yes... But she was cold, solid and hard like ice. Though she always had that sternful and piercing look, she too had emotions. Well, there was a list of it: Hatred, Angry, Sad, Hatred, Remoresful... And well, Hatred. It was mostly the look of hate. Hate of what? Hate of everything. To put it short, the whole world, and her whole life. Her physical structure was like those of an "Eoljjang". She had pitch-black, long and straigth hair which was frequently tied up to an updo bun, average height and weight, and a very beautiful face (Not that she cares, though). She has long, curved eyelashes and black orbs; lips similar to the cresent moon's curve and rosy pink cheeks. Truly, she was a princess.


 I might do it today. Hyoyi nodded to herself and kept on walking towards her university which was not that far from her current home. It was her first day in her last year of college. Hyoyi had other plans today more than attending her daily schedule at Arts class. Some plans are not actually attending school, for she will do something to end her "miserable" life, as described by her.


 Since she was young, Hyoyi hated her life. For reasons unknown, she tried ending it in a whole lot of ways. It was a long list. She thought that her life was all nothing but a useless piece of trash. Better of to be thrown at the dump. Though she tried everything, it wouldn't work. But now, she was sure that it would garantee to work.


 Long story short, she hated her life.


 At the time Hyoyi reached the pedestrian crossing, the stop light was at red. While waiting for it to turn green for her to be able to cross the other side, she stood there waiting. As she stood there, she took a glance at every other person standing there waiting for the light to turn green. There were a latter of busy people - Business men/women ranting at their phones about the deadline for their projects, high school students gossiping about their crush or whatnot, it was definitely her first time taking a glance at people around her surroundings. Well, of course why would the ice princess Jung Hyoyi even bother to waste a second studying strangers? Not her, no. But there was one person who caught her eye...




 After a few years, Hyoyi has finally described as a person cute. It must've been a miracle! True to Hyoyi's words, the young man standing alongside her really was cute. He had very good features - He was a university student who attends the same school as Hyoyi (Because of his uniform, it was easy to say) and around at her age, as well. He had a tall structure, probably 3 inches taller than Hyoyi herself. He had an attractive face. A broad shoulder, a nicely-styled black hair. But the most appealing thing about this man was his eyes. He had nice eyes, those black, abyss-like orbs piercing to your very soul. Overall, he was a charming man.


 A few minutes passed, Hyoyi stopped staring for a bit, thinking that she would look weird and she might be seen. Not wanting to get embarrassed, she looked away. To keep herself busy, she looked at the stoplight - Still red. A split-second passed, she took a glance at her blue wrist watch which read 7:59. Here goes... Hyoyi, who was all ready and set, moved forward her right foot, then her left, then the right, towards the truck which was speeding at a red light. It didn't take long until her body got hit by the truck, crushed...




 In an instant, her whole body was gone... Her existence in this Earth faded.


 She died.



  The time Hyoyi woke up, she was lying on the ground, no, a cloud. She felt nostalgic. There was a feeling on his stomach - Pain. It was probably because of what happened a few minutes before her actual death. There was that painful sensation, but there was not a single wound, scar, and not even blood gushing out of her body. She sat up with her eyebrows furrowed and scratched the back of her head. "Ngh..." A groan escaped from her lips. "W-Where am I?" She asked the time she opened her droopy eyes. But before she could even get a clearer answer, she knew where she was actually sitting on - She was nowhere near Earth. She was stuttering and her whole body was numb and all. It was the first time cold-hearted Hyoyi got scared.


 "Who are you?" 


 Huh? Hyoyi's eyes rounded and she turned her head around to see that familiar man she saw by the road standing beside her. "Why are..." 


 "I see you've woken up."


 The two confused bodies... No, souls turned their heads around but saw nothing and just heard a voice coming out of nowhere. "Who are you!? And where are we?" The both asked in a shouting manner at the same time. "You two are at the space between heaven and Earth. Where begotten souls are judged and trialed by the God." The two's eyes rounded with what the voice just said. Y-You mean the... Purgatory? Hyoyi gulped. "As you can see, both of you are dead." The voice kept on talking. "What!? Dead!?" The young man shouted in an intimidating voice, "How..." Hyoyi whispered and tried to recall everything that happened. How... How did he die? Did he just commited suicide just like me? But I didn't even see him!


 "Ah...You!" He pointed a finger at Hyoyi, "Eh? Me?" Hyoyi tilted her head a little bit due to confusion. "I tried saving you by that truck... And I ended up dead." He whispered at mid-sentence. After hearing what he did, Hyoyi flustered a bit. It was her first time to experience someone trying to save her life whether the risk was his life or whatnot (If he really did want to risk it). It was a first for her to meet someone to actually care about her existence. For once, someone actually did save her when she tried to end her life. But one thing was, of course everyone would do that, why? One reason is that of course he/she doesn't know the reason of why she would even do that.


 "I still don't want to die, no!" The man shouted. "Very well then, you two would have a chance to live again." The voice said while the two's faces lit up, "However, you have a time limit and it's 365 days. And within that given time, the two of you would decide on who will die after the next 365 days, got it?" He said in a threatening tone. Like it was some sort of warning for them. "What? Wait! Someone will die after this - " The two didn't have a chance to finish their sentence when the whole place shook up.


