
Half & Half





 Kim Myungsoo. The name of the man Jung Hyoyi got attracted with since the time she saw her, or shortly, her "First Love". The man who died alongside her and got the chance to live again. The man she cannot ever be separated with within the 365 days of her second life. And lastly...


 The man whom she's supposed to live with starting from now on.



 There were a lot of things that Hyoyi didn't understand. A lot of things she was confused about since "that" happened. And there were a lot of questions she wanted to ask. She still also doesn't know what would come up and what that Kim Myungsoo, the guy who died along with her and the person she just met, is planning up in his sleeve. But whatever it is, she could sense that it would be a problem. 


 I can't believe I skipped school. Hyoyi frowned.


 "Anyways, since we couldn't leave each other..." Said Myungsoo who was walking alongside Hyoyi who was not listening and kept on worrying about her absence at school. They were on their way to somewhere. "...We're going to have to live together." Myungsoo let out a fake cough after he talked. His cheeks were tinted with the color pink. Even the idea of living together could make Myungsoo blush even for a little bit, but he brushed those thoughts aside and thought about other things. If she's going to live with me, she might know some of my weaknesses and stuff and use it as an advantage to trick me. I might as well do this. After hearing what Myungsoo said, Hyoyi suddenly stopped by instict with gape open, "W-What?"


 "I just said that we should live together!" As much as Myungsoo hated to say it, it was for the sake of "Deaf Hyoyi". "Wait... You do know that we can't!" Hyoyi complained. "Yeah. You're probably thinking that it's because of our gender, right?" Myungsoo said with his smirk on. "Exactly." Hyoyi exaggerated it by emphasizing the whole word. "And so? Do you wanna die or keep on living for 365 days?" Myungsoo raised an eyebrow. Still with his smirk on, he crossed his arms and waited for Hyoyi to answer. Hyoyi felt nervous and gulped, it was the first time someone made her feel this way. "Well then, see you at afterlife." Myungsoo turned his back at her and waved his hand. He started walking, leaving Hyoyi stunned. Although he knew that he would also get one of those now-daily "Heart Attacks", he might as well leave this one as a joke.


 As soon as Myungsoo was futher away, Hyoyi, who was just rooted from her spot a few seconds ago, ran towards him. Knowing what would happened if the two would get separated scared her. She was never scared of anything, until now. This whole incident was changing her, she realized it after a while. "Wait! Wait!" She grabbed Myungsoo's arm, which made the man turn his whole body around. "Do you really want to die that badly and involve someone!? Jeez! Fine, I'll do it." Hyoyi mumbled the last part of her sentence. I can't believe I'm saying this. This stupid guy forced me to say it! I won't let my guard down especially on you, never! Aish! I feel pathetic...


 Myungsoo's eyes rounded. He couldn't believe that this girl was begging her for her life. Is it really that important for her now? When she was just about to kill herself? Well, I'm not truly sure about the whole "Suicide" thing, but I won't be tricked by you. Myungsoo smirked at the girl who was tightening her grip at his arm, "So you really do wanna live with me, huh?" Hyoyi opened her eyes which was tightly shut a while ago. As soon as she saw Myungsoo smirking at her pathetic and lame side, she knew what it was about. "Yah!" She let go of Myungsoo's arm, "Get off of me!" 


 "Said the person who tugged me!" Myungsoo snorted at her actions. I can't believe this man! Hyoyi kept on cursing  him behind his back. And I can't believe myself for doing that. The ice princess was laughed at for the first time! I won't forgive you. Hyoyi had her lips pursed and she wore a remorseful face for her actions. "Are you really that cold-looking person I've met the time before we died?" Myungsoo chuckled. See? Everyone had that image of me! Until this man suddenly decided to appear...



 The two kept on walking without a clear destination, Myungsoo noticed this. "So, where are we supposed to live?" He asked out of the blue, breaking the long and awkward silence. "Well duh, at your place." Hyoyi answered back.


 "How about yours?"


 "Can't. My parents are at home..." Hyoyi mumbled those words which Myungsoo faintly heard. "Why not yours?"


 "Hah!?" Myungsoo said in a surprised manner. Great. My plan didn't work. "Ugh... Fine." Myungsoo wanted to decline, but he couldn't. If he would keep on forcing to stay at her house, he might probably sound too obvious. Hyoyi was a smart girl, he knew from the start. He wanted to stomp his feet so bad but he couldn't. Too bad for him. Hyoyi grinned behind Myungsoo's back. She was plotting something. This is my chance to sneak around! 


