
난 니가 제일 좋아 (I like you the most)


A/N:  I’ve been writing this for two weeks now and it’s been frustrating. Today I finally just said whatever I’m posting it as is, and I think it is longer than my usual chapters but also way more like depressing. But enjoy if you can!

Music spazzing time!- MBLAQ is back! Woohoo!!!! As a dedicated A+ I must inform you all of how awesome their song Mona Lisa is, I was a bit skeptical about the latin feel they were talking about but it really is great. 

Also I hear that Infinite and Miss A are both making comebacks this month, and even though I'm sure I'll be damn near broke by august from buying all of these CDs I could not be happier to support my faves. Just waiting on a SHINee and SuJu comeback now, come on SM I'm getting impatient.



So it’s been a week. Tryouts have come and gone and I found out on Wednesday that I actually made the team, but I haven’t spoken to Minho since the incident. I’m convinced that he’s been avoiding me, but since I haven’t been seeking him out or anything I can’t be sure. Yes I’m avoiding him, and yes it is killing me. I drive myself crazy all day, every day thinking about what could’ve happened if Key hyung hadn’t shown up at the most horrible of times. I’m almost positive that Minho was on the verge of confessing to me. But I’m too much of a coward to confront him about it, so now I’ll never know.

I’ve been so withdrawn lately that I’ve started to worry my hyungs, and noona is on edge. Even my parents have noticed my change in attitude, which is saying a lot since I only see them for about 20 minutes in the evening. Everyone has started to act weird around me like I’m a ticking time bomb ready to explode at given second (Except for noona who is just as bold and quick-tongued as always. Tough love, that’s her motto). Though who wouldn’t tread carefully if the once bubbly, lively, admittedly hilarious Lee Taemin becomes silent in moody all of a sudden? Apparently Hyosung, who has gotten even more annoying to me. In my current state I just couldn’t take it. Thursday while we were walking to dance practice I finally just got fed up and semi-snapped at her. Here let me replay the scene for you….

“Oppa, you look horrible. I brought you a blueberry pie today. It’ll make you feel better.”

“I’m sorry Hyosung, but I don’t really like blueberries much. Go ahead and keep the pie.”

“That’s okay,” She said cheerfully, “I brought backups! How about cake?”

I sighed exasperatedly, “No thanks.”




“I’m good.”

“But-but –I have to get you something.” By this point she was wide-eyed and worried. Suddenly she perked up again. “Oh I know. I can go to the home-ec kitchen during lunch and make you some cookies. You can’t turn those down. You love chocolate chip right, oppa?”

The hopeful look on her face made me almost not continue to reject her, but it wouldn’t be fair to her.

Must not give in to the adorableness. Fight it, Taemin. Be a man.

“I’m really not in the mood for sweets today.”

“Or I can make peanut butter?”

“Hyosung-ssi please just-“

“Why do you always push me away?” She snapped

“Because I’m gay!” I shouted back.

Thankfully the hall was deserted.  I really could not deal with another scandal revolving around me at the moment on top of everything else going on.

“O-oppa, what are you talking about? Do you hate me so much that you make up lies like that?”

“I don’t hate you,” I sighed frustratedly, “Listen, you and I are never going to happen.” I said as calmly as possible. She was about to say more when I continued to speak. “It’s not a lie either. I don’t like girls, so it’s not just you. I just don’t feel the way you do, and I most likely never will. In fact I’m in deep like with someone else.”

“If you just give me a chance-“

“Hyosung-ah,” She paused her protest at the familiar term, “you deserve better than some half-assed attempt at an emotionless relationship. Don’t keep wasting your time on me. There are plenty of guys who would kill to be your boyfriend.”

“I doubt that,” She sighed, eyes downcast and presume tearing up. “Even if that were true nobody can compare to you.”

“You’ve got a point there, but I hear that Lee Joon is interested in you and he might be almost as good as me.” I said cockily, trying to lighten the mood.

“Soccer captain Lee Joon? Ha, yeah right.”

“Believe me, it’s true.”

We stood there quietly for a while. Hyosung not meeting my eyes, and me trying to catch hers for some  sort of reaction. Finally she spoke up.

“So who is this guy anyway?”

