Of Tank Tops and Drama Queens

난 니가 제일 좋아 (I like you the most)


A/N: You guys are really blowing my mind, with the comments. Thank you so so so so so much! And kudos to rosebutterfly for spotting the Hello Baby reference, btw I’m gonna need a name for that cameo. 
I know a lot of people say this, but comments really do fuel me. When I see new comments I pick up a pen and start writing right then. So just know that you are my inspiration. I need comments and subs to write, more than Tinker Bell needs applause to live.
I rested my chin on my hand as stared dreamily out of the window and watched him. Never had I passed up an opportunity to undress him with my eyes, not that the white tank top he was wearing left much to the imagination anyway. It clung to his toned figure in all the right ways. All the ways that I would someday cling to him. 
Maybe Key is right. I do sound like a stalker. 
Oh well, watching Choi Minho mow his family's lawn on a Saturday morning would forever be my favorite pastime. 
Don't look at me like that
You think this is wrong?
I'm not a ert, I swear.
It's not like I follow him home. We're neighbors alright? Yeesh! So if you thought it was torture seeing him in school everyday, imagine having to come home and watch him doing pushups, or situps, or running laps. Ok yeah I know I don't have to look, but I don't have the will power to restrain myself.
I'M WEAK! Weak I tell you!
And anyway it's not my fault. If he really wanted his privacy they'd have built a fence that blocks the view from my bedroom. He brought it on himself, that's all I'm saying.
But back to Minho-watching. As I look back down out of my window and into his backyard, I see Minho has stopped mowing.
And he's looking directly at me.
Oh my good gosh what do I do? I think I'm hyperventilating from the shock, I thought stuff like this only happened on TV. But if I thought that being caught staring was a shock, I'm sure my heart stopped from what he did next.
He waves at me.
He waved at me?
He waved at me! Omo, I’m not prepared for this. Should I wave back? Should I tell him that I love with the burning passion of a thousand Suns?
Ani, it’s much too soon for that. Oh no he’s looking at me weirdly. Why is he doing that? Is there something on my face?
Mental face-palm. Lee Taemin you’re an idiot, he can’t see that far. I relaxed, but then I realized I can’t see a thing. Uh oh, was that an actual face palm? If I’m pulling my face out of my hand, that could only mean yes. He must think that I’m completely mental.
“Gwaenchanayo?” He shouts up to me, making me jump out of my skin.
In a sheer panic I do the only thing that makes sense at the moment. I slam my curtains shut and dive underneath my bed. I take a couple of minutes to collect myself and take a few much needed deep breaths. Here I am presented with the perfect opportunity to start to build an actual foundation for my master plan, and I become a complete spaz. 
“Ne, gwaenchana.” I sighed shaking my head in disappointment. Nah, that’s not harsh enough. Stupidity such as mine deserves a more physical punishment. So I start to repeatedly drop my head to the dust covered floor underneath my bed.
“Stupid, stupid, Taemin.”
“Why couldn’t you just wave back, babo?”
“This is not helping with the plan.”
“Why are you under the bed?” I did not say that. Who said that?
“Is that you, God?” I asked lamely.
“Taemin-ah come out here this instant.”
Oh it’s my sister. That makes way more sense.
“Nooonnnnaaaa, I can’t” I whined, “I need to stay here and die of embarrassment,” I pout, “Or at least wallow in my own self-inflicted misery.”
“Yeah whatever, be a drama queen on your own time” she said with obvious irritation in her voice. I love how she cares so much about my well-being. “I’ll leave you to your wallowing, but you might like to know that there’s someone at the door for you.” My head perked up at this. It couldn’t be Key because he has student council event planning committee today, and Onew tutors until late. Curious, very curious. Who else would visit me?
“Jeongmalyo? Who is it?” I said finally crawling back out. I saw my sister Min leaning on my doorframe, with her arms crossed. She must be thinking something along the lines of ‘Why is my brother so crazy?’
“Go see for yourself.” She rolled her eyes, and turned to walk out. She glanced back at me, “But make yourself decent, you’re covered in dust.” She walked out mumbling from what I could decipher, “Is he 16 or 6? Aish, that kid playing around underneath beds at his age....”
My beloved noona ladies and gentlemen. Always looking out for me. She’s been impatiently waiting for me to mature since middle school. As if. My sister and I don’t have a lot in common. I’m tall, she’s short. I like math, she’s better at science. Banana milk for me, strawberry milk for her. She likes guys, and oh wait a minute we do have something in common.
I jest. I’m a pretty funny guy in case you haven’t noticed. 
We both love to dance though. She’s the one who encouraged me to join dance club, which is the only quality time we really spend together. I like it, and it finally put all of those dance lessons our mother put us through to good use. On the other hand, it is where I first met Hyosung. She was helpless against my killer dance moves and dashing good looks, poor girl.
Again, I’m not conceited, just stating facts.
After making sure that my appearance fit my sister’s definition of presentable, I raced out of my bedroom and down the stairs eager to see who my unexpected visitor is. Oh please for all that is good in the world, don’t let it be Hyosung.
