
난 니가 제일 좋아 (I like you the most)


A/N: You guys made me so happy with your comments and 8 new subscribers! As a token of my appreciation here's that chapter with more 2min that I promised. Minho’s POV won’t pop up too often. I love writing Taemin way too much 8D Also I’ve realized if my updates are shorter, I can post quicker. Enjoy.
Friday - Taemin
Wow long time now see eh? I apologize for not narrating my life for the past week, so here's what you missed. Tuesday that nasty rumor about me was pretty much dead thanks to Shin Sekyung, my noona's best friend. Everyone pretended that it never happened, except of course for Onew and Key who teased me about it constantly. Oh and Minho spoke to me in the hall that day. Wednesday Jung hit us with an impossible pop quiz. I passed though, ‘cause well, you know, I’m me and I’m awesome. Also Minho and I made small talk and walked to the cafeteria togther.
Yes it was a productive week. I'm pretty sure that at this point we crossed into friend territory.
 Thursday Key and I brainstormed some possible candidates to take Hyosung off of my hands. So far the only guys we knew that she knew were the ones in Dance Club. Two of which are gay and committed, One who is Bi and not into relationships, One who’s dating my sister, Me who’s not interested, and One playboy who I don’t recommend to any self-respecting girl. Which leaves only Hyunseung and Seungri. Why couldn’t she be more social? 
Speak of the devil.
How is it that I see her every time I walk down the hallway? It can’t be just coincidence. Did she put a tracker on me or something? 
“Annyeong, Oppa!” She skipped up to me, her bright hair bouncing along.
“Annyeonghaseyo Hyosung-ssi.” I replied. No need to act too familiar, it’s time to cut the cord, and let the little bird leave the nest.
“Oppaaaaa,” she whined, I think it was supposed to be cute but it only came off as nasally. Seriously whining is barely cute when I do it. “We’ve known each other for over a year, you can call me Hyosung-ah. Why don’t you? Wae?”
“Sorry, Hyosung-ssi but...uh...” Quick think of an excuse. I can’t just outright say ‘I don’t want to give you any false ideas about our relationship. As long as my name is Lee Taemin we will never, ever be together. I’m gay, kid. Get with it’ nah that’s too harsh, “ that would be inappropriate to me. Call me old fashioned...he he.” 
Always end with awkward laughter, that’s sure to make people believe you’re being 100 percent honest.
“Arasso,” She pouted. Aww that’s so cute. Now I feel guilty- oh well, I’ll get over it. “Oppa, I actually had a favor to ask you.” She quickly turned her pout into a grin. She continued on before I could protest, “Could you help me out with the choreography for ‘Replay’ after school today?”
Oh she’s crafty. She knows how much I love that dance. She thinks that I won’t turn it down. But I have to, I can’t lead her on.
“I would, but I already have plans for the afternoon.”
“Ne? Oh, what are doing? Maybe I could join you...”
“I’m gonna be in the gym. Practicing for basketball tryouts, and I really need to focus.” 
“Chincha? Taemin-ah I didn’t know you’d be in the gym today too.” Said someone from behind me. “That’s great we can train together then.”
I turned around and there was Minho. Where the hell did he come from?
Not that I’m complaining.
“Minho-oppa why do you have to steal Taemin-oppa from me?” She shoved his shoulder lightly.
“Sorry Hyosung-ah.” He ruffled up her hair. “Sports come first, you know how it is.”
Mwoh? What is this? With the ruffling of the hair and playful shoving. Are they close?
“I didn’t know you two knew each other, you seem close.” I spoke up meekly, loving hating to interrupt their banter.
“Aniyo, this brat is friends with Hana. She’s always over at our house causing chaos.” He chuckled. Wow, I forgot he even had a sister. I haven’t seen her at all this school year. 
“Oppa don’t pretend. You know I’m your favorite dongsaeng.” She grinned at Minho, MY Minho. “And when Hana gets back I’ll be around to bother you again.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it.” He retorted playfully. He checked his watch. He must have had somewhere to be now. “I have to go. Bye guys. Taemin-ah, I’ll see you after school.”
