Coming to Terms

난 니가 제일 좋아 (I like you the most)


A/N: Annyeong readers I'm back once again with a brand new chapter! I have no excuse for this ridiculously long absence all I can say is sorry, I’ll keep trying to improve myself.  Keep the faith guys I refuse to have this story still going a year from now lol. Keeping up the play list trend, here’s some of what I was listening to while writing-  it is my hope to give you guys some cool music to add to your collections (^_^)v
Remebering Sunday - All Time Low
SHINee - Hello
Nightcall - Kavinsky
How Could an Angel Break My Heart - Toni Braxton
Ghost - Fefe Dobson
After Love - Crystal Kay
Jello - Far East Movement
a For Love - Danity Kane
I Belong to You - MBLAQ
We Are Young - Fun.
I Will Protect You - Kim Jaejoong


The walk home from Joon's party was nothing short of amazing. For me anyway, because Minho was strangely quiet. We held hands the whole way, and kissed a couple of times, and I talked endlessly about myself (only because he kept asking mind you, I'm not a narcissist), he said that even though we’d been hanging out a lot recently he didn’t know a lot about me and ‘that’s so ed up considering we’ve been neighbors for years’ - his words not mine. 
“…and when I was in the 7th grade my best friend Sungjong moved down to Busan. So that was a pretty hard time.” I sighed.
“Why did he move away?” Minho asked, a bit disinterested if you ask me (seriously where is his head right now?)
“His dad got a better paying job there, and that was that.” I said. “We were so pissed though, we even tried to convince our parents to let him stay and live with my family.” I laughed, “That went horribly.”
“Wow. You guys sound like you were really close.”
“We are.”
“Are?” He questioned, surprised. “You guys still talk and stuff?”
“Of course hyung! He’s my best friend, and it’s not like Busan is on the other side of the world. Don’t you keep in touch with your old friends from when you were young?”
“Erm, not really no. We all went to different high schools and we just made new friends.”
“Huh,” I thought to myself about how depressed I’d have been if I’d just stopped talking to Sungjong after he moved away, “That’s kinda sad hyung.” I told him honestly.
“Yeah I guess it is…” Minho trailed off. “So anyway, what about your family? What are they like?”
“Weeeellll both my parents work a ton. I see them a few hours a week at most. My dad is a Professor at Seoul-dae, he teaches like 20 philosophy courses I swear so he’s always on campus somewhere. Okay maybe it’s more like 4 or 5 but that’s still a lot. Uh…Umma is a High School English teacher, and she tutors a lot and works as a translator sometimes so she’s super busy too, noona goes to sch-”
“Your mom teaches English and translates? She must be really good.” He sounded impressed.
“Oh I didn’t tell you did I? My Umma is Korean-American. She’s from Chicago originally so she does speak English fluently, and she made me and noona learn too.”
He was looking at me wide-eyed now. 
“You can speak English? Fluently?” His face broke out into a wide grin at my nod. “Taemin-ah you have no idea how bad I’m doing in English, I don’t even like to think about it.”
“That .” I deadpanned. I know exactly what he’s hinting at, but it’s much more fun to than to admit that.
“Soooo….” He said
“Soooo….” I mocked.
“Taemin-ah” He half-whined, half groaned.
“Neh~” I smiled cutely. His irritation made me chuckle, maybe I should cut him some slack. I pointed my finger in a ‘eureka’ fashion, “Ah! Hyung did you want me to help you in English?”
Without warning he lunged at me, giving me no time to react, and attacked my sides with his wiggly fingers.
Now usually I absolutely detest being tickled. Seriously who was the psycho that came up with tickling? It makes you want to cry, laugh,  and pee your pants all at once and the worst part is the tickler never knows when to freakin’ stop so you can barely even breathe at times. It’s torture, torture I tell you!
….except for when Minho does it. In that case I find it highly enjoyable. 
“I cannot believe you would tease me like that Taemin-ah” He laughed as he tickled me mercilessly.
“Mianhae hyung,” I giggled, “I won’t do again I promise”
“Yeah sure let’s say I believe you, still” He stopped his assault for a moment to whisper in my ear “you deserve to be punished.”
If he hadn’t been holding me up I would’ve fallen to the ground at those words, because the combined sensation of his breath ghosting against my ear the naughty implication of his words was enough to turn my legs to jello and set my cheeks a flame. I was praying that he wouldn’t see the impossibly bright redness in my cheeks, and lucky or me he chose to re-new his tickling and save me the embarrassment.
“Are you gonna tutor me in English?” He asked merrily.
“Neh!” I laughed.
“Will you wear y outfits while you do?”
“Bwoh?!” I laughed even louder at this, and his tickling intensified. “Okay, okay I will”
“Good. Now say Choi Minho is the iest guy to ever walk the earth.”
“Hyung!” I squealed.
“Defying orders are we?” He cocked his eyebrow. He then proceeded to pick me up by the waist and spin us both around.
“Choi Minho is the iest guy to ever walk the earth!” I shouted, not like I really had a problem saying that since I thought it practically everyday.
Finally satisfied he stopped spinning and we fell to the ground in a tangled heap. I was laying on my back trying to calm my breathing and finally stop with the giggles. It took some effort but I managed to get myself composed enough to chance a glance at Minho by my side. To my surprise he was looking at me with a strange glint in his eyes. Just when I was about to ask him what was up with the weirdness…
“Now say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.” I answered without hesitation, and for a minute we just lay there looking into each other eyes. But of course the time had to come for me to ruin the moment. “Did you just ask me to be your boyfriend in a roundabout way?”
“I thought that went without saying.” He chuckled, “ I don’t just go around making out with guys behind my girlfriend’s back and then dumping her all the time.”
“Good to know.” I smiled. “Maybe we should get up before a car runs us over or something.”
“That would be wise.”
Minho pulled himself up first then stretched out a hand to me. When I was safely on my feet he refused to let go, and so we spent the rest of the walk hand in hand.
“You never told me about your family hyung.” I prodded.
“My parents are basic, they have average 9 to 5 office jobs. I do have a younger sister, Hana. She’s in your year so you might know her.”
“Hmm… I know who she is. She’s really smart right? Isn’t she one of the students who went to study abroad this semester?
“Yeah, she’ll be back in 2 weeks though. Anyway she’s like the best sister ever, except she won’t do my homework for me.” He laughed, “and her best friend is like my other adopted sister. You’re friends with Hyosung right?”
I took a minute to mentally categorize my relationship with Hyosung. We used to be really good friends, then she started stalking me, and now we aren’t talking. Does that make us friends? Acquaintances? 
“Kindaaa…..    Sort of…..” I tried, “ Maybe…..not so much anymore” I finished lamely.
“Jeongmal? Why not? You guys seemed close not too long ago.”
“It’s just the sad world we live in hyung, my friendship with Hyosung got complicated.”
“How so?”
I heaved a dramatic sigh, “She only wants me for my body.”
For some reason Minho found that to be absolutely hilarious. Well, color me insulted. My body is bangin’ so it’s not a laughing matter.
“Omo, Taemin-ah you’re so funny.” He gasped out through his laughter.
“Yah! Don’t laugh, it’s true.” I pouted a teensy bit
“Aww kyeopta.” He pinched my cheeks.
“Stoooop I’m not a baby.”
“Yes you are, you’re my baby. My baby with the hot body that everyone’s after.” He chuckled.
“Are you making fun of me?!” I gaped incredulously. He nodded and took off in the direction of our houses.
“Choi Minho I demand respect!” I took off after him.


