
Half & Half





 Going to school wasn't the problem here. It was going to school without others spreading rumors about two people who sticks together wherever they are. Are they a couple? Will they ever separate? Who knows. All Hyoyi cared about was that she didn't want attention - Never in her life did she wanted such. But now she was receiving a lot, along with her partner Kim Myungsoo.



 She sighed deeply as ever as Hyoyi stared at her school - Woollim University (This university is composed of all grades from primary to college). Nothing mattered anymore; not even the classes nor her grades. All she cared about is her exposure. How it rises each time a person would pass by her. Why is that? It was because Myungsoo was holding her hand in front of the gates. He said it was the best way to not get separated from each other, though she thought that it was a foolish thing to do. 


 "Why are you doing this?" She asked the serious man standing hand in hand beside her. He just smiled, "Well, as I said, so we won't get separated. You do know how big this school is, yes?" Myungsoo turned his head to face the unimpressed lass, "Do you?" Myungsoo didn't answer. Instead, he dragged Hyoyi in with force, "Let's go~" He beamed, while Hyoyi was being pulled in "hell" with an annoyed face. Oh God, though I seldomly talk to you... Please help me. She begged. But before she was dragged to some other place, Myungsoo stopped. "What's your building?" He asked.


 "I'm in arts class, it's over there." She pointed out to the left. "Me too!" Myungsoo grinned. "Photography?" Hyoyi turned her head around at Myungsoo and batted her eyes. "Drawing?" Myungsoo asked this time. The two stared for a matter of seconds then after a while, they both grinned in sync, "Why yes!" They ran towards the certain building, still with their hands knotted like a rope. "Wait, so your first class is what?"


 "Painting. Yours?"


 "Well, photography. Aish, so how will that be?"


 Hyoyi tapped her chin with her index finger, "I've got an idea."



 Despite the fact that Myungsoo might get caught, he still think that the plan was working very well. Their plan was that they alternately attend their classes with the one hiding somewhere. Though the problem was they might get caught and if they do, they're gonna be in deep trouble. He stared at Hyoyi's structure outside of the classroom. He was eyeing her from the window pane near Hyoyi with only half of his head being seen. He cannot even hear what the teacher was talking about back then.


 He watched how Hyoyi nodded at every single question and sat there straight, full of etiquette and poise. He didn't know why, but his gut told him to watch her closely. I think I'll be able to see a different side of her...  After a long lecture, Hyoyi started painting with her thick brush. She all of the sides of the canvas with her brush with black paint - In an elegant way, that is. She then went on to the thin brush and started working with the finest details of her work. Myungsoo was breath-taken. He never knew this side of Hyoyi - That side which sprouts passion, happiness and freedom. Hyoyi was making her canvas her own free self; She could do anything with it (Apart from not destroying her own work). But not like her now caged life with Myungsoo.


 After that long while of painting, Myungsoo suddenly realized that he had seen Hyoyi's other "half" in which he could use to blackmail her to be the person to die. But... That's just wrong, isn't it? Myungsoo sighed as he saw the people in the room standing up and stretching with their finished paintings. He too, stood up; He could no longer wait for his photography class. After he saw Hyoyi exiting the room and nearing the boy, he had finally decided. I'll keep it as a memory of the person I once died with. He smiled at Hyoyi, which creeped her out, "What!?" Her eyebrows furrowed and she made a look at him, "Oh nothing~" He grinned which reached from ear to ear. In fact, there's nothing wrong in making a few memories, right?



 It was Hyoyi's turn to play hide and seek. She skipped her second class and instead, she went to Myungsoo's class as planned. The lot were focused on the teacher as she explained to them what they're supposed to do. Listening to it made Hyoyi confused. What more is that she was hiding behind prickly bushes which irritated her so much. They were on campus, taking pictures of nature and birds and trees and stuff.


 Myungsoo was standing at the back of the lot while holding his camera tightly. He was mainly focused on one thing - His task. The teacher said to take pictures which are in macro... Wait, what's macro anyway? Will they take pictures of trees? Why not butterflies? They're pretty, but when you look closer, they look like aliens! Hyoyi kept on ranting inside her head that she didn't know that the group had already scattered to fish out for some nice things to capture on photo. Myungsoo wasn't there - She couldn't see him, not even a shadow or a hint of his tall structure. Oh no... She bit her lip and started panicking. If I die here, it's all your fault!


 "What's the matter~?"


