
Half & Half





 All of us would keep on lying to survive. Even people who trust each other lie to each other. Everyone had already experienced lying. No matter how much of a you are, would you lie if you're stuck in Hyoyi and Myungsoo's situation?


 It's a liar's world out there...



 Hyoyi stood up along with Myungsoo from their spot. "What are you two doing in here?" The one person who asked that question was none other than Hyorin herself. The books she was holding on her hands fell to the ground as soon as she saw the two together, "Just what is your relationship?!" She glared at Hyoyi. "What do you care?" Hyoyi shot her a dead-serious face. If she was laughing a few minutes ago, now, she gave off an intimidating aura. Myungsoo suddenly looked like an inbetweener. He stood in between the two girls with a confused look. "Hey, let me ask that again... Just what is your relationship, you two?" Myungsoo asked the same question.


 The two looked at him with eyebrows furrowed and forehead wrinkled. It made Myungsoo flinch. "I told you, we're just friends since middle school." Hyorin laughed the whole situation off, "Right?" She wrapped her arm around Hyoyi's neck, which she nearly didn't reach because of Hyoyi's somewhat short height (Or is it because Hyorin was wearing heels?). "Excuse me?" Hyoyi removed the hand arm was around her neck, "Who's your friend again, you liar?" Hyorin felt Hyoyi's eyes burning, but she wouldn't give up. "No!" Hyorin turned her head around facing Myungsoo. "I'm just jealous because you spend more time with this munchkin than your girlfriend~" Her lips were pursed while Myungsoo nearly laughed because she called Hyoyi a "munchkin". Hearing it made the girl more irritated.


 "Say that again..."


 "You mean munchkin?"


 "Take it back!" Hyoyi wanted to grab Hyorin's neck, but she wouldn't. She couldn't - Not in front of a lot of people. She was a girl with very, very short temper that had already exploded. The fuse of her bomb turned to ashes, she snapped. Myungsoo felt Hyoyi's burning feeling in his gut; it felt weird to get so mad and annoyed while being confused. "Never." Hyorin did a "merong". "Choi Hyorin, you're just a big fat liar. You never loved him!" Hyoyi pointed at Myungsoo while keeping her eyes at Hyorin,  "All you've ever loved in your life is Woohyun! You even stole my identity, you jerk! Who told you to do that!?" 


 "Do you mean Woohyun, your brother!? He was the one who told me to do this. He never wanted you, he never even cared about you since the time you were gone! He wanted me! Accept it, Nam Hyoyi - You're a useless piece of - "


 "Stop it!" Myungsoo shouted. It was completely effective - The two girls stopped fighting, but the hatred in their faces were still very visible. Now he was the one that was mad. He struck Hyoyi a stern look, "I'm sorry, Hyoyi (Referring to Hyorin), but this girl and I have to talk." Hyoyi bit her bottom lip, now Myungsoo was mad not at his "girlfriend" but with her?! Unbelievable. Before Myungsoo could speak another word, Hyoyi ran off to somewhere. "Oi! Jung Hyoyi, come back!" Myungsoo chased her, leaving Hyorin rooted on her spot.


 That's right, you two... Fight while you still can. Hyorin shook her head with a smirk on her face as she left the scene. He's coming... Nam, no, Jung Hyoyi. Soon...



 Hyoyi kept on running and running until she found herself hiding behind the gymnasium. She got down on her knees, wrapped her legs with her arms and placed her head on it. She found herself wanting to shed tears so badly. But she couldn't - Because Myungsoo might know what she was feeling. After all, they were sharing the same emotions and life since the past days. They were sharing everything, except for one -


 Their own live's secrets.


 Hyoyi's secrets were completely exposed just a while ago. She knew Myungsoo would ask - He wasn't a stupid guy. He knew that Hyoyi was hiding something from the start. Hell, he even knew that Hyoyi did suicide so easily! She never knew that Hyorin would lie so much. She was never like that in the past... Hyoyi sniffed. She had expected better of Hyorin. She knew that Hyorin never lied in the past - Though she kept her identity hidden. It was a secret, not a lie. People thought that she was rich; she was misunderstood. She didn't lie, she was mistaken. But now, look at her! Is it revenge because I wouldn't accept being her friend? But that will be too... Shallow.


 "Woohyun was the one who told me to do this!"


 Hyoyi cried more. Did she really mean that? Did Woohyun never even​ wanted me from the start? 


 "What are you crying about, lost sheep?" I knew you're hiding something. You tried to smile. But behind that, you're crying... Merely crying. Myungsoo frowned. 


 "Ah!" Hyoyi lifted her head up to see Myungsoo with his eyes full of pity. She never wanted to be pitied - Never in her life did she wanted it. It gave her the feeling that she was humiliated, she looked weak at that time. More tears fell from her already swollen eyes as she saw Myungsoo. She looked back and wiped them off, making Myungsoo worry more. He scooted near her, but Hyoyi went farther. "I understand..." He stayed on his place. "...What were you hiding from me all this time?" He asked.