 As time went on, the two finally reached Myungsoo's house, which was two to three houses away from their university. Wow, it's unexpectedly near. Hyoyi raised her chin up and stared blankly at the house, it was simple yet it looks spacious enough for two people to live in. "What are you spacing out for?" Myungsoo, who has already opened the door, raised an eyebrow at her, "First time seeing a house? Are you homeless or what?" He laughed at his own joke. "Shut it." Hyoyi glared daggers at him. Whatever, you're going to get exposed anytime soon, Kim Myungsoo. Hyoyi entered the house, and she couldn't believe her eyes - It was unexpectedly clean. Everything was at place, no speckle of dust to be seen, it was eventually spic-and-span.


 "Woah." She roamed around the whole house. Isn't a boy's room/house supposed to be dirty? "Your mom probably did this." Hyoyi ran her index finger across the top of a certain cabinet, as expected, not a single dust. "I... Don't have a mom." Myungsoo whispered which resulted Hyoyi to turn around, "What?" She asked again. "N-Nothing." He tried to hide what he just said by trying to smile and then scratched his head, "I said I was that kind of clean freak... Or some sort, heh." After a while, Myungsoo turned around and frowned, which Hyoyi cannot see. As I said, I shouldn't let her know things about me...


 Wait, what is this feeling in my stomach? Hyoyi suddenly frowned for no reason at all. I feel kind of... Sad. "Oh well, Ahjumma is a clean freak, too. She always keeps the house really clean." Hyoyi kept on roaming around. Myungsoo's ears suddenly perked up after hearing what she said, "Ahjumma?" "Ah, yes... Well I - " Hyoyi shut her lips. "You what?" Myungsoo tilted his head behind her back, "Nothing..." Hyoyi frowned, she was disappointed with herself because of her sudden ranting, he probably knew already. Again, you shouldn't let him know anything about you... Especially that. Myungsoo suddenly frowned for the second time. What's this? A feeling of disappointment's running through my body...


  As expected, the two of us are hiding secrets from each other.



 Since after the two died, Hyoyi felt like she changed. Her cold personality was running away from her body. It didn't make a point of why would this incident change her life so much? Did she finally realized what life means? Or is it all just because of Kim Myungsoo himself? Whatever the reason, I can't let that happened. Hyoyi decided to put back her stern and cold personality back on again. I must look strong, so he won't think I'm scared of dying... Scared of not being the one who wouldn't keep on living for 365 days and after it. 


 "Anyways..." Hyoyi cleared , "I need a towel, clothes and locks." She stretched her hand at Myungsoo, signaling him to give them, while he stared at it dumbfounded. 


 "Why do you need those?"


 "Well duh, I'll take a bath! I can't live like this forever." Hyoyi showed him her state at that point of time.


 "I have towels, you could use my clothes, but what are the locks for!?"


 "To lock the door!" Hyoyi screamed.


 "Jeez, do you think there's something worth-looking on your body?" Myungsoo smirked evilly, which Hyoyi ignored with her cold stare, "Whatever, just don't get in." She warned. The two went upstairs to Myungsoo's room, and as expected, it was clean, too. Hyoyi didn't feel bothered living with this man because it was clean. She despised messy things. But there was something she hated about the whole thing - Living with the person she hated so much - The thought of it kept on lingering through her mind. While Myungsoo was rummaging down his stuff, Hyoyi decided to look around. "Here's a towel." Myungsoo threw a white towel at Hyoyi, which landed on her head and covered her whole face. Can't let her go over my stuff. "Phua! What was that for?!" Hyoyi removed the towel from her head.


 "And clothes." Myungsoo placed a grey T-Shirt on her hands, "Only this?" Hyoyi blinked at it. "Do you expect me to have an underwear for a girl?" He frankly said, "Now go. The bathroom's on your left." He pointed to his left and got out of the room, leaving Hyoyi all alone. Oh whatever. She entered the bathroom and started taking a bath.



 After a long and relaxing bath, Hyoyi was already putting on some clothes. Hyoyi held the T-Shirt in the air, it was unusually big from her usual size. How am I supposed to wear this!? How come boys have such a big body? She placed it on top of her own body. Whatever. Hyoyi decided to put it on. The shirt was until her knees, it felt like a dress of some sort. The sleeves were big, too, that it kept on falling down her shoulders. Her body consumed 30% of the whole shirt, overall, it was really, really loose. I can bear with this...


 After drying her hair, Hyoyi proceeded downstairs, only to see that Myungsoo wasn't there. Great! This is my chance! The fact that a boy would see her dressed like that didn't matter. The only thing that kept on bugging her was on how to survive. Since after the two died, her whole world became topsey-turvey. She went upstairs again and rustled on Myungsoo's belongings. She stumbled upon a camera and some well-took pictures. Is he taking Photography? A certain picture drove Hyoyi's attention away from anything. It was a beautiful girl's picture - She had long, straight hair and sparkling eyes. Her smile was really angelic and the woman had killer looks. Whoa~ Who's this? Is she a model or what?


