
Blood Affection


¦ stimulant ¦


“Alright guys, head count!”


Leeteuk walked down the stairs gracefully with Sungmin following behind him. He reached the family room and soon gathered his pack. Being the respected leader he was, it only took one order for Kyuhyun and Kibum to finish their game and join the other. Though Heechul was still lying on the couch trying to continue his relax.


“Chul-ah, you coming or not?”


“You bet,” the ignorant black haired guy just crossed his legs and shut his eyes, “I’m starving.”


“So I guess tonight is guy’s night, huh?” Leeteuk chuckled.


Kyuhyun scoffed, “Girls and their diets.”


“Might as well just kill their selves,” Donghae added.


Leeteuk started counting the boys’ head. And just in time Siwon appeared from the living room. He then counted seven heads in total.


Even after years of doing this, he still needed to count everybody before going. He just didn’t want to go back home with less quantity. He trusted everyone to take care of himself, heck, they were all experts in what they were doing, but Leeteuk was just being concerned. And the group didn’t mind at all.


That night they didn’t run that far. They went to some wild pine forest in Gyeonggi near Seoul. In just less than five minutes they could already feel the darkness and the cold air surrounding them. And as usual, they went their own ways to find some prey.


They had been trained to consume animal bloods for years already. Although it wasn’t enough to fulfill their needs and lust, it was needed for them to adjust and to blend with the human society. Surely they didn’t want any human biting accident to happen and risk exposing their existence. Even though they were fully able to hold their passion whenever they met humans, temptation never failed them.


But still they needed strength, which they could only obtain by drinking human blood. That was why Sungmin decided to work in a mortuary. Whenever the deceased’s family decided to have a cremation, Sungmin never forgot to drain their not so fresh blood for storage before burning the body. Creepy yes, but the group was thankful for Sungmin’s big heart for choosing that filthy job. The blood wasn’t really fresh but was enough to restore their strengths.


“Aren’t you going to pursue your dream?” Leeteuk wasn’t running, he was quick walking. But of course, even a quick walking vampire was still a lot faster than a train.


“Don’t worry hyung, this job is temporary.” Sungmin tried to avoid some pine trees that were lining irregularly.


Leeteuk stopped when he heard something. Soon Sungmin stopped right before him. The younger knew his hyung had found their prey. Sungmin decided to just wait for the leader to pounce on their dish. Poor thing, Sungmin thought. Leeteuk was a gentle man, but was a brute when it comes to feeding.


Leeteuk slightly bent his knees, eyes on a black figure in front of him. In a mere second he jumped on it and put his arms around its neck. It was a beast, but not as beast as Leeteuk. With just little effort he broke the beast’s neck and it dropped to the ground.


Sungmin approached his hyung with enthusiasm. But as he grew nearer and realized what his hyung was , he began to frown deeply. “Ugh, I hate wild boars.”


Leeteuk was enjoying his drinking. He was never picky about his dish, as long as he got to drink some blood, then he would be fine. Sungmin had no choice. He was lucky Leeteuk caught something in less than an hour, the others might not even drink anything that night and have to wait for a couple days for another feeding. He squatted down before shaving some of the fur of the beast, and started the blood.


Before Sungmin, they had to go through great effort to obtain fresh human blood. They would sneak to a small populated area in Korea and chose the most likely person with no families. And two persons weren’t enough to feed the whole group.


“You’re a fresh graduate, Sungmin, why not take an internship at your father’s company?” Leeteuk tried to wipe the blood stain on his shirt roughly. He tried to not be as messy as Donghae, but he couldn’t help this one. It had been a few weeks since he missed hunting sessions, thus he forgot his eating manner for a moment. “, this is a new shirt.”


Sungmin pour a slightly limpid liquid all over the now dead and deflated boar while laughing at Leeteuk’s mess. Just when he thought the dead beast was enough covered with the liquid, he lit his fire match before throwing it to the thing lying on the ground.


“Father said my internship will start in a few months. Meanwhile, he doesn’t mind me collecting human bloods for us. He did that too when his generation was our age so he understands.”




Donghae loved the sour taste of a deer's blood. It somehow reminded him of Yoona in a way. He loved it to a point where Sungmin’s addiction to chocolates and candies and other sweets was unbearable. Vampires don’t eat meat, but Donghae couldn’t help but to bite off some of the chunks of the poor creature. He munched it delightfully.


