Forgive me

Tired of Waiting



Baekhyun couldn't accept the fact that Chanyeol left.

He wanted to be there for Chanyeol till the very last, 

he wanted to show his support and share the burden

together. In the end, this is what he got from Chanyeol,

an escapism away from him without even leaving any note

or hint on where he might be going.



He wished Chanyeol was right in front of him now because

he would want to punch him hard on the face and grab

him tight and never let him have a chance to leave.



Desperation was what Baekhyun felt right now. He wants

to find Chanyeol. He doesn't wants anything to happen to

Chanyeol where he's all alone by himself and there's no

one there to take care of him.



He couldn't stop worrying. He tried to think of all the places

that Chanyeol could possibly go but none of them was successful.

Chanyeol had vanished into thin air.



Baekhyun grab his handphone out from his pocket and stared

at the screen. He knew the only person he could only call for

help was Sehun. But he didn't want to.


He felt jealous.


The jealous feeling that Chanyeol left a note for Sehun but

yet nothing for him.



Why? He wanted to ask Chanyeol in person. Biting his lips hard, 

Baekhyun pressed on the call icon beside Sehun's contact. He

didn't have a choice. He have to bear with the jealousy he felt

inside him and try to concentrate on whether Sehun had found

out any news about Chanyeol. 



Baekhyun waited for the other side to pick up the call. A weak voice

was heard. "Hello?" it's Sehun's voice, Baekhyun was sure of that 

even though he sounded weak unlike his usual voice.



"Sehun, it's me…. Baekhyun"  


"Oh Baekhyun, you finally called. I was wondering how have you

been." Sehun answered.


Baekhyun paused for a moment before he spoke again "How's 

your situation over there, did Chanyeol called? Any news of him?" 


Sehun sighed and replied "No, he didn't called ever since he left,

no news of him at all." 



The two kept silence for a moment before suddenly, Sehun spoke. 

"Baekyun, I know you're probably upset that Chanyeol didn't left

you a note or anything but you must not give up on him, please

continue to hold onto him. His feelings for you is definite, there's

no doubt about that and you should know that. I'm only a best 

friend to him, nothing more than that."



Baekhyun hold onto his handphone tightly as he answered "Yes

I know, I won't give up on him."


Sehun nodded on the other side and said " We will find him, we must.

I will inform you immediately if there's anything i know."


They ended the call. Baekhyun hoped that nothing will happen to 

Chanyeol, with no one to take care of him right now. 



"Where have you gone to?" Baekhyun whispered out.






Looking up at the sky, Chanyeol breathe in the fresh air and smiled.

Finally, a time he felt relief. Relief from thinking about his sickness.

Now that he knows his death could be anytime, he on the contrary

felt a big burden taken away from him.


All he wants to do now is to enjoy his remaining time in a quiet place

where no one knows him.



Chanyeol doesn't wants anyone to worry about him. The only regret

he have was Baekhyun. He knew he must have hurt Baekhyun's

feelings, leaving him just like that without a note or anything but 

Chanyeol felt it's the best for Baekhyun. 


He doesn't wants Baekhyun to go through the same pain and burden

he felt he had gave to Sehun. He hopes Baekhyun will forget about him

and continue on living like normal.


"Forgive me Baekhyun, I love you" Chanyeol whispered out as he closes

his eyes, and tears flow down his cheeks. His heart ached more than

anything else. Chanyeol continued walking until he reached a remote 

country valley.


The sky has darken as nightfall has arrived. A few houses could be seen

around the area, he look around as he smiled and decided that

this shall be the place. 


And then at this moment, it happened. He started to feel weak and tired

and he start to loose his breath once again. Chanyeol drop to the ground

as he tries to find the medication in his bag. 


He couldn't breathe, gasping for air as he search. Finally, he found the bottle

of medication. With trembling hands, he hold onto the bottle and open the cap.

But at this moment, the lost of breath has already made too much impact on him.

Chanyeol hold onto his chest tightly as he drop the bottle from his hand and

collapse onto the ground.



From a near distance, an old lady saw Chanyeol collapsed. When she reach to

Chanyeol's side, she pick up the bottle on the ground and pop out a pill and place

it into Chanyeol's mouth and then poured a small amount of water. The old lady brought

Chanyeol back into her house with the help of her two neighbors. 


A doctor who lived nearby the area was brought into the old lady's house. The doctor

checked on Chanyeol and said to the old lady " He's very weak, the next few hours will

be very important. If he can last till then, he will be fine. But his sickness is severe,

thus it's only a matter of time by then." 


The old lady nodded as she said "It's alright, i will take care of him." 


The doctor left and the old lady waited, to see of there's any sign of Chanyeol

awakening every few moments. Three hours had passed. 







Baekhyun had not been able to sleep for the past few days as he went around

searching for Chanyeol. He laid on his bed and soon he fell asleep quickly.



A room was shining brightly, so bright that it was hard for the eyes to see. 

And then a voice was heard. 




Baekhyun could recognized it was Chanyeol's voice.


"Chanyeol, where are you?"


"I'm here.." Chanyeol replied as the light slowly dim down and Baekhyun could 

see Chanyeol. Baekhyun walk towards him and hold onto Chanyeol's hand.


"I'm say goodbye." 


Chanyeol said to Baekhyun as he walk towards the bright light behind him. Franctic,

Baekhyun shouted out "No! Don't go, don't leave me" as he pull Chanyeol back. 


"Let go, Baekhyun" Chanyeol said as he smiled at Baekhyun.




Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol with all his might, so hard that he fell backwards and

hit his head on the ground.



Baekhyun jerk up as he scream out Chanyeol's name to realize he was on his bed,

with cold sweat and his shirt was soaked.


It was a dream, but it felt real. Baekhyun started to panic. Is this a bad sign? Baekhyun

thought to himself and he prayed in his heart that nothing happen to Chanyeol.






The old lady was making some soup when suddenly she heard a soft weak voice.




The old lady turn to look at Chanyeol and noticed his eyelids twitching and his lips were

mumbling out a name. At this moment, Chanyeol open his eyes. Chanyeol blink for a moment

before recollecting the dream he had in his head.



The only thing he could vaguely remember was Baekhyun pulling him. 






--------------------------------  ~~   Tired of waiting    ~~  ----------------------------------



a/n: (blue_painted sky)*

Hi guys! Chapter 15 is up! Sorry for taking such a long long time to update. I hope this chapter

didn't confuse anybody as it's the first time i'm actually trying out writing about Baekhyun and

Chanyeol facing different situations at different places and i added things that happen in the dream.


If any of you guys are confused, please comment and I will explain it. Please comment more! We 

will like to hear more comments!





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elzankent #1
Chapter 20: Why do u guys has to do this to me. It hurts my heart you kno. Imma go read something funny to get me mind off this.
Chapter 20: TT_TT crying buckets!! <3
princess1996 #4
Chapter 20: Omg....I just love this. ..just beautiful. ....
Chapter 20: *Cries* :'(
Chapter 19: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
Chapter 19: i don't think it's normal for me to cry over this.. ok. i have to go.
Chapter 19: Uhuhuhu Chanie!!!
Wae u leave?!
I wonder what will be the ending???

Thanks for the update
pls update soon :)
Chapter 18: Am I crying? Yes I am!
Author nim-- wae do this to me?
My heart is aching so badly uhuhuhu *cries
Chapter 18: i can't comment right now... this was too much