“Bye” Hyosung and I chorused.
Crap, this means I really have to play basketball today. 
Bye Bye afternoon nap.
Training with Minho was practically a dream come true. If I’d known just how great it’d be, I would have tried way harder to make the team last year. Not only was there plenty of hands on ‘assistance’, but he complimented me a lot. 
“Nice lay-up. Where’d you learn that?” See what I mean?
“My dad taught me. We used to play ball together all the time when I was a kid.”
“Lucky. My dad was all soccer, he lives and breathes it.”
“Lucky? Not so much, he said it was only to counter balance the dance classes that my mom had me in. He thought that I needed to like a sport more.” I blushed.
“He has a point. How can someone like dancing more than a real sport?” He said while dribbling absentmindedly.
“Dancing is 10 times harder than basketball or soccer or baseball, or pretty much any sport.” I grinned cheekily.
“You did not just say that.” He said with his mouth widely agape in disbelief. How could a human jaw be so open. The things I would....woah slow down Tae. “No way is that true.”
“Is too.” I laughed. “You know how long it took me to get a lay-up right?”
“Not a long time I’m guessing.” He attempted a shot from half-court.
“Less than a day. Guess how long took me to master Italian fouettes? Over a month, and I was the only guy in my class learning them.” I bragged a bit. I deserve to, that’s one of my best accomplishments.
“What the hell is a fo- whatever it is.”
“A ballet turn, that’s much harder than a basketball shot.” I said while also attempting a shot from half-court. 
It would have been so badass if I had made that shot.
“I doubt it.” He jogged over to the still rolling ball. 
“Are you kidding me? Hyung, have you ever even seen a Ballet?” Did I just call him hyung? Hope he doesn’t mind.
“Not ever.” He said almost proudly.
“That’s horrible.” I really was astonished. One of the most beautiful things a human being can do, adn he’s never seen a performance. “The Universal Ballet is doing Don Quixote next month, you have to see it.”
“Are you paying?” He chuckled.
“Ne. It’ll be my entire life’s savings, but you need this. Believe me.” 
“Then I’m in. Do they do those Italians foo-foos you’re so proud of?”
“Italian fouettes. And yes they do. You’ll l-”
“Minho-ah, are you almost done?” An unknown voice called.
I turned to see a girl at the entrance to the gymnasium. She was pretty, really pretty. 
“Eunseo-ah, what are you doing here?” He ran over to the girl and gave her a hug.
“My mom has to work late, so I thought we could go out today. I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.” She spotted me. “Who is this jagiya?
No way. This can’t be possible. That can’t be his-
“This is my friend Lee Taemin. Taemin-ah this is my girlfriend Eunseo.”
A/N: UH OH Drama ahead, and I don’t mean the cutie from Dalmatian. Stay tuned, I love you guys! And yeah I thought it'd be way cool if Taemin was a ballerino.
I know you guys are probably thinking....
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Chapter 13: This is so funny omg and I really like this! ;w; it's just really sad that you don't update anymore.
Chapter 12: Don't delete it! (new reader btw ^^) I love this and it's entirety. Please try to continue. I don't wanna pressure you if you have no inspiration because I know what that feels like. I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading this fic and would appreciate a new chap. But take your time~ No pressure! FIGHTING!!
bgreenwivy #4
Chapter 12: Please try to finish this. It is hilarious.
Chapter 12: Dont you dare delete this!! Please try to finish it! New reader here, and im in love with it!!! ;((
Chapter 12: Omo!! Please don't delete this! It's one of my favorite fics. You can take a long time to get your inspiration but NO! DON'T DELETE THIS STORY, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE!!!!! I almost cried when reading this chapter. REALLY, I'M CRYING! Just please don't delete this story! :'( ;_; :-( >_< °~° •_• ‘-’ -_- o_O I really like this fic and it interests me A LOT, REALLY!! Please don't drop this plot. *sad puppy eyes* :'0 I really love your story. <3
I just found this interesting. Ill start read and hope u'll update ASAP. Icant wait this is complete ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