



            Hyeri was on her way to Hyunwoo’s room. A bag of oranges was in her hand. She opened the door of his room as she surprised to see an empty bed beside him had been filled. A girl was sleeping there. Hyeri went to Hyunwoo.


“Hi, Hyunwoo. I bought some oranges. I know you like it” Hyeri put the bag on a desk. Hyunwoo just stared at her with smile. She took off her school shoe and climbed onto his bed. “How are you? Getting better?” she asked. He just nodded. She smiled and caressed his hair. “Want some orange? I’ll peel it for you” she took an orange and peeled it. She fed him. “You like it?” He nodded with smile. Once again, she caressed his bandaged head. Tears welled up in her eyes. Seeing her one and only brother like that, made her heart broke into pieces. Her tears fell down a bit. “Eonni, why did you cry?” Hyunwoo asked. “I just worried of you” “But I’m getting better, eonni. Don’t cry” he patted on her shoulder. Hyeri gave him a smiled.


            They heard someone coughed. They looked to the girl beside them. She was coughing and sat up. Her mother quickly gave her a glass of water. She drank it and stopped coughing. She noticed Hyunwoo and Hyeri looking at her.


“Hi” she smiled and waved to them. “Hi” Hyeri waved back. “I’m Chorong” the girl introduced herself. “I’m Hyeri and this is my brother, Hyunwoo” “This is my omma” Chorong’s mother smiled at Hyeri and Hyunwoo. “Hi, auntie” Hyeri lowered her head. Hyunwoo followed her. “Hello” Mrs. Park greeted. “So why are you here?” Chorong asked. Hyeri told her about Hyunwoo and that she had to take care of him for now. “So you don’t have parents anymore?” Mrs. Park asked. “Yes” “But who take care of you two?” “My aunt. She’s always busy but it’s okay. I don’t want to trouble her more than I had”


            That evening, Hyeri was doing her homework on Hyunwoo’s bed. He was looking at her writing in her school book. Chorong was watching TV while her mother was sleeping on the chair nearby.


“Hyeri” Chorong called. “Yes?” “What are you doing?” “I’m doing my homework” “Homework? Can I look?” “Of course” Chorong climbed onto Hyunwoo bed and looked at Hyeri. “It must be fun being able to go to school” “Why? Haven’t you gone to school?”  Hyeri asked. “I have but only a week before I know that I’m sick” “How old are you?” “I’m six” “Hey! We’re the same” “Really? I never know”


“Chorong, why are you here in this hospital?” “I’m sick” “I know but what type of sickness?” “I had” she stopped and sighed before continued. “I had cancer” Hyeri gasped. “I don’t know what cancer it is. My parents never tell me. I overheard them that I had cancer. All I know cancer is dangerous and I can’t live long” her eyes started to tear. “Don’t say like that. You’ll be healthy again” “Everyone said like that. But I know from their actions. That’s why I can’t go to school or make any friends” Hyeri patted her back as she cried. “We’ll be your friends. Right, Hyunwoo?” He nodded and patted Chorong on her shoulder. “Noona, don’t cry” “Be strong. You’ll be fine” Hyeri said while crying too. “Thank you both of you. Thanks for being my friends”




            Chorong was watching Hyeri doing her homework. Hyunwoo was sleeping soundly. Hyeri was writing and looked at Chorong.


“Do you want to write too?” “I don’t know how” “Oh. Want to learn?” Chorong nodded in excitement. “Hyeri, can you teach me how to write my name?” “Sure. It’s like this” she took an empty paper and wrote Chorong’s name. “Oh. It’s like that” “Here. Try writing it” she held a pencil to her. Chorong held it but she held it wrongly. “It’s not like that” Hyeri helped her to hold correctly. “Okay. Thanks” Chorong tried to write her name like Hyeri did. She looked at her hand writing and Hyeri’s. “My hand writing is ugly” Chorong said. “Don’t say like that. You’ll write better if you practice. Mine’s worse before this” “How do you write ‘I love you’?” “Like this” Hyeri wrote the word beside Chorong’s name. Then, Chorong tried to write.


