More rum? Yes, please!

난 니가 제일 좋아 (I like you the most)

A/N: Gonna try something new, called 'what I was listening to when writing'. I'll start trying to write chapters in one sitting and while I'm writing I take note of every song that comes up on my ipod/itunes/sidekick etc. just for fun, feel free to share what you listen to when you read. Also at the end there is a link for a Kpop quiz that I made up. Please take it if you have time, and comment.

For this chapter, listening to:

Be Mine - Infinite

Boring - The Pierces

Baby I Like You Like That - Se7en

Lights On - The Pierces

y Back - Justin Timberlake

Slam Dunk (Da Funk) - 5ive (this one came on so randomly I stopped writing for a sec lol)

Mirotic - DBSK

Girls - Se7en feat. Lil' Kim

Monster - Kanye West, Rick Ross, Jay-Z, and Nicki Minaj

Okay I think that's all, really random right? Lol

Forgive my typos, I'm typing this on my phone ^_^v, and the title is a shout out to my favorite drink lol




Getting through the heavy crowd wasn't hard once Taemin stopped dancing and Kibum followed. They quickly lost interest and dispersed.

"Taemin-ah!" I shouted over the music when I got close enough. "What are you doing here?"

"Hyung!" He giggled. "I'm having fun! What are you doing here?" He smiled widely

"This is my friends party."

"Really you know Joon-ssi?" He asked, wide-eyed and curious.

"Taemin are you drunk?"

"No~~~" He said cutely

"Yes he is" Kibum said from his spot a few feet away now dancing with a handsy Onew.

"Okay maybe this much drunk." He held up his index finger and thumb a hairs length apart. "But I'm soberer than Joon-ssi. Hyung said me and him should do body shots later." He giggled

Body shots? Joon-hyung and my Taemin? Over my cold dead body.

A new song started to play over the loud speakers and Taemin's face lit up like a christmas tree.

"I love this song!" He grabbed my arm suddenly "Hyung, you have to dance with me"


I'm bringing y back
Them other boys don't know how to act


I was too distracted by the tingling in my arm from where he touched that I didn't resist much when he pulled me close.

However when he started dancing provacatively, aka grinding his agianst my front, I snapped back to reality albeit briefly. Anyone could be watcing, was my first thought. Crazy Eunseo could be lucrking around anywhere, was the second. And she most definitely can't see me over here blatantly lusting after Taemin.


Dirty babe
You see these shackles
Baby I'm your slave


"Taemin-ah." I choked out, "Please, stop."

"Why minho-hyung?" He asked innocently, as he not so innocently swirled his hips hard against my growing *ehem* problem.


I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way


"Because.... because, um...."

Come on think Minho. There's a reason this sinfully delicious boy shouldn't be making me feel so good.

"Woo-hoo, Minho-yah! Get it!" I heard the distinct voice of Joon yell.

That did it. I gently pushed Taemin off of me.

"We need to talk." I told Taemin sternly, "In private"

"Ne~" He smiled at my cutely. He makes it so hard to be strict with him. I grabbed him by the wrist and proceeded to drag him off the dancefloor and up the stairs.

After passing two occupied rooms, one of them being a coat closet- go figure- I came across an empty bedroom and pulled Taemin into it. I checked the hallway for any prying eyes and then closed and locked the door behind me.

I turned around to find Taemin bouncing on the bed.

"This mattress is great!" He said happily, "Look how high I can go without hitting my head!"

"Taemin stop jumping. I need to talk to you." I sighed, he's such a kid sometimes.

"Ani. I can-"


"-jump and talk-"


"-at the same time."

"Taemin-ah" I started again frustrated

"Why have you been avoiding me hyung?" bounce, bounce, bouce

"I have not." I blushed. I'd hoped maybe he wouldn't notice.

"Yes you have," he laughed, "but it's okay I've been avoiding you too."

"Jeongmal?" That I didn't know. Duh, minho how would you know if you haven't been seeing him on purpose? "Wae?"

"Because, hyung.... I have a secret." He sing-songed.

bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce

"So are you going to tell me me?" I asked agitated after a half a minute of him just jumping in silence.

"I'll tell, but only if hyung is nice and doesn't laugh."

"Arasso. What is it?"

His jumping settled down a bit, making me think that this secret was more serious than he was letting on.

"Choi Minho...johahae."

"Mwo?" I gasped. He liked me too?

"Ne. Minho-hyung neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu johahae!" He jumped even higher at this. "Don't you like me too hyung? Isn't that you wanted to tell me that day in the gym?"


He stopped jumping altogether at this, and his face fell.

"Oh well I thought you did but-"


If anything could make my heart swell with joy it was the 1000 watt smile that spread across Taemin's face in 0.2 seconds when I told him that I love him. Without hesitation he leapt off of the bed and into my arms, knocking us both back against the door.

I paid little attention to the doorknob stabbing me in the spine, or the way the hard door pressed against my alrady sore shoulders. At that moment the only sensation I cared about was the feel of Taemin plastering tiny kisses all over my face and his cute giggles of "saranghae" as he did it.

I'll have you know thyat I never planned on sayaing that, in fact I had no idea that I did love him but I won't question it because even if I'm not sure that it's completely true it felt sort of right. More right than any time I've ever told Eunseo that I love her, which was always a forced "nado saranghae' as an after thought. Although I can't help think that maybe it was a bit too soon, and part of me fears that Taemin only said it back because he's drunk.

He pulled away suddenly, and pouted slightly.

"But hyung"


"If you love me, what about Eunseo-ssi? Do you still like her too?"

"Ani, I'll break up with her soon"

"How soon?"

"Very soon Taemin-ah."