Who’d have thought that one night could change my life so drastically. I am now minus one girlfriend, plus one boyfriend, and sporting a whole new ual orientation.
Okay so revelation time.... I'm bi. Biual that is. I spent all of Sunday afternoon trying to figure out exactly what to categorize myself as. You can't go through life not knowing who you are right? I mean I know that I'm not completely straight for obvious reasons (i.e. because of how badly I want to Taemin's brains out) and those aren't really the feelings of a guy who can honestly say he's 100% into women. 
But don't think I'm just plucking out a title and pinning it on myself, not EVEN alright. Some serious scientific research was conducted before I settled on being bi, but not traditional science with like test tubes or beakers or well any actual science really. I basically just watched various and rated my reaction on a scale of 1 to 10- 1 being completely turned off and 10 being raging hard on. 
The response was pretty much uniform across the board. So either I just really really really easy, or I am just attracted to everyone. For my pride's sake I went with bi- it made me seem like a bit less of a man-.
Once I got that settled my focus switched to the topic of me and Taemin, and then I came to the realization that we didn‘t really discuss what ‘us‘ meant. Do we tell people? Is PDA okay? I have no idea how to be a guy’s boyfriend and I have no clue if does either so I am at a loss right now. In addition I won’t be able to see him until Monday because of some big family so I’m being forced to spend my evening with Joon hyung because Khun is going out with Victoria tonight. 
The doorbell rang at 7:00 on the dot, the exact time that he said he would show up. I crossed my messy room to the door and charged down the stairs to let him in. I swung the front door open and was met with a rather haggard looking Lee Joon.
“Hyung you look like .”
“Nice.” He turned to walk away from my house, but I grabbed his arm and dragged him in before shutting and locking the door.
“No offense hyung, mian.” I pushed him towards the kitchen, Joon rarely comes over without being hungry, I sat him down at the table and started rummaging through the fridge. “What happened to you? Was the party to much for you?”
He looked at me blankly for a few seconds then threw his head against the table dramatically and wailed “Minho-yah I’m so stupid! I made a huge mistake last night, I don’t know what to do.”
“What did you do?” I asked as I gave up my search for food and sat across from him.
“It’s a long story.” He sighed.
“I’ve got nothing but time hyung.”
“Aniyo, I really don’t think you’re the right person to talk to about this.” He shook his head.
‘Then why bring it up?”
“Yah you’re the one who mentioned how crappy I looked.”
“I’m pretty sure I said you look like , but whatever.” He glared at me. “Come on hyung I know you, if you don’t get it off of your chest now you’ll just obsess over it until it’s all you think about. Pretty soon you’ll be costing us games and getting on everyone’s nerves, and I can’t have that. So spill.”
“Alright, alright. So last night at the- ani I should start earlier than that.”
“Anyday now hyung.”
“Shut up!” I held my hands up in defense, “Okay so you know how a while back you guys thought I liked Hana?”
“Hyung,” I growled “lets not go down this road.”
“Calm down I don’t like her.” I relaxed my tense body. “But I do like Hyosung.” He confessed quietly.
I tensed up immediately, “That’s just as bad!”
“Nuh uh, there’s no blood between you two. So technically I’m not breaking any bro codes.”
He had me there. Crushing on your best friend’s sister is a no-no. But there’s no rule against crushing on your best friend’s sister’s best friend. So I was forced to de-tensify again.
“It gets worse. I had planned to finally make my move last night and tell her how I like her and all, but with the state I was in I really shouldn’t have tried it. I mean you saw how far gone I was and she was pretty trashed so once I ya know told her that I like her and everything one thing led to another. And I may have, through no fault of my own, taken her ity.”
By this point I was clenching and unclenching my fists so hard my knuckles were turning white, anything to keep from strangling Joon.
“It gets worse” He grimaced
“No ing way”
“Uh this morning I, uh, snuck out of the house before she woke up, and uh I haven’t been back since.” I had no words. “Minho-yah don’t hate me okay. I need you help to make it up to her. I never meant to have things go that far, and I just couldn’t handle it this morning-”
“Neh?” He looked at me hopefully.
He didn’t hesitate before bolting out of his chair, with me hot on his heels.