“Ew, hyung,” Kyuhyun smacked Donghae’s back. But the older didn’t mind it and started the dripping blood on his fingers. “Are you a zombie or are you a vampire?”


Kyuhyun was a bit disgusted by the messy Donghae. He was actually older than him but he ate like a five year old. Even a five year old could sometimes be neater than him. Feeling like he couldn’t take it anymore, he changed spot and squatted next to Siwon who was also engrossed on the four legged mammal. This is why I never hunt with Donghae hyung. Damn Heechul hyung.


Siwon’s lidded eyes suddenly wide opened and he stopped . He spun his head to his back and stared in to the darkness behind him. He wiped his mouth and stood up on his spot. He tried to concentrate on his hearings and kept staring on the dark.


“What is it hyung?” Kyuhyun who just finished his drinking, finally stood up and walked next to Siwon.


Siwon wasn’t quite sure on what he was hearing. He heard some noises. He could hear Sungmin and Leeteuk’s distant voice talking about Sunny. He also heard Heechul and Kibum's slight laughter. But there was one last unknown sound. It was a humming sound but he knew it wasn’t anyone from his group, and it wasn’t a human’s voice too. On second thought, he did recognize the sound.


The second he was certain of the voice maker, he ran in a light speed to the source. Kyuhyun and Donghae followed his trail in a reflex.


He knew it was him. He just met the guy a few months ago during his trip to China. “What are you doing here?”


“Ah, Shi Yuan, what a surprise. Hunting all by yourself?” The tall guy stood up from his previous position while his blood stained lips.


Siwon tried to make a clearer few on what the guy was . But what was laid behind the guy started to disgust him. In fact, it pissed him. “,” he whispered to himself, “What are you doing here? This is our territory.”


“Really?” he walked closer to Siwon, “Well then you don’t mind if I hunt here do you? You did it in our territory last month didn’t you?”


“Back off,” Siwon tried to push the brunette guy, feeling slightly disgusted by his breath, “I’ve settled it with you leader.”


“Yeah, well, money can’t buy happiness. Or so they say.”


“What do you want, Zhoumi?”


The said man just chuckled and stepped back a few meters. “Tell me, where is she?”


Siwon might seem dumbfounded but he tried to remain poised. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He tried to walk past the man to clean up the mess he brought, but the other pushed him with his strength. The action made Siwon pushed the other back just as strong before he was thrown to one of the pine tree behind him.


The China guy landed his back on a giant rock and let a groan out of his mouth. But not even in a second, he managed to jump back to his standing pose. The same with Siwon. Apparently the big bump didn’t affect the two at all.


“Don’t play dumb with me, Shi Yuan, you know exactly what I’m talking about,” he walked closer, stepping over his dinner that was laid dead on the ground. “Where is the stimulant?”


Stimulant? Siwon hadn’t heard the word for a long time. The last time was when he overheard his mother talking to his father just a few days after he was turned. “Does that thing even exist?”


“You really are dumb, aren’t you?” The brunette guy immediately jumped to Siwon and punched him on the face that Siwon was thrown meters away and landed on his back.


Before he could even stand properly, Zhoumi was already hovering him and throwing punches on his pretty face. But it didn’t last long before Siwon managed to push the other meters away from him. He then stood up and started the man to man fight. They flew all over the forest, sometimes hitting the gigantic old trees and left some marks on them. Although the scars would disappear in no time, but pain was something they couldn’t avoid.


In the middle of the fight, Zhoumi stopped kicking Siwon as he felt enormous pain in his head. He then backed off quite far, just in time when Heechul and the others arrived. The pain was unbearable that Zhoumi dropped to his knees.


“Enough, Heechul.” Leeteuk ordered. Soon Heechul’s eyebrows flattened and he grew a smirk on his face.


“I hate first borns,” Zhoumi stood up still rubbing his temples, but managed to give an arrogant smile. “No fair Shi Yuan,” he tilted his head to the side, mocking Siwon, “You brought your baby sitters with you.” He smiled before turning back and disappeared from the dark forest.


“Thanks hyung but I can deal with him,” Siwon said irritatingly. He then marched forward to the dead thing Zhoumi left.


“Yeah, right. Your gift can’t even be used for a combat.” Heechul mocked.


The rest of the vampires proceeded to Siwon’s position. Leeteuk kneeled down next to Siwon who was palming his forehead. He swore he would kill that Zhoumi if ever they meet again.


“How dare he bring a dead human to our territory?” Donghae said pissed.


