
Tired of Waiting




Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun with his mouth wide open.

Did he really ask that question just now? Chanyeol thought in his head

Blinking his eyes, he replied back to Baekhyun "Well yes, sure.."

Baekhyun smiled and started walking. Then he stop and look back to see

Chanyeol still at the same spot, standing outside the shop.

"Coming?" Baekhyun asked.


Chanyeol quickly fasten his footsteps and walked beside Baekhyun.

"Nice weather, isn't it?" Baekhyun said as he tilt his head up at the sky

and closes his eyes. "Yea, nice weather" Chanyeol replied. But Chanyeol

wasn't looking at the sky, he was staring at Baekhyun.


What a beautiful face, too perfect to be true to be exact. Chanyeol thought as he

continue to stare at Baekhyun. At this moment, Baekhyun open his eyes and

Chanyeol quickly turn to look at the front. Swallowing down his saliva, he hoped

that Baekhyun didn't notice that he was staring at him all the time.


Walking a few more lanes and they finally reached Baekhyun's house. Baekhyun

took out his keys and unlock the door. "Come in" Baekhyun gestured Chanyeol as

the two step into the house. Chanyeol look at the surrounding. It was rather neat for

a guy's house to be exact, or maybe there is someone else that helps to keep the

place neat and tidy. "Do you live alone or.." 


Baekhyun answered "Yea, I live alone. My parents live overseas right now, so basically

this house is mine" Baekhyun disappeared into the kitchen and came back with two can

drinks. Passing one to Chanyeol as he asked "Why not come into my room, there's

nothing much here in the living room"


"Ok" Chanyeol answered as he took the can drink Baekhyun passed to him. They both make

way into Baekhyun's room. Chanyeol couldn't believe the whole situation he is in right now.

First is that Baekhyun actually offered him to his house and now he's even in Baekhyun's

room. He wondered if he was actually dreaming.


The silence has made it rather awkward for the two. Baekhyun decided to break the

silence by asking "What would you like to do?" Chanyeol blink his eyes as he think of

something to reply. Chanyeol look around and saw the bookshelf with books filled up.

"Woah, that's a huge collection you have here"


Chanyeol commented as he walk towards the bookshelf. "You like reading too? 

Pick any of them that catches your eye then" Baekhyun said as he smile happily to Chanyeol.


Chanyeol stared at the books in front of him blankly as he wondered which one should he

start first. He run his fingers along the sides of the books as he look for an interesting title.

Suddenly, his eyes widened as he found something to his liking. Chanyeol pulled out the

book and then suddenly a photograph fell out from the inside and landed on the floor. 


Chanyeol bent down as he pick up the photograph and saw Baekhyun with another guy

smiling happily in it. It was the most happiest smile of Baekhyun's Chanyeol had seen so far.

At this moment, Baekhyun tiptoed as he look over Chanyeol's shoulder and asked "Found

something that you like?"


Baekhyun saw the photograph Chanyeol was holding in his hand and

his face expression immediately changed. Baekhyun quickly snatched away the photograph

and shouted at Chanyeol "Who are you to look at my personal stuff!"


Chanyeol was shocked by Baekhyun's sudden dramatic action. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to

look but it fell off from the book so i just happen to pick it up and took a look at it" Baekhyun

regretted what he did. He was too harsh on Chanyeol when the fact he was innocent.

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you" 


Baekhyun sighed as he sat on the side of his bed with his hands covering his face.

"Hey, what's wrong..are you alright?" Chanyeol asked as he squat down in front of

Baekhyun, looking worriedly at him.


Baekhyun didn't answered him. Chanyeol paused for a moment as he wondered if he

should ask Baekhyun. Mustering up his courage, Chanyeol asked "Is there something

to do with the guy in the photograph?" 


At the mention of the guy, Baekhyun answered "It's not something i can tell you, you wouldn't

understand even if i did" Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun and then hold on to Baekhyun's

hand as he calmly said " How would you know i wouldn't understand if you didn't even

try sharing it with me?"  Baekhyun look into Chanyeol's eyes, saying no words at all.

"Maybe let's do it this way, if you share it with me, I will tell you my secret, ok?"


Baekhyun continued to look into Chanyeol's eyes, but this time he answered. "Ok"


Baekhyun closes his eyes as he thought about the past, the painful past..the ones

he have with this guy. "We met in high school and we hit off very well, and we spent

a lot of time together. We kinda of became more than just friends after that and 

everything was well until i saw him behaving intimately with a girl and then i realize 

it was all a prank he played on me, he didn't like me in the first place..he just wanted to 

make fun of me and told everyone in school that i was gay. He actually despises gay.

Everything was just a lie.."


Baekhyun covered his face as he broke into tears as he say "You're gonna judge me now

right, now that you know this..i bet you're tell everyone in school about it too" Chanyeol

put his arms around Baekhyun and hugged him tightly. "No, of course not..I won't tell

anyone about it, i promise and i won't judge you either"


"You are who you are and i like you for that" Chanyeol added as he assured

Baekhyun, hugging him even more tightly.


"Thank you for understanding" Baekhyun said as he sniffed. While wiping away his tears, Baekhyun

asked "Now what's your's?" Chanyeol's body immediately stiffen up. 

Now it is his turn to tell Baekhyun his secret.




--------------------------------  ~~   Tired of waiting    ~~  ----------------------------------



a/n: (blue_painted sky)*

Hi guys! Chapter 9 is up! Sorry to keep you guys waiting again. Hope this chapter leaves you

anticipating for more! :D

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elzankent #1
Chapter 20: Why do u guys has to do this to me. It hurts my heart you kno. Imma go read something funny to get me mind off this.
Chapter 20: TT_TT crying buckets!! <3
princess1996 #4
Chapter 20: Omg....I just love this. ..just beautiful. ....
Chapter 20: *Cries* :'(
Chapter 19: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
Chapter 19: i don't think it's normal for me to cry over this.. ok. i have to go.
Chapter 19: Uhuhuhu Chanie!!!
Wae u leave?!
I wonder what will be the ending???

Thanks for the update
pls update soon :)
Chapter 18: Am I crying? Yes I am!
Author nim-- wae do this to me?
My heart is aching so badly uhuhuhu *cries
Chapter 18: i can't comment right now... this was too much