“Just someone. Don’t worry about it.” We were silent once again, I grabbed her hand on impulse which finally got her to look me in the eye. “I really want us to be friends again, like we used to be before everything got so out of hand….but that’s all we can be. Arasso?”

I received no verbal answer, or even a nod, but I could feel her squeeze my hand tighter. So I thought maybe it was a sign of progress.


And that was how I added another person to the list of people avoiding me (Which would have been 3 had I not groveled for forgiveness from Key for 2 days after that comment). I’d thought that we’d be on better terms after that little chat, but Hyosung hasn’t sought me out once since then- not even for a friendly hello. I actually saw her duck into the boys’ bathroom yesterday when she saw me coming. Nonetheless anything was better than the stalkerism from before, I guess.

Being alone isn’t all it’s cracked up to be though, especially when there’s so much occupying your brain. Every second spent without someone to distract me was a second spent thinking about Minho. About what he was doing, if he was thinking about me, who he was with. Which ultimately brought Eunseo to mind, the last thing I wanted to think about was her. Oh how I despise that from head to toe.

I was laying face down on the couch dreaming up ways to destroy her when I was rudely interrupted.

“If you’re going to be all depressed and weird, could you at least do it in the privacy of your room so no one has to witness this embarrassment?”

Did I mention that my beloved sister thought that I was being stupid and immature by not trying to confront Minho and wallowing in misery instead? She’s being very vocal about it, so it’s a bit hard to miss.

“Yah Lee Minyoung don’t be so hard on him. Can’t you see the kid is heartbroken?”

And she told Kikwang. So much for sibling confidentiality.

“If he would end this pity party, get up off his , and do something he might not be so heartbroken.”

Translation: My brother’s a hopeless loser……who’s also fat and lazy. Ouch, noona, that hurts.

“A supportive sister would do him more good than a critical one,” Thank you Kikwang for looking out for me. I always liked that kid.

“I am supportive. I’m trying to support him off of this couch so that we can watch Coffee Prince.”

I finally found the strength to lift my head from the confines of the couch cushions. I could feel the hair matted to my head, and I think I could feel the imprint of the sofa design on my face. Not a very attractive look, but I can’t really bring myself to care about my appearance right now when my love life just took a nosedive then crashed and burned. Wait, scratch that, you have to leave the ground first right? So let’s just say I crashed into the airport right before take-off.

“I can hear you loud and clear you know.”

“Then move,” Min said.

“Noona, aren’t you supposed to hug me and tell me that everything will be okay? Words of encouragement, and all that jazz?”

“Yeah right. I reserve my comfort for matters of importance,” She rolled her eyes, “Call me when there’s a real crisis, Drama Queen.”

“I’m not a Queen~~” I whined, “Take it back.”

Just then we heard a commotion at the front door.

“We can’t just walk into someone’s house like this,” A male voice said.

“They do it all the time on tv,” A female voice responded.

“That’s not real, pabo. This is illegal.”

“Whatever,” she said, then shouted out, “Hello? Min-ah are you home?”

“In the living room!” Min called back.

I turned to look at the newcomers in the doorway and saw Sekyung followed by Jonghyun.

“You shouldn’t leave your front door wide open. This isn’t the countryside- any weirdo could just walk right in.” He looked pointedly at his girlfriend.

“Relax we do it all the time, and nothing bad has happened yet.” From the look on his face I could tell that didn’t ease his mind at all. Jonghyun was always worrying about the safety of others. It was only at times like these that I could truly recognize the similarities between the Kim brothers. Whereas Key was the nagging but still caring Umma, Jonghyun was the worry-wart Appa. But aside from that they can be as different as night and day.

“Taemin-ah you look horrible!” Sekyung gasped, moving closer to get a better look at me.

“Thanks, noona. I never get tired of hearing that,” I said sarcastically.

“Ani, I mean like emotionally. I can tell just by looking at you that you’re having a hard time.” She paused, “Although… when was the last time you showered?” She stepped back and covered her nose as if to block my awful stench from her sacred nostrils. I must say I am offended.

“Tch probably days ago. I never hear him shower for school.” Min interrupted.

“Days?!” Sekyung shrieked. “Taemin-ah that’s unsanitary.”

“That’s the least of it,” Min in again, “All he does is come home and fall onto this couch. I swear I think Umma is gonna send him to therapy anyday now.”

