Tears of the beginning

Tired of Waiting


Baekhyun tried to keep himself calm but deep inside him, he's panicking.

The sight of Chanyeol in this state frightens him, he does not want anything

bad to happen to Chanyeol. One of their classmate exclaimed " The

ambulance is reaching! " as she hold her handphone slightly away from her ear. 



Baekhyun carried Chanyeol up on his back. Baekhyun hunched his back as he

tries to refrain Chanyeol's legs from touching the ground as much as he can.

Another two other classmates holding onto Chanyeol at the back, in case

Baekhyun loses his grip. 


Sehun was walking out of the school gate when he saw an ambulance driving

into the school. Sehun stared at the vehicle as it drives in.

Something's amiss, he thought to himself.



"No,it can't be…." Sehun said as he drop his schoolbag and ran back into the school. 


Fastening his pace, Baekhyun quickly make his way out as he carries Chanyeol

while at this moment, Sehun ran towards him.


"QUICK! he needs to get to the hospital immediately" Sehun said in a frantic mode as

he help Baekhyun to place Chanyeol on the stretcher. The stretcher was pushed into

the ambulance while Baekhyun and Sehun climbed up into the ambulance as well. 


The ambulance drive out of the school and rushed back to the hospital. Nurses rush in

to push Chanyeol into one of the ward as the doctor ran in as well. Baekhyun and

Sehun was not allowed to go in so they sat outside, as they patiently wait while the

doctor checks on Chanyeol. 


"Will he be alright?" Baekhyun ask Sehun with a worrying face. Sehun look at Baekhyun.

Sehun didn't know how he should answer Baekhyun's question. He himself isn't sure of

Chanyeol's current situation.


After all, the doctor did warned him before that if Chanyeol comes back to the hospital one

more time, it would be a rather bad situation then. 


"I don't know" Sehun said to Baekhyun. It was the only thing that Sehun could say. There

isn't any other choice than to have hope, that Chanyeol would be fine.



Hours later, the doctor finally came out as he walk towards Baekhyun and Sehun. He look

at them, with saddening eyes. Sehun knew. "He is in a very bad condition, and blood

transfusion can no longer help, not even the surgery. The only thing now is to let him do

whatever he wants while he lives until his very last." said the doctor.   


"NO! THERE GOT TO BE ANOTHER WAY!" Baekhyun shouted as he grab the

doctor's robes, while tears flow down his cheeks. 


"There has got to be another way.." Baekhyun bawled out as Sehun grasp hold of him with

tears in his eyes too. "Don't be like this, Baekhyun" Sehun said as he hugged Baekhyun

who was crying profusely.


"It's best to let Chanyeol know of his own situation so he can plan

out what he wants to do" the doctor said to Sehun before he left them to be alone. 



After Sehun managed to calm Baekhyun down, he said in a calm voice "Lets not tell

Chanyeol about it, I feel its best if he doesn't know so that he can be happy for his

remaining time." Baekhyun look at Sehun in the eye and then nodded. 


"You need to control your emotions when we go in to see him, okay?" Sehun said to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun nodded again and the two make their way into the ward. 


Chanyeol just awoken. "Hey.." Sehun called out softly to Chanyeol as Chanyeol smile

at the sight of the both of them. "It's the usual case, tomorrow you can leave the hospital and 

everything's fine okay?" Sehun said to Chanyeol.


Chanyeol look at Sehun right in the eye and he knew. He knew Sehun too well and he could

tell straight away Sehun's lying no matter how hard Sehun try to hide. 


"Don't lie..I know" Chanyeol said to Sehun. Baekhyun gasp as he cover his mouth in shock.

"It's ok, i'm fine..I knew long ago that this day would come." Chanyeol added.


Sehun pause for a long while before he ask Chanyeol "What would you like to do after you

get discharged tomorrow?"


Chanyeol answered "Somewhere nice to stay and spent my last moment." 


Sehun nodded while Baekhyun cover his mouth with his hands while he try not to cry out. 





--------------------------------  ~~   Tired of waiting    ~~  ----------------------------------



a/n: (blue_painted sky)*

Hi guys! Chapter 13 is up! Ok..a rather saddening chapter i need to admit. Do look forward to

Plainwater's next update!



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elzankent #1
Chapter 20: Why do u guys has to do this to me. It hurts my heart you kno. Imma go read something funny to get me mind off this.
Chapter 20: TT_TT crying buckets!! <3
princess1996 #4
Chapter 20: Omg....I just love this. ..just beautiful. ....
Chapter 20: *Cries* :'(
Chapter 19: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
Chapter 19: i don't think it's normal for me to cry over this.. ok. i have to go.
Chapter 19: Uhuhuhu Chanie!!!
Wae u leave?!
I wonder what will be the ending???

Thanks for the update
pls update soon :)
Chapter 18: Am I crying? Yes I am!
Author nim-- wae do this to me?
My heart is aching so badly uhuhuhu *cries
Chapter 18: i can't comment right now... this was too much