 Hyoyi turned around as soon as she heard the familiar and unique voice, "Kim Myungsoo, where the heck - "


 She then heard a click. That sound pissed her off - She knew what happened, she wasn't stupid. "Kim Myungsoo!" She stomped and chased Myungsoo who was completely laughing at the photo he caught. As soon as Hyoyi grabbed his long sleeves, he stopped but kept on chuckling. He then showed her the picture, "See? It's completely fine!" Hyoyi leaned her head to look at the photo. Myungsoo was right, it was fine. Though she was slightly pouting with her eyebrows furrowed. "Don't worry!" He grined once again and ruffled her hair which was now messed up, "It's cute." He complemented.




 Myungsoo found it cute.


 Great, now Hyoyi's all red thanks to him. Is it really? She kept on staring at her own picture. She held the camera and suddenly felt a familiar pair of hands - Her one hand was on top of his. She was aware of it, but she let it be. She couldn't explain the feeling - All she knew was that she was acting weird. She didn't want to let go, she wanted for Myungsoo's warm and big hand to stay there. But to her disappointment, it didn't stay that long when Myungsoo got the camera. "Okay, now let's go get some pictures!" Myungsoo beamed while Hyoyi followed him from behind. She clutched her chest and looked down for a while. I don't know why, but my heart's suddenly beating fast...



 After the two successfully took some pictures, they both sat down under the shade of a tree and took a look at the pictures. They were all laughing and giggling. They were mistaken to be a couple. The two didn't care - They were free like a bird, though their both lives were chained together.


 That was the only thing that was hurdling their freedom.


 "Hey, let's take a picture." Myungsoo suggested. "But why?" Hyoyi tilted her head. She then was shocked when Myungsoo grabbed her shoulder then placed her near him, "It's just for fun!" He raised the camera then took it. "Wha! I wasn't ready..." Hyoyi murmured in daze. She was still blushing. "Oh! It's great!" Myungsoo felt a great satisfaction in him. "Then may I see!" Hyoyi took the camera and hid her face behind it. "What are you doing? That's not the right way to do it! Don't stick it on your face too much." He grinned at Hyoyi's confusing actions. After a split-second, he heard a click. His eyes then rounded while Hyoyi giggled at the picture. "Oi!" Myungsoo tried to get the camera from Hyoyi's grasp, but she raised it high above, "Give me that!"


 "No way!" They were both laughing and smiling again until the time they felt that there was something blocking the sun in front of them. It was a shadow of a person. The two both looked around in unity.


 "...What are you two doing in here?"



  Ayo peeps. Sorry for not updating for the last weeks. We were busy preparing for the alumni celebration of the school. I might update more this week since we're starting to get finished! And I really apologize for the short chapter. I was gonna write it in much more detail. But I'm using my brother's computer while he's gone. If he finds out that I'm using it, I'm probably dead by now. *sobs* Thanks for reading! :3




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I might update this week. I'm sorry for the long hiatus, I was busy for school and dancing classes...! Please forgive me. *ugly sobbing*


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Chapter 14: Waaa~ I missed this and namu's gonna be L's rival,eh? Aiyoo. Careful myungsoo~
sounds very intersting ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 11: Truth revealed. What? Who's he? Who's coming? Aigoo.
Update soon! At least, myungsoo cares. :)
Chapter 10: Uwaa~ I love your update!! Like seriously~ they're so cute. Why do they need to be apart at the end? Please don't let one of them die. That's just sad~
(Keke~ sorry for being dramatic. :P )
I'll wait for your next update~
Chapter 9: Asdfghjkl!!
Update soon please!!
Myungsoo is falling for her. Gosh!! >//<
Chapter 8: What the heck. She asked her that but she forgot?
This is really confusing X.x
I don't get it.
Chapter 7: I understand where Hyorin's hate for Hyoyi is coming from but...
She's too stupid to try and replace Hyoyi.
I mean come on, she should be contented on what she has and who she is.
She shouldn't Pretend to be someone she is not. She's unreasonable.
But I think she is the antagonist of the story and so I won't hate on her~
Chapter 6: What? This is too confusing X.x
Two Hyoyis? Then Choi Hyorin and Hyoyi?
So Choi Hyorin is the Nam Hyoyi that Myungsoo is dating?
Chapter 5: What... Two Hyoyis?
I really enjoy this story.
Please update soon :)
kikiiosz #10
Chapter 2: Such an intriguing story. It kind of scares me that your style of writing is so similar to my friend on here !