I got to the third to last step, and you will not believe who I see standing in the foyer. Well you might. Because in that instant it seemed to me as though my life had turned into a drama, and it was just that predictable. I’ll give you three guesses as to who it was,  but you’re only gonna need one.
That’s right, it’s the leading man. Choi Minho in the flesh.
I’m almost certain I stand stock still for at least two whole minutes. Two long silence filled minutes. The longest 120 seconds of my life. Minho is looking at me, confused as he should be. I should have greeted him by now, I am the junior and host afterall, instead I’m too absorbed in internally rejoicing in the fact that he’s here. In my house. Looking at me. Smiling at me (albeit awkwardly), and I am actually awake.
I look at him expressionless as I realize that my silence is bordering on rude now. Breathe in, breathe out. Man up Taemin. Don’t let him see how much he’s affecting you. If you want him to take you seriously you need to act naturally.
“A-a-annyeonghaseyo.” I stuttered and bowed.
“Annyeonghaseyo.” He bowed, with the smile that makes me weak in the knees. “I saw you through the window. You , uh disappeared really quickly. I thought you might have fainted or something.”
Fainted? Men are supposed to pass out, not faint. I seriously need to work on my manly image. Hold on, does that me he was worried about me?
“You came here just to check up on me?” I asked touched. Is it possible? Does he maybe have a crush on me too? This could be easy. At last I found the strength to descend the last three stairs, and approach him. There was still about four feet between us, but hey progress is progress. “Kamsahamnida Minho-sunbae,” I smiled.
“It was nothing,” He blushed, “You don’t have to call me sunbae, that’s so formal Taemin-ssi.”
“Arasso.” I nodded vigorously. He doesn’t want to be formal, and he knows my name! This day can’t get any better. That has to mean something.
“But I did have another reason for coming over. More business oriented.”
I think I can here the sound of my ego deflating.
“I remember that you tried out for the basketball team last year-” ah yes one of my first serious attempts at getting closer to Minho, “-and we lost so many players to University. You were really good, and I just wanted to let you know that tryouts are in two weeks if you’re interested.” He finished with a genuine smile and hopeful eyes. 
He thought I was good. Minho the captain of the soccer team, and star point guard for the basketball team, thought that I was good enough to personally ask me to tryout. I must be really sprung, to be rendered speechless by a simple compliment.
He must have taken my silence for rejection because he quickly added, “There are some benefits to being on the team. Um.... you get to skip 4th and 5th period every Tuesday, and...” he continued with what I am sure was an awesome list of perks, but he had me at ‘skip’.
The universe must be rewarding me for being such an outstanding person, or saving a bunch of kids from a burning orphanage in a past life or something. How else can I explain this unbelievable luck? It just so happens that 4th and 5th period I had double-period Pre-calculus with Jung. On top of that I get to watch Minho play B-ball for hours on end. Prolonged contact with my mega-crush is a dream come true. What’s a hormonal teenage boy to do?
“I’ll be there.”
"Chincha?! That's great. I'll put you on the list." He smiled at me again. That's strange, how come when Hyosung does it, it's not nearly as cute as when Minho does it? Don't tell me he's still talking, maybe I should pay attention. I have really got to stop getting caught up in this inner monologue. "...why you were watching me earlier."
"What? Aniyo, I wasn't. I was just, uh... admiring the um... grass. Ne, that's it the grass." And the award for worst lie goes to me and my disconnected mouth.
"The grass?"
"Yeah, it's so green and lush. Like a Chia Pet." 
He laughed at me.
Yay! I made him laugh. We are so meant to be.
A/N: And there we have it! From here on out the plot thickens. I will try incorporate other storylines with the 2min one. Everyone is connected in this fic. Next chapter I will introduce Key’s significant other, Jonghyun and Onew make their appearance, and more Joon! I love to write Joon he’s my fave to write next to Taemin.
Don’t forget to comment! It turns me on! Erm...... you know what I mean LOL
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Chapter 13: This is so funny omg and I really like this! ;w; it's just really sad that you don't update anymore.
Chapter 12: Don't delete it! (new reader btw ^^) I love this and it's entirety. Please try to continue. I don't wanna pressure you if you have no inspiration because I know what that feels like. I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading this fic and would appreciate a new chap. But take your time~ No pressure! FIGHTING!!
bgreenwivy #4
Chapter 12: Please try to finish this. It is hilarious.
Chapter 12: Dont you dare delete this!! Please try to finish it! New reader here, and im in love with it!!! ;((
Chapter 12: Omo!! Please don't delete this! It's one of my favorite fics. You can take a long time to get your inspiration but NO! DON'T DELETE THIS STORY, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE!!!!! I almost cried when reading this chapter. REALLY, I'M CRYING! Just please don't delete this story! :'( ;_; :-( >_< °~° •_• ‘-’ -_- o_O I really like this fic and it interests me A LOT, REALLY!! Please don't drop this plot. *sad puppy eyes* :'0 I really love your story. <3
I just found this interesting. Ill start read and hope u'll update ASAP. Icant wait this is complete ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