School Daze

난 니가 제일 좋아 (I like you the most)


A/N: Hey guys! I'd wanted to get this out by Monday, but I spent the weekend watching MBLAQ Idol Army for the third time, and rocking out to the new CNBlue cd that finally came. If you haven't done so yet check it out, it's amazing. The song Lie is by far my favorite.
So yeah since I didn't write much it's not as good or long as I had hoped. I was hoping to have all of  the major characters introduced by now, but it didn't happen. Sorry, sorry. But good news, finals week is coming up and after that I only take one class this summer so I should be updating more often. Yay!
Saturday will go down in my autobiography/journal as the absolute best day of my life. So far at least. I mean come on people, Minho came to my house to talk to me. Me! Does it get more surreal than that? I just can’t possibly imagine something better ever happening, until of course we profess our undying love for each other and walk off into the sunset. But that’s months away, at best. 
The high from Minho asking me to tryout for the basketball team still hadn't worn off by the time I arrived to school on Monday. I walked around, or should I floated after all I was basically walking on sunshine, until I spotted  Key and Onew sitting cozily on a bench in the courtyard.
"Onew-hyung, Key-hyung, how are my two favorite people this beautiful morning?” I plopped down next to key as I shot them my brightest smile.
They eyed me strangely. “Taemin-ah are you feeling well?” Key asked as he put his hand on my forehead. “Hmm, you don’t feel warm.”
“I’m fine Hyung. Why would you ask that? Everything is hunky-dory.” I brushed off his hand with a giggle. Yep. That’s right, I giggled. Given the circumstances though I can’t lose guy points for that. I made first contact with the love of my life, sue me.
“Because you hate mornings. Beautiful or otherwise.” Onew said. “Come to think of it you hate Mondays too.”
“I do not. Mondays are awesome. I love them.”
“Yeah right!” Key howled with laughter. “Yeobo, who am I? 'Omo why can’t the week skip straight to Tuesday? I had so much homework. The world hates me. Key-umma can you carry me to class?'” He whined, in what I must say was a very poor imitation of me. Like, seriously it wasn’t even close. I whine cutely.
“First of all I don’t sound like that,” I shot Key and Onew a glare which they ignored because they were to busy laughing at my expense. “and second of all I’m just in a good mood. Can’t I be happy before noon without everyone getting all suspicious?”
“No.” I rolled my eyes. They loved saying things together like that.
“Taemin-ah have you been experimenting with recreational drugs?” Onew asked me seriously (at least I’m assuming he was serious, because he was using his serious face, as opposed to the goofy grin he usually wore). What does he take me for? As if I would do that.
I don’t have the money to buy drugs. Duh.
“Hyung! I can’t believe you would think that of me.” I threw my hands up. “It’s like you don’t even know me at all, Lee Jinki.” I huffed. That’ll teach him. He hates it when Key or I call him by his real name.
“You don’t have to be so mean Taeminnie.” Onew pouted. “Excuse me for caring! I won‘t make that mistake again.” He wailed, and proceeded to throw himself onto Key and faux sob. 
Yeesh, and they call me a drama queen. Onew would win the Oscar over me hands down.
“There, there yeobo. He’s just a bratty kid, he doesn’t know any better.” Key cooed. 
“Yah! I am not.” I can’t believe he’d choose his boyfriend over his own son. So much for maternal instincts.
“But jagiya he called me Jinki.” Onew whimpered.
“Taemin apologize.”
“Fiiiiiiine.” I groaned. “I’m sorry hyung.” No response. “I’m sorry Onew-hyung.” I tried again, this time emphasizing his nickname.
“Gwaenchanayo.” He popped up with his signature Onew grin + eye smile combo. “You know Taemin-ah, we won’t judge you if you’ve strayed down the wrong path. What’s important is that you get help.”
“I am not on drugs!” I shouted. 
The courtyard went completely silent at my out burst. I looked around nervously to confirm my fears. Yep, everyone heard and they’re all staring. Way to go Taemin. The most sure fire way to get the whole school to think you’re strung out is to shout that you don’t do drugs at seven am for no good reason.
I brought my backpack up to hide my face until the noise level in the courtyard rose again. I snapped out of my embarrassment at the sound of chuckling. There they go again, laughing at my misfortune. My best friends are so cruel. The worst part is that they’re a couple so torturing me is like bonding for them. Insert eye roll here.
“Just tell us what’s got you so giddy Taemin-ah.” Key demanded it that I’m-in-charge-and-you-know-it diva way of his. “You know we’ll get it out of you eventually.”
Should I tell them? I’ve always felt that it’s better to hold onto good news for a while, because once you share it with someone who’s not involved, the joy somehow diminishes.