            Days passed. Hyunwoo, Hyeri and Chorong had become closer. Hyunwoo and Chorong always eating oranges together and Hyeri taught her more about what she learnt in school. Chorong was doing some paper origami on her bed. She wrote something into all that little airplanes origami.


“Chorong, what are you doing?” Hyeri asked. “Since you told me about hobby, I decided to look for one. So this is my new hobby” Hyeri continued to watch her actions. “What do you write?” “It’s a secret. You’ll find out one day” she fold an A4 sized paper into airplane and flew it to Hyunwoo. He was watching TV and it hit his head. “Noona” he pouted at her. Hyeri just giggled. “Get ready because here come a turbo power jet!” Hyunwoo threw it back to Chorong. Both of them had an airplane fight.


            One day, while Hyeri and Hyunwoo were watching TV, Chorong who was sleeping suddenly coughed loudly. Not like always. Her cough had been worse lately. Mrs. Park quickly sat her up and called her name. Chorong was clenching on her chest. Hyeri got up and went beside Chorong.


“Chorong noona, are you okay?” Hyunwoo asked. She nodded but still coughing. “Auntie, I’ll call the doctor here” Hyeri volunteered to help. She started to panic too. Hyeri ran out of the room and went to get the doctor. Chorong smiled to Hyunwoo and Hyeri before she was taken to the emergency room. “I hope she’s fine” he said. “She’ll be. I hope” Hyeri whispered the last two words.



            Chorong smiled at Hyeri. They were only both of them in that empty meadow. *Chorong* Hyeri thought. *She’s fine. What a relief* She smiled and opened to call her name but her vision suddenly blurred. Smile was always on Chorong’s lips. Then, everything disappeared.


            Hyeri woke up from her sleep as she heard Hyunwoo cried. She fell asleep on the chair while waiting for news from Mrs. Park about Chorong. “Hyunwoo, what’s wrong? Why do you cry?” she hugged him and caressed his hair. “I dreamt that Chorong noona said she has to leave us. She said she’s sorry” “It just a dream. You must be really worry of her” she wiped his tears but somehow her own tears ran down her cheeks. “You sure? Then why did you cry?” “I dreamt about her too”



            Suddenly, someone ran into the room. It was Chorong’s elder brother. “Joonyoung oppa” Hyeri called. There was a look of seriousness in his face and he was in a great rush. “Come follow me. Both of you” he said. “Okay” Hyeri helped Hyunwoo to get off his bed. Luckily the nurse had taken off all the wires from Hyunwoo. Joonyoung held their hands and went into the lift to the ICU floor.


            They were silent, curious with what happen. Joonyoung wasn’t like always. He always was a friendly and happy person but not today. He was 12 years old that time. Hyeri could see his eyes had turned different. He looked like he had been cried for hours.  *It can’t be!* Hyeri tried to get that silly thoughts out from her mind.


            Joonyoung brought them into a room. Chorong’s parents were there. There were no smiles on their faces. Only grief and seriousness. He nodded to the bed. Hyeri and Hyunwoo walked slowly to the bed. Her heart crushed as she saw Chorong weak little body laid on the bed with wires had been set into her body. Hyunwoo held his sister’s hand as he saw Hyeri cried. Mrs. Park had been crying while holding her one and only daughter hand. Mr. Park hugged her. Joonyoung started to cry silently. He watched Chorong from the end of the bed. “Chorong, wake up” Hyeri shook Chorong arm slowly. She could hear Chorong heartbeat slower from a machine beside her. “You wouldn’t leave us, right?” Hyunwoo said.


            To their surprise, Chorong fingers moved a bit and she opened her eyes slowly.


