
Half & Half





 School was finished and Hyoyi didn't like it one bit. After her arguement with Hyorin, Myungsoo finally knew of her secrets only her, Hyorin and Woohyun knew. It irked her about the fact that she, of all people, had been exposed in front of Kim Myungsoo - Her one and only rival for survival. Even though he did mention that it wasn't about the survival game, but about trust... Which, Hyoyi didn't believe in. Well, she did believe it a few but she had one and only one law - "Trust no one".


 It didn't matter anymore. What mattered more for the girl was keeping her relationship with Nam Woohyun a secret from him. Why is that? Because her "real" relationship with Woohyun was one of her most top secrets. If he had known, she probably wouldn't know what to do. Flipping a table wouldn't do - Maybe another attempt of suicide? Who knows. Myungsoo ran towards her and grabbed her arm, "Oi! Wait!" He panted heavily. After he knew about Hyoyi's secret, she had been hiding away from Myungsoo, while he kept on chasing for her (Though he would only be a few meters away from her since he can't be separated away from her that far). It was like a wild goose chase. Myungsoo finally caught her standing in front of her now open locker. Hyoyi turned around, "What do you want?!"


 "Why are you hiding from me!?" Myungsoo asked while he put his hand on his knee and started breathing heavily. "I don't get you." He added. "Well excuse me, I don't like you more than you do with me. Thank you very much." Hyoyi stuffed all her books in her locker and shut it madly. She then turned around and left Myungsoo who was catching his breathe. "Aish!" He grabbed her arm again, "Can't you give me a little more respect!? I'm talking here. And do remember, you can't run away that far from me or else we'll both die!" He noted.


 "I do know that! This would not have happened if it wasn't your fault!"


 "My fault!? You're the one who wanted to die yourself!"


 "If only you didn't save me, I could've died peacefully without you being a burden in my life!"


 "You too are a burden in my life!" Myungsoo argued. "I've been dragging away all your disgusting emotions along me! Why couldn't you be happy for once in your life?"


 "Well I'm sorry for being a sadist! And you shouldn't be that of an optimist! Your feelings are more gross than mine! If only you hadn't saved me that day, no one would've known about my secret!!!" Hyoyi shouted even louder than what Myungsoo could manage and stomped her foot in anger. Her eyebrows were seriously furrowed and her nose wrinkled. She bit her bottom lip and her nose was fiery-red. Myungsoo's eyes widened - He didn't expect for her to get mad to the point that her ears would be red. "Is it because of that secret that's why you're hiding from me?"


 Hyoyi didn't answer his question, and instead, she her lip with a very stern face. I knew it. Myungsoo shook his head and he slapped his forehead with an unimpressed look. He too was burning mad himself. But he tried to be mature enough and keep it all in himself. "Okay, look... With what you're doing in this situation, I don't like it. Not. One. Bit." He said in a serious tone. "Who told you to judge me? It's my life, I could do anything with it." Hyoyi crossed her arms. "Your life? The life you're sharing with me? Heh." Myungsoo let out an irritated chuckle, "This is my life too. We're even. So don't own it yourself." He warned the girl. "Your life? Don't worry... It won't be yours for not too long after the time limit. I'll be the one who will live." Hyoyi pointed a finger at Myungsoo.


 "If you die... I can live on."


 She made him remember that one certain sentence. Hyoyi wasn't lying. It was the truth - It was the reality they're now facing in. It was the life they never wanted - That one life they've been sharing and will share until the time limit. Myungsoo was right; he should've decided earlier. He should've picked himself as the person who should keep on living. He had more rights and more ideal reasons to why he should live. Hyoyi wanted to die from the start, so why give her a second chance? It was the only thing that ran through his mind. What was God thinking at that point of time? Who knows... But one thing was certain.


 Both wanted each other to die and save their own lives.


 A whole 365 days of non-separation and coping up with situations and solving problems...


 Will they get along well?



 Hyoyi ended up in that certain cafe near her university with Myungsoo, who was still mad with their conversation... Or should I say "fight" earlier. He was sitting two tables away from the girl - Who was still angry herself. Since they can't, or should I say, forbidden to get separated with each other, he ended up being in the building, too. Due to her anger, she ended up ordering two cups of coffee in instinct and planned to drink both by her own. She was nearly finishing her first cup while trying to calm down. She stared out in space from the window. So he's saying it's my fault!? He started the conversation in the first place! He'd been forcing me to talk to him when he already knew that I wouldn't want to! Serves him right! Hyoyi harrumphed in her mind, but inside, she was all so fidgety. She didn't know why; the feeling just came and struck her. So then, why am I so worried...?