A/N: Short I know, but I had to get something out. I felt like some of you were just about ready to hunt me down (crazzysarah551 I am so sorry >.<), but here it is so I’m not dead yay! If you’re new to the story please don’t be a silent reader okay drop a comment and earn some karma or subscribe if you dare muahhahahaha. Okay so for the first time ever I'm going to recommend a story to my readers! This one has made me cry many a time and it is so well written, so if you love angsty fics like I do I highly suggest this one:
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Chapter 13: This is so funny omg and I really like this! ;w; it's just really sad that you don't update anymore.
Chapter 12: Don't delete it! (new reader btw ^^) I love this and it's entirety. Please try to continue. I don't wanna pressure you if you have no inspiration because I know what that feels like. I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading this fic and would appreciate a new chap. But take your time~ No pressure! FIGHTING!!
bgreenwivy #4
Chapter 12: Please try to finish this. It is hilarious.
Chapter 12: Dont you dare delete this!! Please try to finish it! New reader here, and im in love with it!!! ;((
Chapter 12: Omo!! Please don't delete this! It's one of my favorite fics. You can take a long time to get your inspiration but NO! DON'T DELETE THIS STORY, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE!!!!! I almost cried when reading this chapter. REALLY, I'M CRYING! Just please don't delete this story! :'( ;_; :-( >_< °~° •_• ‘-’ -_- o_O I really like this fic and it interests me A LOT, REALLY!! Please don't drop this plot. *sad puppy eyes* :'0 I really love your story. <3
I just found this interesting. Ill start read and hope u'll update ASAP. Icant wait this is complete ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