“Chorong” her parents smiled but tears still on their eyes. Joonyoung caressed her little sister head full of love. Seeing his beloved sister in a week condition tore his heart. “Omma, appa” Chorong called weakly and smiled. “I’m sorry” “You’ve done nothing wrong” Mr. Park replied. “I’m sorry for breaking your heart and burden you” She looked at Joonyoung. “Joonyoung oppa” she gave him a smile. He smiled back. Chorong looked at Hyeri and Hyunwoo. “Hyeri, thank you and Hyunwoo sorry because I can’t eat oranges with you anymore” “It’s okay noona” he said. Hyeri just nodded and her tears fell. Chorong looked at everyone and smiled. She closed her eyes and her heartbeat stopped. Mrs. Park cried even more. They knew Chorong can’t be safe anymore. Joonyoung kissed Chorong on her head softly. He then pulled Hyeri and Hyunwoo into his hug while caressed their head. Hyeri continued to cry.




            Chorong’s family came to the hospital back to pick up her belongings.


“Hyeri, here” Mrs. Park hand Hyeri a small glass jar full of little paper planes. “What’s this?” Hyeri asked. “Chorong want you to have this” “Thank you” Joonyoung was holding a similar glass jar while sitting on the bed. His heart turned sorrow and tears flowed down his cheeks. Mr. Park patted him on his shoulder. On top of the lid of the jar written ‘love family’. The glass jars had been filled with blue and white paper planes.


            Hyeri opened the lid and opened one of the paper planes. There was a smiley face on it. She smiled but tears ran down her cheek. Hyunwoo opened a white paper plane and in it was a heart shape. Hyeri opened another one and it written the word ‘thank you’ in it. Joonyoung did the same and saw the word ‘I love you’. “Omma, appa” he showed it to them. “Chorong is clever” Mr. Park said. Mrs. Park nodded and tears fell. Joonyoung chuckled and shook his head. “My sister is clever”


*Thank you, Chorong* Hyeri thought.


-End of Flashback-


            Hyeri wiped her tears away.


“That’s why I want to save Minhyuk. I’m scared I might lose another friend” “Both of you wait” Hyeri and Chanyeol looked at each other before looked back. It was Changseob, Hyunsik and Sungjae. “Thank you for saving Minhyuk” Sungjae lower his head. “Changseob and Hyunsik followed. “You’re welcome” Hyeri voiced. “All of us are sorry for bullying you two” Changseob said. Hyeri and Chanyeol looked at each other, surprised and puzzled. “Are you trying to prank us?” he asked. “No. We’re serious” Hyunsik said. “Okay. Let’s start over” Changseob held his hand out to Chanyeol. “I’m Lee Changseob” Chanyeol was hesitated at first but then he shook his hand. “I’m Park Chanyeol” he chuckled a bit at how awkward they were.


“This is werid” Changseob said, trying to hold his laughter. “It sure is” Sungjae and Hyunsik did the same. Hyeri smiled at them. *Finally, I can stop being afraid* “See you later, new friends” Sungjae said before the three of them walked away. “Bye” Hyeri waved. Chanyeol looked at Hyeri. “What?” “Can you stop smiling at other guys? I’m jealous” “Jealous? You’re silly, Chanyeol” she took his hand. Both of them went into the lift.


            They were standing outside of Hyeri’s room. “Thank you, Chanyeol” Hyeri looked at him. “Good night. See you tomorrow” she turned to open the door but Chanyeol took her hand and kissed her lips. “You forgot your kiss” he whispered. She just smiled. “Good night, my princess. I’ll wait for you in your dream” Chanyeol winked and walked away.



A/N: (28 July 2013) Joonyoung is ZE:A leader. Give ZE:A lots of love okay? This story title is actually ZE:A’s song. About the glass jar with white and blue little airplanes. I made them and I got the idea to the scene. When I read my story back, I thought ‘Chanyeol, why are you so romantic in my story?’ Chanyeol, saranghae!!! XD










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nice story ^^
Chapter 3: Why Hyoyeon?!! *sobs* she's too kind to do that..
I'm gonna bash you!!
LOL :D kidding.
Hey come and check out my new fanfic "Love Is Anonymous" subscribe and/or comment please. Thanks!
Chapter 1: Wondering why is there only 1 subbie ...Great first chappie!
i'll continue to update this story after October because i have an important exam this year. i want to focus 100% on my study. TQ ^^
Chapter 1: <-------------- i design this myself