Stalker or Stalkee?

난 니가 제일 좋아 (I like you the most)


Author’s Note: Wow comments and subs on the prologue?! I was not expecting that, thank you guys so much for commenting and subscribing you have no idea how much it means to me. But wow now the pressure is on huh?
*Okay so I only know a little bit about how the Korean school structure is set up, how the school day is long and the extra tutoring, and the students pretty much stay in one room- so for the purpose of this story the school is gonna have the basic American school structure.*
 BTW this first chapter will , not only because it’s 3am in Chicago and I am dead tired so my writing isn‘t at its best, but also because it’s pretty uneventful(just an intro to characters mostly) so bare with me 'cuz I need to take time to get into the story.
"Yah Choi Minho! Lee Joon! Who said you two could rest?! Move! Now!" Coach Kim barked and blew his whistle shrilly.
"Oh come on. Please remind me again why we're running suicides?" I panted to my best friend Joon as I resumed my jog.
“Because Coach is a sadistic bastard,” he said.
“Who’s losing his hair,” I added.
“and hasn’t been laid been laid in years.” We quoted together, laughing as much as one can when performing an exercise that shouldn’t be illegal, especially in a high school.
“You’d think he’d want us doing something productive like run plays or drills” I panted
“Since when does Coach do anything helpful, we carry this team on our backs” 
“Everyone stop!” We all halted immediately. Coach Kim stomped his way over to us, his angry steps are really intimidating when you add it to his venom shooting glare. 
Did Joon just hide behind me?
Damn, I should have thought of that. 
“Since you two have so much time to chit chat....” Here he hit us with one of his ‘If it weren’t for the fact that you two lead us to victory repeatedly I’d kill you’ glares. “hit the showers boys, your co-captains are going to run the rest of your punishment for you.”
Coach Kim hasn’t been fond of the two of us since sophomore year when he was our target for prank day. I don’t know why he can’t just get over it already, all we did was fill his car trunk with sour milk. Joon thinks that he’s more pissed that he couldn’t prove it was us, and so we got off scot-free. He still shouldn’t take it so personal, it’s not like we drowned his cat or something. 
Well, that was a disturbing analogy.
“You do the crime, you do the time boys. You can leave after 50 more suicides-” we groaned, “-and don’t even think about quitting early. I can see the field from my office as you well know.” He chuckled, creepily I might add. He brought his whistle to his lips, “Next time set a better example for your team and this kind of thing won’t happen” he said, then proceeded to blow rattle my brain, and walk off the field laughing- at our misery no doubt.
“ ‘I can see the field from my office’” Joon mocked “So what, he gets his kicks watching young boys run around shirtless? ert” Joon said as we started running again.
“That was quite a leap” I chuckled and sped up my pace, I did not want to be here for longer than I absolutely had to be.
15 minutes, 20 suicides, and non-stop one-sided Joon conversation later and I was just about ready to break my leg to get out of this.
“I’m thinking that I should start working on my abs some more” he said, “Girls have been hanging all over Jaebum lately. Have you noticed? I think it’s because his abs are better than mine. More chocolaty.”
Seriously? What. The. Hell. Who thinks about stuff like that? Don’t get me wrong he’s my best friend, and I love the guy, but there is never a day that I want to hear him talk his abs, or worse other people’s abs.
“Hyung, I can barely breathe right now” I wheezed, “How can you still be talking right now?”
“I have amazing endurance” He smirked, and winked, and wiggled his eyebrows.
Kill me now.
1.) Turn Minho gay (top priority)
2.) Make him fall for me 
*bonus points for getting 1 and 2 in one shot
The bell chimed but no one dared to move for the exit until Jung gave us the OK.
“Complete all the odd problems from section 2.4. Class dismissed.”
I ran for the door, and as always I was the first one out. I was halfway down the hall when, just my luck I collided with someone. I caught the yellow haired blur before they could hit the floor.
Ah crap, it’s her.
“Taemin oppa, annyeonghaseyo!” She smiled brightly at me, all gums.
“Hyosung-ssi, annyeonghaseyo, have you been well?”
“Ne my sister is getting married this year, she wants me to be her maid of honor.” She smiled, when doesn’t she,  “Oh I made you cookies again today, oppa. They’re your favorite- chocolate chip” She pulled a tin out of her bag and held it out to me.
“Kamsahamnida Hyosung-ssi, but you really didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s okay, I love to make you happy with sweets” she giggled cutely.
Cue awkward Taemin. There’s just no way to let her down easy, she’s so determined and turns a deaf ear to anything she doesn’t want to hear. I wish she’d just get over me already. 
No I’m not conceited
No Really.