 "Let me ask you, what are you hiding from me?" Hyoyi mumbled and put her head on her arms again. It was so hard that Myungsoo heard a bumping sound. He went closer to the girl. "Aish, just tell me! Choi Hyorin, Nam Hyoyi, Woohyun... Brother!? What is that all about!? Is Woohyun your brother?!" Myungsoo asked in a worried tone. "Ask that question to him, moron. Do you think I will ever answer you?" Hyoyi pushed Myungsoo; a signal that she didn't want him closer. But he was like a magnet, he wouldn't let go. "Do you think this is about that survival thingy?! I'm asking because I'm worried!" He grabbed Hyoyi's shoulder and shook her. It shocked Hyoyi to the point that her swollen eyes rounded and more tears came falling.


 "I'm worried about you. How will I keep you safe if I don't know your secrets? I can keep them safe, as well as you, you know? I'm the only person you could trust right now in this current situation since we share similar lives. Why couldn't you trust me?" Myungsoo scolded the girl. At that time, Hyoyi felt that all Myungsoo's rantings were cheesy and stuff, but she felt a side of him that he was saying the truth. Hyoyi hated liers - But in front of her was someone truthful. His words meant a lot, which touched Hyoyi. And she also felt in her gut that he was saying the truth. She wanted to trust him and say everything to him, but the problem was...


  Would he believe her?



 By the time Hyoyi calmed down, she was ready to tell Myungsoo, who was sitting beside her, the truth... But not all of it. Since she still wouldn't tell him her real relationship with Woohyun. "It started it middle school." Hyoyi started talking while Myungsoo sat there quietly full of interest. "I met Hyorin, which is pretending to be "Nam Hyoyi" right now when I became a transfer student. She was mistaken to be rich because of her outstanding personality and grades; but the truth was, she wasn't that fortunate. She realized that I kind of understood her, because everyone surrounded me. That happened with her, too, until I came. She tried to become friends with me..." Hyorin and I, well, we were so similar to enough. But then why couldn't we understand each other, why...?


 "And then?"


  "Then I rejected her offer." Hyoyi gulped the lump forming in . "She pursued me, but I kept on denying. Until she found out that I had a nice life, but I hated it. She, too, hated her life since she wasn't that fortunate. She couldn't understand why I hated it, so she held a grudge on me." Hyoyi narrated. Myungsoo pondered, "What about the thing she said that... You ran off or something?" "That's out of the story." Hyoyi sighed. "At that time, I was Nam Hyoyi." She looked at Myungsoo, "I am Nam Hyoyi. But I hid myself under the name Jung Hyoyi." Hyoyi informed. But the truth is, I am Jung Hyoyi from the start... He shouldn't know. 


 "But why?" Myungsoo asked. Hyoyi stood up and dusted her clothes, then wiped her teary eyes, "That is out of the story, too. It's probably better for you not to know... Let's go." Hyoyi started walking away. Myungsoo stood from his spot and tried to catch up with Hyoyi's pace. The two were thinking so deeply while walking to their next class. If Woohyun did tell Hyoyi to take my place, I wonder what his reason is... I hope it's reasonable for me not to kill him. Hyoyi made a sad smile.


 Myungsoo tucked his hands on his pockets. Why wouldn't she tell me what her relationship with Woohyun is? Is it really better for me not to know? So, this "Hyorin" was lying to me all along? Why did Hyoyi ran away? Just what is the truth? I desperately want to know the things I'm better off not. I have to know, I have to...


 Liars hide filthy things and set out only all the pretty ones; such black-as-night words are the only ones that spread. Demons are liars, and angels are honest. But people speak both lies and the truth, so we're most troublesome of all.


...Who should I believe in?



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I might update this week. I'm sorry for the long hiatus, I was busy for school and dancing classes...! Please forgive me. *ugly sobbing*


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Chapter 14: Waaa~ I missed this and namu's gonna be L's rival,eh? Aiyoo. Careful myungsoo~
sounds very intersting ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 11: Truth revealed. What? Who's he? Who's coming? Aigoo.
Update soon! At least, myungsoo cares. :)
Chapter 10: Uwaa~ I love your update!! Like seriously~ they're so cute. Why do they need to be apart at the end? Please don't let one of them die. That's just sad~
(Keke~ sorry for being dramatic. :P )
I'll wait for your next update~
Chapter 9: Asdfghjkl!!
Update soon please!!
Myungsoo is falling for her. Gosh!! >//<
Chapter 8: What the heck. She asked her that but she forgot?
This is really confusing X.x
I don't get it.
Chapter 7: I understand where Hyorin's hate for Hyoyi is coming from but...
She's too stupid to try and replace Hyoyi.
I mean come on, she should be contented on what she has and who she is.
She shouldn't Pretend to be someone she is not. She's unreasonable.
But I think she is the antagonist of the story and so I won't hate on her~
Chapter 6: What? This is too confusing X.x
Two Hyoyis? Then Choi Hyorin and Hyoyi?
So Choi Hyorin is the Nam Hyoyi that Myungsoo is dating?
Chapter 5: What... Two Hyoyis?
I really enjoy this story.
Please update soon :)
kikiiosz #10
Chapter 2: Such an intriguing story. It kind of scares me that your style of writing is so similar to my friend on here !