And as the two of them continued to discuss me as if I wasn’t in the room and Kikwang interjected on my behalf, Jonghyun dropped onto the sofa. But remember that I’m laying on it, and I am a pretty tall dude. So yeah, he sat on me.

“Hyung, would you mind getting off of me please?”

“No can do, Taeminnie. I’ve been sent here to deliver a message since you’re not answering anyone’s calls.”

“Shouldn’t that be a hint that I don’t want to communicate?”

“Not to Key,” He shook his head firmly. “Okay so what was it….? Oh right. He said that he and Onew are taking you out tonight whether you like it or not, and if you show signs of resistance I’m supposed to keep you here at all costs until they arrive. End quote.”

Unbelievable. So either I give in and agree to this stupid ‘outing’ or I’m a prisoner in my own house, and then forced to go anyway. What the hell? Why can’t everyone just let me be?

“Why are you doing this, hyung? Are we not friends anymore?”

“Aww, don’t be like that. I’m just doing what’s best for you.”

“How thoughtful,” I rolled my eyes, “The truth now, if you please.”

He gave me his big innocent puppy eyes in response.

“Is that supposed to fool me? Ha! I invented that.”

“Damn, you’re right,” He sighed, “Okay so Key may have stolen a collection of items that are very… um essential for me. And I really need them back, especially around this time of the month. I can only get my stuff back if I follow his orders. Sorry Taemin.”

I guess I can forgive the stupid dinosaur if Key hijacked his stash. That’s like cutting off his right arm. (Kekeke UCWIDT?)

“Did he at least say where they were going to take me?”

“Yeah. Lee Joon is having a party.”

I stared at him wide-eyed. He didn’t just say what I think he did, did he?

Lee Joon, as in Minho’s best friend, is throwing a party and Key is taking me there? Is he out of his freakin’ mind?!

Calm down Taemin, maybe Minho won’t be there. I don’t think he’s the partying type anyway.

Oh who am I kidding? The universe will always be working against me. He’ll be there for sure and probably with…. Her.

I’ll need to be hella drunk to make it through tonight.




“So then this pathetic excuse for a girl had the nerve to challenge me in front of the entire class. Can you believe that? Where does she get off?”

“Didn’t you say this was in debate class?” I asked halfheartedly.

Eunseo spun around in her vanity chair and gave me a hard stare. “That’s beside the point. I’m captain, and she knows that. Everyone knows that,“ she snapped. She turned back around to the mirror to continue fixing her hair. “Anyway, after class we were all going to…”

At some point in all of our conversations I have to tune out some of the completely useless that she says. Take now for example. It is not possible for to care any less about what this Jaekyung chick did or said than I do right now. I’m more concerned about the pending question that is my uality.

I’ve been avoiding Taemin for a week now, and surprise surprise I miss him. Nevermind that I’m not supposed to like this guy at all, but right now I’m sitting here with my beautiful girlfriend and all I want to do is go spend time with Taemin. How pathetic is that?

I may be new to this whole bi-curious thing, but this type of longing can’t be normal. We’ve been neighbors for years, yet I just started speaking to the kid less than a month ago. So why am I acting as if I can’t live without him? I’m missing him when he’s not around, and day dreaming about what could’ve happened if Kibum hadn’t interrupted us that day in the gym.


“What?! What happened?!” I jumped up frantically.

“I’ve been calling you name for the longest time. Are you even listening to me?”

“No” I mumbled

“Excuse me?” Oops, I guess she heard that, “What is up with you lately? You don’t listen. You don’t talk. You barely want to fool around.” She paused and narrowed her eyes dangerously, “Are you cheating on me?”

“What? No! Why would you ask that?” I laughed neverously.

“Because you’re acting more and more suspicious. Minho I swear to you, if you’re screwing around with some girl behind my back I will cut your balls off and feed them to you with a side of kimchi fried rice.” She said sweetly.

Damn, my girlfriend might be crazy. On the plus side, so grateful that Taemin is a boy.

“Heh Heh, um no need for the kimchi and balls. You’re the only girl for me Eunseo-yah.” I gave her my most convincing smile.

“I’d better be,” She said as she continued to fix her hair. “Now explain why you’re acting funny.”