 "And remember not to leave each other's side..."



 By the time the two woke up, they've realized that they were lying not on the white, fluffy soft clouds on the sky but on the dirt. They were finally back - Alive. "Ugh." Hyoyi opened her eyelids and all she saw at her sight was the sky. This was already the second time. Though I didn't actually got wounded and such, I'm still in pain... Hyoyi sat up, then she noticed that the guy she died with was also awake, alive and all. Is it really true? Nevertheless... Hyoyi stood straight up, she sighed then dusted off her uniform. The guy looked at her, shocked with her sudden actions. She then cleared , "Well then, since everything's fine by now and we're alive and normal, I should get going. I have things to take care of." She started walking away. 


 "Remember not to leave each other's side."


 "Hey! Wait - " The man stood up and tried to reach Hyoyi, but it was too late. She was walking briskly and she was already far away when... "Ack!" Hyoyi fell to her knees; she gripped on her chest which was tightening like crazy. It felt more painful than the pain she felt a few happenings before. This one felt like it was choking her to death, one which can kill you in a matter of seconds. Wha...What is this thing - Argh! Her upper half was bent, it was too much for her to take. So I'll die for another time, huh? Hyoyi's eyes were getting droopy. If this continues on, she's probably off dead.


 "Ha... Gotcha." The man held her shoulder.


 Huh? Eh? Hyoyi got shocked. The pain which was about to kill her for the second time was gone. "How..." She turned around and saw the handsome man earlier, panting like crazy as he kept his hand on her shoulder. "He did say that... We must not leave... Each other's side." He said in between pants. "...What about it?" Hyoyi breathe in and out for good, long minutes. "So, maybe that means... That we both might die if ever we get separated. You felt it, did you?" He asked, finally removing his hand from Hyoyi's shoulder when she noticed, "Yeah, it's killing me." She held her chest which already got back to it's normal heartbeat. The man stood up, then offered a hand to Hyoyi. She just stared at it, but after some time she finally accepted it. "So you're saying that we should live our lives as one or something like that?!" Hyoyi couldn't believe what she just heard, "...You do believe in this?"


 He nodded silently. At first, I thought this was all just a joke. A mere dream. I didn't believe it, but since I now have proof, well, better start deciding whether who shall die or not. She glanced at the man. And I believe it's him. Hyoyi was sunk in deep confusion. The intentions of her wanting to die was now all gone in her head, but instead, replaced with another chance to live again. She never thought that dying could be a horrid thing, but all this time, she tried killing herself - Now she wanted to live again and not let anything get through her plans. But there was one - This man standing in front of her. Now she wants her dead.


 I believe this woman here did suicide instead. But now, I think she wants to live! What does she truly want!? But for now, I don't want to die, never. The man was sunk in thoughts that he didn't hear what Hyoyi just said, "...Huh?" "I said, let's put this thing aside for now off. Anyways, I'm Jung Hyoyi." It was her first time introducing herself formally to anyone. In fact, never in her life she would ever try to let someone know her name! Especially a stranger... But not for now. It was all a facade to fool him. To let him know that she must be the on who's supposed to live and not him. She reached out her hand to him.  Note to yourself that never in your life will you ever do this again... If you would even live. The charming man bearing the same intention took her hand and shook it, "I am..."


 "Kim Myungsoo."



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I might update this week. I'm sorry for the long hiatus, I was busy for school and dancing classes...! Please forgive me. *ugly sobbing*


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Chapter 14: Waaa~ I missed this and namu's gonna be L's rival,eh? Aiyoo. Careful myungsoo~
sounds very intersting ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 11: Truth revealed. What? Who's he? Who's coming? Aigoo.
Update soon! At least, myungsoo cares. :)
Chapter 10: Uwaa~ I love your update!! Like seriously~ they're so cute. Why do they need to be apart at the end? Please don't let one of them die. That's just sad~
(Keke~ sorry for being dramatic. :P )
I'll wait for your next update~
Chapter 9: Asdfghjkl!!
Update soon please!!
Myungsoo is falling for her. Gosh!! >//<
Chapter 8: What the heck. She asked her that but she forgot?
This is really confusing X.x
I don't get it.
Chapter 7: I understand where Hyorin's hate for Hyoyi is coming from but...
She's too stupid to try and replace Hyoyi.
I mean come on, she should be contented on what she has and who she is.
She shouldn't Pretend to be someone she is not. She's unreasonable.
But I think she is the antagonist of the story and so I won't hate on her~
Chapter 6: What? This is too confusing X.x
Two Hyoyis? Then Choi Hyorin and Hyoyi?
So Choi Hyorin is the Nam Hyoyi that Myungsoo is dating?
Chapter 5: What... Two Hyoyis?
I really enjoy this story.
Please update soon :)
kikiiosz #10
Chapter 2: Such an intriguing story. It kind of scares me that your style of writing is so similar to my friend on here !