 Hyoyi's shoulders then shrugged in secret. She didn't know why she was worried. The feeling was foreign since time immemorial. Why would she worry over someone who is mad at her? It was another one of her top secrets...


 Her attitude.


 Honestly, Hyoyi wasn't really an "Ice Princess". Though she liked the nickname so much that she didn't deny it and complained about it being given to her. Making her look like she really was one. Her picture frame in her heart turned so the back was showing - Meaning? She had been hiding her true self and became what people say she is - So she really resulted into an ice princess. So it means that she was a little bit of a liar. Though she hated liars herself, she was one, too. Everyone was. There would never be a person in the world who would never lie. There might be some, but they just not realize that the small words that come out of their mouths are little lies. Little white lies.


 To speak figuratively, Hyoyi was like an apple - Sweet, brittle and poison. The tempts around her was poison; the words around her were venom. They were affecting her, changing her into the very core. If actions could kill, words could do worse. Her eyes drooped a bit as she placed her cheek on her hand while the other held the handle of the warm cup on the table. Hyoyi's eyes looked straight; directly out of the window. What I want to hide is worthless. Go on, somebody out there... Laugh at me. She now knew why Myungsoo got mad at her - She didn't want to accept that he already knew her "worthless" secret which she had been hiding for all the years. For her, it was something little to hide about from the people around her. Hyoyi realized why Myungsoo laughed at it, it was too shallow a secret to get mad over. It wasn't that reasonable. People were - They too, would get mad if someone knew their secret, no? It would be the same for them; they would hide from the person who knew to keep it from being spread. 


 Shallow, indeed...


 Her top secrets were something small - an appeal, a compliment... A misleading word; they were connected upon being nothing but lies.


 It was like a red apple at her sweet temptation. She regretted hiding all those small things which didn't need to be hidden. But then, in her long, long regret, she asked herself: "Was there anything at all?" Even if this situation punish me once or twice, I'll just coolly go on telling more lies, won't I? Like that ice princess myself. Hyoyi sighed. The current her now wasn't the real her - She was letting people change her. She never wanted it; she found it weak. She realized that it was making her weak... Making her sick to the stomach. I hate this. She took a glance at Myungsoo who was seated a few tables away from her who wouldn't even look back. I hate it. I hate him. Why wouldn't he look this way? I don't need to apologize, it wasn't my fault. It was his. He started all this, I'm not the one to blame. She kept on putting all the blame to Myungsoo.


 "No, it isn't your fault nor his fault." A very familiar voice said, making him look like a mind reader. Due to her long pondering, Hyoyi didn't notice that someone had already seated in front of her and took her other cup of coffee which was meant to be hers. "Wha..." She blinked a few times to wake herself back to reality. She glared at the person in front of her - Maybe because he stole her cup of coffee? No. She wasn't too immature just because of that. It would sound as if she was a greedy person. Her reason wasn't that shallow. It was very deep, as deep as her piercing eyes that struck the man in front of her; sending him chills down his spine.


"Long time no see, Jung Hyoyi." Woohyun smiled.



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I might update this week. I'm sorry for the long hiatus, I was busy for school and dancing classes...! Please forgive me. *ugly sobbing*


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Chapter 14: Waaa~ I missed this and namu's gonna be L's rival,eh? Aiyoo. Careful myungsoo~
sounds very intersting ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 11: Truth revealed. What? Who's he? Who's coming? Aigoo.
Update soon! At least, myungsoo cares. :)
Chapter 10: Uwaa~ I love your update!! Like seriously~ they're so cute. Why do they need to be apart at the end? Please don't let one of them die. That's just sad~
(Keke~ sorry for being dramatic. :P )
I'll wait for your next update~
Chapter 9: Asdfghjkl!!
Update soon please!!
Myungsoo is falling for her. Gosh!! >//<
Chapter 8: What the heck. She asked her that but she forgot?
This is really confusing X.x
I don't get it.
Chapter 7: I understand where Hyorin's hate for Hyoyi is coming from but...
She's too stupid to try and replace Hyoyi.
I mean come on, she should be contented on what she has and who she is.
She shouldn't Pretend to be someone she is not. She's unreasonable.
But I think she is the antagonist of the story and so I won't hate on her~
Chapter 6: What? This is too confusing X.x
Two Hyoyis? Then Choi Hyorin and Hyoyi?
So Choi Hyorin is the Nam Hyoyi that Myungsoo is dating?
Chapter 5: What... Two Hyoyis?
I really enjoy this story.
Please update soon :)
kikiiosz #10
Chapter 2: Such an intriguing story. It kind of scares me that your style of writing is so similar to my friend on here !