Absent from school

Tired of Waiting



No one could change Chanyeol's decision. He didn't want the surgery

and that's that. Sehun knows that once Chanyeol makes up his mind, 

it's final. He's stubborn to the point that Sehun wish he could hit Chanyeol

unconscious and just sent him to the operation theatre.


Chanyeol requested to be discharged and the procedure was done.

The doctor however did warn Sehun that if he sense that Chanyeol

shows any symptoms that may be severe again, he would need to 

bring Chanyeol back to the hospital immediately.


Sehun nodded as he exit out of the hospital to accompany Chanyeol at 

the taxi stand. "I'll go home with you to unpack your bag before i leave"

Sehun said to Chanyeol. "It's alright, I can unpack myself. It must had

been tiring for you, go home and rest." Chanyeol responded.


Sehun glared at Chanyeol. " Since you're not going for the surgery, then

you're gonna have to listen to me" he demanded. Chanyeol knew if he

continues to go against Sehun, he would be a disappointment. Chanyeol

didn't want Sehun to be like this, he wants his friend to be happy when

they are together but it seems that he had only gave Sehun nothing but

endless troubles and worries.


In his heart, he feels he's a burden to Sehun. He could be spending his time

with other friends or a girlfriend, but instead he's stuck here with me. Chanyeol

thought in his mind as he blames himself.


Chanyeol couldn't help but feel grateful and sorry at the same time. If it wasn't

for Sehun, none of this torture could be gone through easily. Sehun made

his life more meaningful. More worth living for..





Walking to the familiar table, Baekhyun sat down at his seat and watch as the

other students rushed in after the bell rang. Not long after, the teacher walked into

the class and started her lesson. Baekhyun noticed the seat in font of him was

empty. Late again, I suppose.. Baekhyun thought to himself as he smirked.


Almost half an hour to the end of lesson, the seat in front was still empty. Baekhyun

started to wonder. Why isn't he in class today? Sick? Or did he just skipped class

today? Ah..whatever, I should stop brooding over it so much, it's none of my

business anyway. Baekhyun tried to stop thinking about it but it kept bugging him

unknowingly. He wanted to know why Chanyeol isn't in class today.



After long hours of lessons, it was finally time to go home. Baekhyun pack his bag

and as he was about to leave the classroom, he turn his head and glance at

Chanyeol's table. He's gonna come tomorrow right? Baekhyun supposed.



The next day, still no turn-up. Baekhyun stared at the table in front of his for the

whole lesson. He couldn't concentrate with all the thoughts in his head. Maybe he

caught a bad flu or something so he's absent for two days. Baekhyun reasoned

out with himself. 


But when it was the third day Chanyeol didn't turn up for school, Baekhyun really

started to get worried. He wanted to know the reason why Chanyeol has been

absent. He decided to look for Sehun and ask him about it.


When school ended, Baekhyun search for the tall, skinny fair-skinned guy. He didn't

want to approach him actually, but it's the only way however to know why Chanyeol

had been missing class for the past few days.


He tapped Sehun on the shoulder from the back. Sehun turn around and look at the

shorter one. Baekhyun didn't really want to meet Sehun's eyes so he look at his ears

instead while asking " Is Chanyeol sick? he did not came to school for days."  


Sehun paused for a moment. "Since you are worried about him, why not help me pass

him this since i need to run other errands today" Sehun said as he passed Baekhyun a

bottle of milk. Before Baekhyun could say anything, Sehun added "Give me your mobile

number and I'll sent you his home address" 


Baekhyun did as he was told and said out the numbers. "Ok, got it" Sehun answered

and a second later, Baekhyun's message ringtone rang. "Remember to give it to him

and make sure he drinks it before you leave, and don't talk to him for too long, he needs

plenty of rest" Sehun said and ran off in a hurry. Baekhyun took out his mobile phone

and stare at the address in the message. He can't help but feel his heart beat accelerating.





--------------------------------  ~~   Tired of waiting    ~~  ----------------------------------



a/n: (blue_painted sky)*

Hi guys! Chapter 7 is up! I'm sorry i didn't update as i am currently busy with schoolwork.

How did you guys find this chapter? Feel free to comment and please look forward to

Plainwater's update on the next chapter! :D


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elzankent #1
Chapter 20: Why do u guys has to do this to me. It hurts my heart you kno. Imma go read something funny to get me mind off this.
Chapter 20: TT_TT crying buckets!! <3
princess1996 #4
Chapter 20: Omg....I just love this. ..just beautiful. ....
Chapter 20: *Cries* :'(
Chapter 19: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
Chapter 19: i don't think it's normal for me to cry over this.. ok. i have to go.
Chapter 19: Uhuhuhu Chanie!!!
Wae u leave?!
I wonder what will be the ending???

Thanks for the update
pls update soon :)
Chapter 18: Am I crying? Yes I am!
Author nim-- wae do this to me?
My heart is aching so badly uhuhuhu *cries
Chapter 18: i can't comment right now... this was too much