Just Got Real

난 니가 제일 좋아 (I like you the most)


A/N: Late Update I know and I feel horrible, but I have a legit excuse. I’m taking the super fast-paced 4 week summer session of Spanish 104 at my school and it is brutal. Pity me please. I’ll try to do better once it’s over, promise  -_-    (ß that’s my serious face)
Anywhoooooo, raise your hand if you’re a B2uty! Is their comeback not the most wickedly awesome thing you’ve heard this year?! Shame on you if you said ‘no’.  Back to You, Virus, Fiction, and the  Fact are so addictive (I listened to the Fiction Orch. Version while writing the first part). SHINee’s new video for Replay Japanese Version is so cool they all look so mature (Onew‘s bust was creepy though), but I like the song sung better in Korean. I love that Taemin got more lines, but I think Jjong got too few, is it just me?
 This chapter isn’t as funny as others, IMO, but I kind of like how it turned out. Enjoy.
(side-note: Do you guys mind my long and often random Author’s Notes, ‘cuz I can stop… I think)
I don’t think I am fully capable of expressing how devastated I was after learning that shocking bit of news. Minho has a girlfriend. Minho has a pretty, older, female girlfriend. She was petite, and smart, and just…. not me.  She’s everything that I’m and can never possibly be. On the plus side, she has an insufferable personality. The mere 5 minutes that I spent in her presence was enough time to figure that out. 
She talked non-stop about herself, her opinions (that no one asked for btw), and she occasionally mentioned Minho. So from that brief encounter I gathered that she’s a know-it-all, self-entitled brat. 
And it makes me wonder what does he see in that? I think I’m pretty decent looking, and I know that I’m smart - I’m number 4 in the class for goodness’ sake! Can he not see past her looks? Maybe my Minho isn’t as perfect as I’ve been led to believe. Oh wait, not my Minho. Her Minho.
I must have zoned out that afternoon once I realized that Minho chose that thing over me, because the next time I’m aware it’s 10pm and I’m on Key’s doorstep debating whether or not to knock. Should I risk that he’ll go through his ‘I told You So’ routine and then offer me a shoulder to lean on, or that maybe he’s in one of his ‘caring umma’ moods and he’ll comfort me straight away?
Ugh, whatever. What’s the worse that could happened. I lifted my hand and knocked soundly.
“He has a girlfriend?” Key’s shock could have rivaled mine. “Oh Taemin-ah I’m so sorry. If I’d known, there’s no way I would have let you feel like such a fool.”
Gee thanks, hyung. I feel so much better now. I had no idea that I made an of myself. Of course only he and I knew it. Well, Onew too but he’s pretty oblivious sometimes.
“I just don’t get it. Why her?” I slumped down into my favorite polka dot bean bag chair, the one Key bought as bait to get me to sleep over more often. It worked because he’s an evil genius. “If only you were there. She’s horrible. She thinks she knows everything about everything, and she never shuts up.”
“They say you can’t question love Taemin. It just happens.” My head snapped up at that.
“Love? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, hyung. He doesn’t love her.” I said surely.
“How do you know that?” He challenged.
“How do you know he does. Who’s side are you on anyway?”
“I’m on the side of whoever lets me get some sleep tonight.”
“Sorry, that side doesn’t exist. Pick again.”
“Fine, fine. I pick you.”
“I thought so.” I sighed heavily. “He can’t love her. He just can’t.”
And just like that I was hit with a wave of determination. I had to act fast now. No more games. No more biding time. 
“I’ve got to step my game up.” I stood up quickly. “I’ll need your help.”
“Aniyo~” Key complained, “Am I not already helping you enough as it is?”
“Not even! You didn’t even complete the first thing I asked you do. Hyosung is still following me around like a lost puppy.”
“Ah, ah, ah. Do not doubt the almighty Key.”
“Don’t refer to yourself in third person.” I mumbled in response, careful to not let him hear me.
“I just so happened to stumble across some info today,” He paused, I assume for dramatic effect. Now is not the time for theatrics Kibum.
“Wellllllllll………. It turns out that a certain someone’s best friend likes the best friend of that first someone’s little sister” He said proudly.
“In Korean please?” Did he really expect me to follow that? Who does he think he is, the Riddler?
“Lee Joon. Has a crush. On Hyosung.” He clarified slowly.
“Wow. I did not see that coming.”
“I know right? How great am I?” He clapped excitedly.
“Ok so that problem is almost solved. On to the real mission. It’s time to get serious.” 
“Just like that huh?”
“Yep. Let’s get down to business.” I began to pace. “I’m gonna need a note pad, a green pen, and all the banana milk you have in the house.”
“We’re out.”
Uh uh, that doesn’t work for me.
“Unacceptable. We’re going to the market.” I answered.
Key sighed wearily, “I’ll call Onew.”
That night was a very productive endeavor if I do say so myself. I made another one of my famous to-do lists. I entitled this one ‘Operation 2min’. You get it. TaeMIN and MINho. There’s two of them. Clever aren’t I? Key also got to do something that he’s been dying to do since we first met.
I really feel like this is my last chance. So I need to make it count. No more shy and reserved Taemin. Now I need to bold and outgoing.
Monday at School…
“Minho-hyung!” I turned at the call. I saw a semi-familiar figure jogging up to me. The person stopped in front of me, a small pout evident on their face.