And there’s nothing wrong with Hyosung, quite the opposite in fact. She’s cute, smart, talented, and sweet as a sugar cube but alas I only have eyes for Minho. Dreamy, frog-eyed, built like a Greek god Minho. 
Oh wait, is she still talking?
“...and I’ll make you cupcakes tomorrow. Do you like chocolate or vanilla?”
“Hyosung-ssi maybe you shouldn‘t-”
“Oops look at the time, I’m late. Annyeong Oppa!” She ran off. You see what I mean about the deaf ear?
I took out my notebook as I sighed heavily. Time to revise the ol’ To-do list. Hyosung is getting bolder. This could be problematic.
1.) Turn Minho gay (top priority)
2.) Make him fall for me 
*bonus points for getting 1 and 2 in one shot
3.) Find Hyosung a new love interest
Hmm... this could be difficult. As adorable as she is, she doesn’t socialize with many guys besides me. 
Eotteoke? Eotteoke? A. Mi. Go. naneun jajon- 
Aish! Focus. Damn SHINee, and their catchy songs, making me lose my train of thought.
But really, eotteoke? 
Think think think.
Plot plot plot.
Aha! I've got it.
Key-hyung! If anyone can play matchmaker it’s him.
In the Cafeteria
“I require your services, Hyung”
“Sorry I’m taken Taemin-ah” he replied
“Eww, just no” I shuddered.
“Excuse me? Lee Taemin you’d be lucky to have a piece of this” he Z-snapped me. 
Not kidding.
I blinked. “Don’t ever do that again Hyung” I deadpanned “Ever. Anyway... I need you to find someone a boyfriend.”
Someone huh?” He air-quoted, “It’s about time. Did you finally get tired of drooling over Choi Minho?”
“Yah!  Keep your voice down. And no I am still very much satisfied with our relationship-”
“Of stalker and oblivious?” He laughed.
“You say stalking, I say intense observation” I waved him off, “but no it’s not for me it’s for Hyosung-ssi.”
“Why does she need a boyfriend all of a sudden?”
“Because I need to focus on Minho and I can’t have her interfering with her cookies and cakes.”
“Is that what they’re calling it these days?” He cocked his head
“No literally baked goods,” I put the tin of cookies on the table and he took one, “She brings me stuff at least twice a week, but it’s becoming more frequent lately.” 
“These are great! Why would you wanna give this up?” He reached for another cookie.
“I finally have a game plan, to win him over.”
“Do you know how many times I’ve heard you say that? Geez you’re like a broken record” He rolled his eyes.
“I’m serious this time, Hyung” I slammed my fist on the table for emphasis.
He looked from my fist, to my face, to my fist and gave me his diva glare as if to say ‘who do you think you’re messing with?’
“Sorry” I said in English as I retracted my hand with a nervous smile. “Please help me out, Hyung?”
“I’ll be your best friend”
“You already are.”
Hmph. Time to turn on the aegyo.
“Umma jebal?” I pouted and puffed up my cheeks.
Yes he’s caving in.
“Alright, alright” He cracked a smile. “Stupid aegyo. Cut it out. And don’t call me Umma.”
“Komawo.....umma” I ran off cackling like a madman. It’s so rare for me to get away with anything when it comes to Key. This was definitely a glorious moment.
“Yah babo! You forgot your bag.”
Damn, so close.
A/N: First chapter complete, it was a long road but I got it out. In case you missed it I write dialogue heavy, because I'm not to great at deatails but I'm working on it. It gets better from here, trust me.
And a special  cameo to the first person that can point out the ‘Hello Baby’ reference in this chapter.
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Chapter 13: This is so funny omg and I really like this! ;w; it's just really sad that you don't update anymore.
Chapter 12: Don't delete it! (new reader btw ^^) I love this and it's entirety. Please try to continue. I don't wanna pressure you if you have no inspiration because I know what that feels like. I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading this fic and would appreciate a new chap. But take your time~ No pressure! FIGHTING!!
bgreenwivy #4
Chapter 12: Please try to finish this. It is hilarious.
Chapter 12: Dont you dare delete this!! Please try to finish it! New reader here, and im in love with it!!! ;((
Chapter 12: Omo!! Please don't delete this! It's one of my favorite fics. You can take a long time to get your inspiration but NO! DON'T DELETE THIS STORY, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE!!!!! I almost cried when reading this chapter. REALLY, I'M CRYING! Just please don't delete this story! :'( ;_; :-( >_< °~° •_• ‘-’ -_- o_O I really like this fic and it interests me A LOT, REALLY!! Please don't drop this plot. *sad puppy eyes* :'0 I really love your story. <3
I just found this interesting. Ill start read and hope u'll update ASAP. Icant wait this is complete ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