“It’s probably just stress. With soccer season coming to an end, basketball season starting up, the C I got in trig- just the normal student stuff. Don’t worry.”

“Ugh whatever.” She gave herself one last admiring glance in the mirror, then grabbed her purse. “Come on we’re late enough, kaja.”

I got up off of her bed and followed her out to the car.

It’s gonna be a long night. Hopefully I can just pawn her off on a random group of girls and have some fun with the guys.


Walking through the door of Joon’s older brother Seungho’s house is like walking into the scene of a cliché teen movie. Complete with the packed living room AKA dance floor, underage drinking, and hormonal teenagers dancing way to close and/or mauling each other each dark corners. The perfect place to forget one’s troubles I think.

“Dongsaengieeeeeee!” I heard a semi-slurred voice say next to me, “Why you no come to my party on time?” Joon slung an arm around my shoulder. Let me just say now: Drunk Joon is my favorite.

“Sorry, hyung. Eunseo wanted to be fashionably late.” I chuckled.

“Fashionable? That is just damn rude. Where is she so I can her out?”

“Joon I’m right here.” She said with her ultra sweet **cough** fake **cough** smile and a cute giggle.

“Yah, there you are!” Joon shouted, “It’s not cool to bring my best bro here late, alright? We’ve got soju to play and games to drink and whatnot.”

“Mianhae Joon-ssi.” She said

“Don’t let it happen again or I’ll take him from you.”

“Okay,” she laughed.

“I’ll take him forever. I mean it!”

“Arasso. I’m going to go get a drink then.” She flounced away, as Joon and I watched her skirt swish up dangerously high. I gotta admit, that’s still a turn on.

“Your girlfriend is short. It’s creepy.” Joon said.

“So’s your face.” I replied

He gave me an exaggerated shocked face.

“Dayuuuuum that hurt.” He suddenly grabbed my wrist. “Come on let’s take some shots.”

He started to drag me through the crowd, neither of us paying much attention to leaving Eunseo behind. This was my plan after all.

He was pulling me around a big crowd who was watching someone dance. Naturally curious, I looked over a few heads and to my amazement I had the honor of witnessing Taemin dance again. Once again he’s mind-blowing and looks amazing. I can’t tear my eyes away for a second.

Not even when he looks up and directly at me.

I’m so far gone that I don’t even register pulling out of Joon’s grip and heading toward Taemin.



A/N: Dun Dun DUN!!!!!! eh not so much. Next chapter will be more eventful I promise, There'll be 2min and it'll be freakin epic (I'm not promising but it may be adjacent lol). But this is the longest chapter I've ever written for any story so I'll pat myself on the back.

How do you guys like the characters? Like 'em? Hate 'em? Strangle 'em? (Just so you know Min is partly modeled after me- so you better like her....or else.....^_^v )

As a treat for my A+ readers, here's a hilarious parody of MBLAQ's 'Y'. Watch it's so funny.







Does anyone even read my author's notes anymore? I understand if you don't cuz I ramble alot about nothing. Comment please, I miss you guys! PS- Would someone like to make a banner for me? For this story nothing too fancy I just have no clue how to make one myself 

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Chapter 13: This is so funny omg and I really like this! ;w; it's just really sad that you don't update anymore.
Chapter 12: Don't delete it! (new reader btw ^^) I love this and it's entirety. Please try to continue. I don't wanna pressure you if you have no inspiration because I know what that feels like. I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading this fic and would appreciate a new chap. But take your time~ No pressure! FIGHTING!!
bgreenwivy #4
Chapter 12: Please try to finish this. It is hilarious.
Chapter 12: Dont you dare delete this!! Please try to finish it! New reader here, and im in love with it!!! ;((
Chapter 12: Omo!! Please don't delete this! It's one of my favorite fics. You can take a long time to get your inspiration but NO! DON'T DELETE THIS STORY, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE!!!!! I almost cried when reading this chapter. REALLY, I'M CRYING! Just please don't delete this story! :'( ;_; :-( >_< °~° •_• ‘-’ -_- o_O I really like this fic and it interests me A LOT, REALLY!! Please don't drop this plot. *sad puppy eyes* :'0 I really love your story. <3
I just found this interesting. Ill start read and hope u'll update ASAP. Icant wait this is complete ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