

Chunji's POV

I came back to the dorm after my solo schedule, exhausted and stressed. My eyebrows were furrowed but I quickly massaged the creases on my forehead away. I can't get wrinkles at this age!

My fellow vocalist greeted me as he sat next to me on the couch.

"Hey Chunji Hyung~" His voice naturally sang.

"Hi Niel.. Ouch.. My shoulders hurt.." I replied; body aches were common as after schedules and schedules, Teen Top still has to go for dance practice so as to not lose our 'Knife Choreography' title.

"Aigoo. Sit here Hyung! I can massage you!" Our chirpy Emotional Vocal sang.

I smiled at him; this boy was too nice and good-natured, but he is a slight push-over at times. I had probably forgiven him for the 'grape incident' with L.Joe, after learning that Changjo made Niel to feed L.Joe the grapes; if he didn't comply, Changjo would go and tell the leader that Niel had a crush on him.

Chuckling, I ruffled his hair and sat on his lap.

The fingers soon found their way onto my shoulders and started massaging those sore spots. My muscles instantly relaxed as a voice then sounded, "YAH! Niel! What do you think you are doing?!"

I blinked as L.Joe came over and Niel put up a surrender sign with both his hands.

"Get off Chunji Hyung~~~ Someone's here to claim you~" Niel said but I remained my stand.

"But my shoulders ache! Massage your Hyung, neh?" I turned to look at Niel, as L.Joe then spoke up.

"No. I-I w-want to m-massage you, Chunji Hyung.." L.Joe stuttered.

Oh really now? You are finally speaking to me nicely?

By the time L.Joe managed to cool his pink cheeks, I was now sitting on his lap, with his delicate fingers soothingly massaging my shoulders. Niel has long been gone.

I grinned at the sight of him being so nice.

"I like you today L.Joe.. You are finally nice to me." I smiled as I felt the fingers stiffen up.

"Is there anything wrong L.Joe?" I asked worriedly.

Hearing no reply, I asked again, "Byunghun?"

"Meet me at the balcony. I will call you when to come." L.Joe spoke without any emotions.

I nodded at the indifferent tone but L.Joe whispered again, "Do come, Hyung."


L.Joe's melodic voice (really, even if he's a rapper and not a vocalist) sang out, "You can come now, Hyung~"

I stumbled to the balcony, even though I took careful baby steps. What was L.Joe going to tell me? Was it so important that he couldn't say it in front of the other members? Could it be.. he was going to tell me who his crush is today?

A sickening feeling in my stomach rose up, and I wanted to stop. But I couldn't... because right in front of me was L.Joe playing the violin.

The song he was playing was...

"Be Ma Boy? Lee Chanhee... Will you go out with me?" L.Joe smiled the brightest, most charming smile he could ever come up with me.

This cannot be happening.

I.. am the person L.Joe liked? Is this a prank?

"Yes." I said it.

"YES L.JOE I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I pounced onto him, all my feelings pouring out with that tight hug.

All those hidden feelings that I decided that I will never ever let out again, those thoughts of my best-friend L.Joe abandoning me, they didn't matter anymore. I don't care if L.Joe didn't like girls or that I myself, didn't like girls.

I had fallen for my best-friend.

And he had fallen for me.

"Yes! I can't believe you are mine..." L.Joe did a victory dance as he held my hand and cheered, "LEE CHANHEE IS MINE!!!"

I laughed as I yelled out too, "LEE BYUNGHUN IS MINE!!!"

I don't mind being Byunghun's forever. And I certainly don't mind L.Joe being mine forever.

Forever and ever.

L.Joe's pov

I couldn't believe what I was doing now. It was like my whole brain was numbed with happiness. Chunji... He agreed to go out with me! Ricky was right! I made a note mentally to thank him later. Chunji wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with him. 

Chunji was grinning madly now, with his hair slightly ruffled due to the wind. I must have looked the same. 

Intertwining our fingers, I smiled at him. He had said yes. We were together now. It was what I had wanted for a long time. I was happy. 

But I didn't know what was to come. I was foolish to think that smooth sailing times would last forever. 


A/N: Double Update! Thank you all so much for reading and because of school-work, @deathcease and @hcheartjkpop have a tough time giving regular updates but don't worry! We have it all planned out! Do continue supporting us and we hope you guys enjoy this story! SUBSCRIBE. COMMENT. ENJOY. We love comments so keep them coming<3



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Chapter 14: Why do you have to add that son of a bish
She ruined ChunJoe
Why don't she choose Changjo?
wishful_promises #2
Chapter 14: Oddly enough, even though I KNOW that in any other case (read: any other situation that does not involve my favourite kpop groups or idols, like a talent show or something) I would find Inyoung pretty cool, or in the very least a decent person, I hate her to death here =_= Although I imagine real life has caught up to you guys, I hope that you'll be able to update it again someday ^^
Chapter 14: Omg great i love it
Chapter 14: Oh yeah. Channie, you go call that little hoe bag mean names. But don't hit Byungie. And suicide? I hope L.Joe fixes the situation before Chunji hurts himself...
Stupid Inyoung can shut the f up and die in a hole.
Chapter 14: This is just.


Atm I see all the characters as pathetic
-Ljoe for being a man_____ and making loads of stupid excuses
-Chunji for crying and thinking of suicide. Seriously? Too much waterworks from him

-and ohohohoho. Inyoung that ____ for being a hog and taking l.joe.

He is MY manwhore. ehem. Correction. Chunji's manwhore. Therefore you do no touch him.Only chunji.

hehe. For some reason I call L.joe mean names to signify my love for him xD
Chapter 14: Inyoung is such a freaking bish >:/

Poor Channie v.v

L.Joe better make up with him

& soon~
Jimins_Wifey #7
Chapter 14: awweee my poor Channie.....he's my bias too
he hurt his finger?!?!?!? i hope he's ok
i am really pissed at Inyoung right now and a bit with L.joe
Chapter 14: omo!!! channie =[[[
i feel like crying T^T
L.JOE-U BETTER MADE UP WITH CHANNIE! he wanted to kill himself for ya D:!!
Chapter 14: poor channie .. :'(