On the one hand I always tell them everything, ever since they adopted me my freshman year. They are my best friends, and I’m sure I’ll need their help at some point in the future. On the other hand I want to savor our secret rendezvous for a little longer.
I glance at their curious (Onew) and impatient (Key) faces, and sigh. Well it was nice while it lasted. 
“Minho-ssi came to my house this weekend.”
I got to the school courtyard a little later than I usually do on Monday morning. The first thing I do is look around for my best friends, Joon and Nichkhun. I see them sitting on the fountain along with Khun’s girlfriend Victoria. Vic is feeding Khun what looks like a breakfast of assorted fruits, and Joon is sitting there awkwardly. They look like a mix of miserable/disgusted and deliriously happy/sickeningly sweet. I walked up to them trying to hide my amusement at Joon’s discomfort.
“Thank God you’re here.” Joon says with the most relieved expression, you’d think he’d just been acquitted at a murder trial or something. “How many times have I told you not to leave my alone with Khuntoria?”
“You know we’re sitting right here, right?” Khun protests.
“Sorry.” I laughed interrupting them. “I called my sister this morning, and you know how  much she can talk.”
“How is Hana-ssi? I feel like I haven’t seen her in ages.” Vic asked, while feeding Khun an apple slice delicately. Ok now I feel uncomfortable.
My sister Hana has been studying abroad for the first half of the semester. She should be back in a few weeks, but life does seem a bit duller without her around. Not to mention that since she’s been gone I’ve had double the chores.
“She’s ok. She says she’s teaching her host family Korean and that the sky in London changes fifty times a day. But I think she was joking about that last part.”
“Is she coming back soon?” Joon asked a bit too innocently. 
What is going on here?
“Who do you care?” I asked
“I don’t care” He snapped back
“Now you don’t care about my dongsaeng?” I asked mock offended.
“Ani, that’s not what- you know what just forget it.” He looked down. Holy is that a blush? Why is this kid blushing? It better not be what I think it is.
“Oooh Joonie’s got a crush.” Khun taunted.
“Hyung if you like my little sister I’m gonna be forced to castrate you.” I told him straight faced.
“No it’s not her.” He touched his chest where his heart would be, “but it hurts that you would choose your sister over your best friend.”
“Wait a second, Joon-ssi. You said ‘not her’.” Victoria smiled mischievously, “so who is it that you like?”
“No one.” He mumbled. “It’s not important.”
“Tell us. Tell us.” Vic started chanting. And being the amazing friends that we are Khun and I joined in without hesitation. 
“Tell us, tell us, tell us...” We never did get to hear who Joon liked though.
“I am not on drugs!” Was the shout heard round the courtyard. The four of us all looked to where everyone else seemed to be staring, at a dark haired kid hiding behind his backpack.
Is that Taemin-ssi? That kid is so wacky. I laughed to myself.
Joon took that opportunity to grab his bag and run away from us screaming.
“I’ll never tell!”
And then the school bell rung. Monday madness I tell you.
A/N: Please don't kill me for putting Key with Onew instead of Jjong! *hides behind laptop* I love Jongkey but I'm a huge OnKey shipper, and 2min is the main focus anyway and that won't change.
All in all I’m not very satisfied with this chapter. The content is lacking, but I wanted to get an update out. Also I think my writing style changed this chapter, btw do you guys like the way I usually write or should I add more detail? I’m not sure because I don’t think I’m good at it, I tried to with this chapter and it kinda threw me off. 
Like it? Hate it? Too slow? Don't quit my day job?
Thanks for reading and as always comment please! You know what it does to me!
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Chapter 13: This is so funny omg and I really like this! ;w; it's just really sad that you don't update anymore.
Chapter 12: Don't delete it! (new reader btw ^^) I love this and it's entirety. Please try to continue. I don't wanna pressure you if you have no inspiration because I know what that feels like. I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading this fic and would appreciate a new chap. But take your time~ No pressure! FIGHTING!!
bgreenwivy #4
Chapter 12: Please try to finish this. It is hilarious.
Chapter 12: Dont you dare delete this!! Please try to finish it! New reader here, and im in love with it!!! ;((
Chapter 12: Omo!! Please don't delete this! It's one of my favorite fics. You can take a long time to get your inspiration but NO! DON'T DELETE THIS STORY, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE!!!!! I almost cried when reading this chapter. REALLY, I'M CRYING! Just please don't delete this story! :'( ;_; :-( >_< °~° •_• ‘-’ -_- o_O I really like this fic and it interests me A LOT, REALLY!! Please don't drop this plot. *sad puppy eyes* :'0 I really love your story. <3
I just found this interesting. Ill start read and hope u'll update ASAP. Icant wait this is complete ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