 Hyoyi kept on looking at the picture like she was under a spell of it or something. After a while, she let go and kept on looking for things. Again, she saw another photo, but this time, it was inside a frame. She took it and stared at it for too long. Myungsoo was with another person, this time, it wasn't that girl from earlier but it was a guy. Hyoyi kept on observing the other guy's features. He seems familiar...


 "Just what are you doing?"


 Myungsoo came in the scene, half-, that is. It was obvious that he had just taken a bath. He was at Hyoyi's back when she turned around. "Give me that!" He took the photo away and placed it back on it's original spot. He averted his gaze back at her again with an intimidating look. Their faces were a few inches away, droplets of water was falling down from Myungsoo's damp hair and fell unto the ground. Hyoyi flustered. In this situation, the ice princess would just slowly ignore it. She was a girl, too! Any girl would probably feel that way with a handsome, half- man with only a towel covering his lower half and with a toned body staring at her. But the problem is, Hyoyi didn't feel any butterflies flying around her stomach, not a single one. Myungsoo's eyes were piercing holes at her. It was too threatening that she couldn't even budge a muscle.


  She was scared.


 The heck!? Myungsoo felt a churning feeling down his stomach again. He felt fear, probably what Hyoyi was also feeling right now. He sensed it once he stared at the girl in front of him once again. "Tch." He said in between teeth and with furrowed eyes. It bothered him for a while that he made a girl scared, and the feeling of having fear inside him when he's supposed to be angry. It was making him curious by the fact that when Hyoyi was feeling something, he feels it too. He knew because Hyoyi was easy to read when she's not on her cold mode. "Whatever, just don't touch my stuff..." Myungsoo scratched the back of his wet hair and walked away.


 And I thought he was gonna punch me or something... "How can I not touch your stuff when I'm supposed to live with you for a whole year?" She pointed out the obvious which Myungsoo ignored. Hyoyi finally moved a muscle after a few minutes of being scared. "Wait!" She shouted at Myungsoo who was nearly leaving. "What?" He turned around, "Just... who is that guy with you?" Hyoyi pointed at the picture again. "That's none of your business..." Myungsoo turned away, but stopped when Hyoyi shouted at him, "Just tell me who it is!"


 Myungsoo was silenced. He didn't know that Hyoyi could turn into a mad woman with a really loud and booming voice in an instant. Why did she wanted to know who was that man from the start anyway? It didn't have important matters to deal with her, or so he thought... Is she planning something? "Are you gonna talk or what?" Hyoyi said with a serious tone in her voice. "Whatever." Myungsoo acted that he didn't care whether she knew or not, "His name is..."


 "Nam Woohyun."


 Hyoyi was rooted on her spot once again. 


 I knew it.



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I might update this week. I'm sorry for the long hiatus, I was busy for school and dancing classes...! Please forgive me. *ugly sobbing*


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Chapter 14: Waaa~ I missed this and namu's gonna be L's rival,eh? Aiyoo. Careful myungsoo~
sounds very intersting ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 11: Truth revealed. What? Who's he? Who's coming? Aigoo.
Update soon! At least, myungsoo cares. :)
Chapter 10: Uwaa~ I love your update!! Like seriously~ they're so cute. Why do they need to be apart at the end? Please don't let one of them die. That's just sad~
(Keke~ sorry for being dramatic. :P )
I'll wait for your next update~
Chapter 9: Asdfghjkl!!
Update soon please!!
Myungsoo is falling for her. Gosh!! >//<
Chapter 8: What the heck. She asked her that but she forgot?
This is really confusing X.x
I don't get it.
Chapter 7: I understand where Hyorin's hate for Hyoyi is coming from but...
She's too stupid to try and replace Hyoyi.
I mean come on, she should be contented on what she has and who she is.
She shouldn't Pretend to be someone she is not. She's unreasonable.
But I think she is the antagonist of the story and so I won't hate on her~
Chapter 6: What? This is too confusing X.x
Two Hyoyis? Then Choi Hyorin and Hyoyi?
So Choi Hyorin is the Nam Hyoyi that Myungsoo is dating?
Chapter 5: What... Two Hyoyis?
I really enjoy this story.
Please update soon :)
kikiiosz #10
Chapter 2: Such an intriguing story. It kind of scares me that your style of writing is so similar to my friend on here !