"You promise?" He stuck his pinky out towards me.

"Promise." I hooked my finger around his, and then he did somehing that I should've expected but wasn't quite prepared for.

He kissed me, full on the mouth, tongue and all.

Now at first glance you probably wouldn't be able to guess but Taemin is a ing amazing kisser. I'd have to ask him later how he got so good, but then again I probably wouldn't want to know.

He coaxed my tongue out of my mouth and into his. Then on it harshly making me groan loudly, probably being overheard by people walking by. He forced my tongue back into my mouth along with his and kissed me senseless. You can probably guess that things only got more intense and heated from that point.

I tried to kiss him back just as fiercely, making it a battle for domination.

The kisses grew deeper every second, he moaned as I returned the favor and invaded his mouth with me tongue. He gave up the fight and let me take over, gasping slightly as I turned us around, his back now against the door, lifted him up and guided his legs around my hip bones. He caught on to the new position and encircled his arms around my neck, letting his fingers tangle in my hair. I pulled back slightly and what I saw took my breath away.

You know how I said that Taemin dancing was one of the most things I'd ever seen? Well this look that he's got going on right now with the half-lidded eyes, kissably swollen lips, messed up hair, and light pink blush gong all the way down his neck- just took the cake.

Impatiently he went in to kiss me again. Not wanting to let him have control again I avoided his lips and moved further down, my mouth nipping and across the flushed skin of his neck. One spot in particular down below his ear drew a loud moan from him. 

"Ah Minho~!"

If I wasn't hard already, that noise would have been like audio . But just like that the moment, and possibly my life was ruined, with a shout from out side the door.

"Choi Minho what the do you think you're doing and who the is that ?!"

Eunseo's voice was so close that it made me drop Taemin like a hot skillet.

"E-e-eunseo-yah?" I called back

"Open this goddamned door right now Minho!"

I looked around desperately for an escape. I chanced a glance at Taemin who seemed to have sobered up a bit and was looking at me with wide eyes. I went over to the window, and lucky for us there was a trellis about a foot below the window. I gestured Taemin over.

"It pains me to say this but... she scares the of me."

"Me too." Taemin nodded vigorously.

"Okay so here's what we're gonna do. We'll climb down the side of the house, and run home." I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." He agreed.

"You go ahead first. " He swung one leg over the window sill and started climbing slowly.

I turned halfway around and edged sideways closer to the door. I saw Taemin stop climbing and look at me curiously.

"Um, Eunseo-yah?" I called

"Open this door. Right now."

"I don't think this is working out anymore..." It's now or never Minho. "I think we should break up."


"It's not you it's me! Uh, we can still be friends!" I rushed out and went back to the window to the sound of her pounding viciously against the door and yelling expletives at me. Taemin was smiling at me, I gave him a weak smile back, and he continued his way down.

"Minho I'm gonna kill you, you son of a ! Do you hear me?! I'm gonna castrate you and make that watch!"

My thoughts as I was making my way down to the garden below the window were somewhere along the lines of:

"Oh my god, what the hell did I just do?"




A/N: Wow it's been so long, and I'm sorry to all of my loyal subs that after such a long wait all I have to offer you is this ty chapter. I know this chapter could have been so much better but I rushed it for two reasons. 1.) I had like no time to write and wrote this in like the only free hour I had today. 2.) I need the plot to move along. But please comment you guys I really miss you. 

Oh yeah I didn't spaz about kpop did I? (some really late stuff coming up). Infinite first and foremost as an inspirit when they won their first award I cried. Seriously I shed tears of joy which I've never done for any group, not even my ultimate bias b2st. It was such a long time coming though, they were robbed when they didn't win for BTD. I was dissapointed in SuJu's comeback, Mr. Simple was catchy yeah but it was so un-original, like a mashup of sorry, sorry and bonamana. MissA rocked! Goodbye Baby was awesome and they deserved every win they got.

Teen Top's Don't Spray Perfume is so epic. I love when kpop idols come out with songs that are edgy and different so to me a song to your older lover about how not to get caught cheating on your girlfriend is so badass, and the dance is adorable. Last but not least UKISSSSSSS!!!!!! Neverland is on constant loop for me. Kevin and Soohyun are amazing! The new guys are good too. As some one who so against them replacing my darlings xander and kibum I must say I have grown to love Hoon and AJ is ok.

Some one said I should have Minho confess in a unique way, well I couldn't think of one so I thought that an abrupt and out of the blue confession would suffice.


Kpop QUIZ!!!! Made by me!. Please take and comment on it to tell me what you think! Who I should add and whatnot.

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Chapter 13: This is so funny omg and I really like this! ;w; it's just really sad that you don't update anymore.
Chapter 12: Don't delete it! (new reader btw ^^) I love this and it's entirety. Please try to continue. I don't wanna pressure you if you have no inspiration because I know what that feels like. I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading this fic and would appreciate a new chap. But take your time~ No pressure! FIGHTING!!
bgreenwivy #4
Chapter 12: Please try to finish this. It is hilarious.
Chapter 12: Dont you dare delete this!! Please try to finish it! New reader here, and im in love with it!!! ;((
Chapter 12: Omo!! Please don't delete this! It's one of my favorite fics. You can take a long time to get your inspiration but NO! DON'T DELETE THIS STORY, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE!!!!! I almost cried when reading this chapter. REALLY, I'M CRYING! Just please don't delete this story! :'( ;_; :-( >_< °~° •_• ‘-’ -_- o_O I really like this fic and it interests me A LOT, REALLY!! Please don't drop this plot. *sad puppy eyes* :'0 I really love your story. <3
I just found this interesting. Ill start read and hope u'll update ASAP. Icant wait this is complete ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