“,” Siwon ignored the question and looked at the dead body with so much sorrow.


Leeteuk reached the dead human's eyes with his two fingers and closed the eye lids, hoping the human could rest in peace, even though he already knew it was not possible. “Who is she, Siwon-ah?”


Siwon sighed, “She’s Choi Jinri. I was supposed to identify her tomorrow. She might be a cousin of mine,” a sad tone was in Siwon’s voice.


Kyuhyun took the initative to do what they were supposed to do with the human. He rounded his hyungs and soon was standing the opposite side of the others. “I’m sorry hyung,” he blurted before pouring the gasoline he brought. He didn’t forget to save some to burn the deer that he and Donghae left because of Siwon’s sudden running.


Siwon and Leeteuk stood up as the dead body was showered with the strong scented liquid. Then they watched as Kyuhyun threw his match over the body. They just watched the body burnt. It had been a long time since they burned a human dead body. Well, not for Sungmin of course.


“Hyung,” Kibum’s arms were folded in front of his chest, his red eyes were reflecting the orange fire in front of him, “I thought those Chinese vampires were also trained like us. How come Zhoumi was her?”


The question was intended for Leeteuk. But Siwon knew well it was all his responsibility. “It’s all because of me,” he was still staring at the flame.


“When I went to China, I saw a guy, and somehow I felt tempted. I hadn’t hunted for almost a month at that time and I was starving. I knocked him out and dragged him to a forest and started draining the blood out of him.” He held his forehead with one of his hand, the other was on his waist, “I didn’t know he was Zhoumi’s cousin. And I didn’t know it was Hangeng’s group’s territory.”


“What’s his name?” Donghae asked.


“Henry Lau.”


“He’s not his cousin, Siwon. I know him.”


“Yes but Hangeng said he was already identified and was about to turned that day. So I suppose he was his cousin.” Siwon copletely regretted what he had done.


“So much for your recklessness huh?” Heechul mocked again.


Siwon glanced at the leader who was still watching the dead body, which was slowly turning into ashes, “I’m sorry hyung.”


“But it is so not Zhoumi to come all the way here just for something childish like this,” Sungmin went to go near Leeteuk.


The seven vampires stood in silence. They weren’t just staring the flame which was still burning the ash, but all of them were thinking as to why Zhoumi would do such thing. Siwon was probably the one who was thinking the hardest. He then remembered something.


“Hyung,” he turned to Leeteuk, “Zhoumi mentioned something about the stimulant. He was asking where she is.”


Leeteuk and the others turned their attentions to the tallest guy. Different expressions were painted on their faces. The two oldest seemed surprised with Siwon’s statement while the others looked as clueless as Siwon.


“It’s a she?” Heechul whispered to Leeteuk, “It’s here?” he asked again.


“Hyung, what’s a stimulant?” Sungmin asked innocently.


Leeteuk looked at Heechul asking for some clue.


Should we…?


The slightly younger just shook his head. “It’s almost dawn, we should head back. Have you burned all your prey?” Leeteuk said, eyes were still connected with Heechul.


The youngers nodded all their head except for Kyuhyun and Donghae. They then head home after burying the remaining unburned skeleton of the dead human while Kyuhyun and Donghae went back to burn the deer they .




to be continued~





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waaaa, i'm sorry guys, i said i'll post the next chapter today but i haven't finished it....maybe today or tomorrow, sorry :(


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valfair #1
Chapter 21: THIS IS AMAZING!!!! I'm not really a vampire fan but I LOVE this fanfic!!! I hope you'll update soon
cloegee #2
Hey, i'm just womdering when you will update this fic, I've waited for months ;A; I reaaalllyyy love this fic! Update soon please! :D
Chapter 22: Good luck for your entrance exam this month! I can't wait for your return :)
Foreverninetaeny09 #4
Chapter 22: Hi! Author-nim I love your ff its so cool :) since you cant update for few months i hope when you update again it will be done (it will be sad though:( ) anyway...GOODLUCK !!! Update ASAP :D
novarias #5
Chapter 22: I had been waiting for TaeTeuk moments in the first chapters but there were barely few. Good thing once they were already together, the scenes became sweet and steamy! You'll sure pass the test since your awesome story reflects how smart you are!
Chapter 22: Good luck for your test! Hope you'll pass it easily :) I'll be missing you and this fic! Hehe♥
Chapter 22: Gwaenchanna! I love you♥ Good luck unnie :)