“Hyung, I waved at you, but you ignored me. Wae?”
Who is this? I almost sure that I don’t….wait a second. That voice. That pout. It couldn’t be…
“Taemin-ah?” I gasped, mouth agape. You would to if you could see him. “Wow you look so different. I didn’t even recognize you.”
“Yeah. Key thought I needed a change in style. What do you think?” He rotated slowly so I could take in the transformation.
His once bowl cut black hair was now dyed a reddish color, from what I see sticking out from underneath his black beanie. He had on a loose fitting stripped shirt, black skinny jeans, and a sweet pair of sunglasses. 
The overall effect was a complete 180 from how he usually dresses (which is more of a middle school style). But it was a good change. He looked good. More mature, and y.
Whoa, whoa, whoa did I really just think that? What is up with me? I don’t think guys are y.
“It’s nice.” Is what I finally managed to say to him.
“Just nice?” He pouted again. It has to be a crime for someone to look that cute without trying
Damn it. No not cute. But not, not cute though. If that makes any sense.
“It’s really nice.” I chuckled. “But you might want to work on the aegyo if you want to look more grown-up.”
Adults aren’t supposed to be so damn adorable.
“You think I’m adorable, hyung?” He grinned at me. Wow, is he psychic or what?
“No.  I’m not. But I think you’re thinking out loud.” He laughed. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment. He wasn’t supposed to hear that. I was just about to make up an excuse to get out of this awkward situation, when the early bell rang.
I sighed in relief. “Gotta go Taemin, I’ll see you later.”
“Wait!” His exclamation halted me in tracks. I turned back around, met with his hopeful expression. “Can we practice some more today? Tryouts are this weekend and I want to be as ready as possible.”
“Uh sure, we can. Is after school okay?”
“Yeah that’s great. You can meet me in the dance studio on the 2nd floor after last period. Bye!” He scurried off before I could get a word in. I didn’t have a chance to tell him that I don’t have a clue where the studio is.
After school...
I was walking down the 2nd floor hallway looking for the dance studio Taemin mentioned. I’d spent the majority of the day confused as all hell. First of all why is it that this kid can make me feel so awkward and weird. Never have I thought any boy over the age of 5 was cute in any way, yet that’s the first adjective that pops into my head when I think of Taemin. 
I’ve only ever had 3 crushes in my life, so I’m almost certain that what I’m feeling is some kind twisted form of attraction. But that can’t be right because I like girls. Love them even. I appreciate s, long hair, and curves and all those things. 
So why is it that I can’t help but want to wrapped Taemin in a bear hug, and smother him in kisses whenever I see him? Even before the makeover.
I must be going crazy due to stress. Basketball tryouts are soon, and as co-captain I’ve got a lot of weight on my shoulders. I don’t have any feelings for him other that friendly ones. It’s all just stress.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Deny. Deny. Deny. 
Another minute passes and I’m ready to give up. Where the hell is this studio, Narnia? I feel like I’ve been wandering around for hours. I made a left turn and heard faint music. Finally, some semblance of life in this deserted wing.
When I got to the door marked ‘Studio A’, I looked through the small window on the door. I saw a group of around 10 people watching 1 guy and girl dance to Bi’s ‘Rainism’. From I knew of the music video they were doing some of his choreography, and some I’d never seen before.
To say the least, they were amazing.
They were so in sync and fluid. They made me want to dance in hopes that someday I could be as good as they are.
When a turn came I could make out the faces of the dancers clearly. I recognized the girl as Kim Hyoyeon from my English class. And to my surprise the guy was Taemin. The look of ecstasy on his face, in combination with the y way has was moving could easily top the list of the most things I’ve ever seen.
I felt a familiar stirring down below. And without Eunseo around let’s just say that something was seriously off. That’s when I knew that I was totally ed. Denial went out the window in an instant. As far as I know stress doesn’t arouse. This guy is about to turn my life upside down, I just know it.
Lee Taemin what are you doing to me?
A/N: Could it be that the story in finally starting to move along? GASP!!
To celebrate- GIF/Macro Time!
Cute Taemin
Pimp Taemin
Created by lattae-
LOL Comments are always loved!
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Chapter 13: This is so funny omg and I really like this! ;w; it's just really sad that you don't update anymore.
Chapter 12: Don't delete it! (new reader btw ^^) I love this and it's entirety. Please try to continue. I don't wanna pressure you if you have no inspiration because I know what that feels like. I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading this fic and would appreciate a new chap. But take your time~ No pressure! FIGHTING!!
bgreenwivy #4
Chapter 12: Please try to finish this. It is hilarious.
Chapter 12: Dont you dare delete this!! Please try to finish it! New reader here, and im in love with it!!! ;((
Chapter 12: Omo!! Please don't delete this! It's one of my favorite fics. You can take a long time to get your inspiration but NO! DON'T DELETE THIS STORY, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE!!!!! I almost cried when reading this chapter. REALLY, I'M CRYING! Just please don't delete this story! :'( ;_; :-( >_< °~° •_• ‘-’ -_- o_O I really like this fic and it interests me A LOT, REALLY!! Please don't drop this plot. *sad puppy eyes* :'0 I really love your story. <3
I just found this interesting. Ill start read and hope u'll update ASAP. Icant wait this is complete ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