

A/N: Here you guys go~! DOUBLE UPDATE!

L.Joe's pov:

Plastering a fake smile on his face, he greeted In Young, hugging her tightly.

The directors had told him to do so, just so that the fans would squeal. In Young had played the part perfectly, pretending to be shocked by the sudden hug. L.Joe acted flustered, stuttering and blushing awkwardly. In Young shrugged it off, reminding viewers that she too was from outside Korea, where skinship was more prominent and common between the opposite .

At that, the filming was stopped, and the director started explaining what was to be done for the date. L.Joe looked around distractedly. The sun was out, weather absolutely perfect for a date. He had actually planned this date himself, all the members had to plan the date in case In Young chose them. They were at an outdoor shopping street, a place that he was actually planning to bring Chunji to. He had been thinking of the older when planning this, too much, in fact. Instead of writing her, or she, he had almost written him or he a couple of times.

Lucky Chunji was able to spot them in time-- Chunji. The thought of the older itself was enough to bring L.Joe a horde of emotions. He was worried, scared, fearful even. But then again, he also longed for the older. Longed to hear his velvety voice, longed to look into the deep chocolate eyes. He missed him. He missed them. Shaking his head, he turned his focus back to the director. He couldn't be so selfish. The angels wanted to see a date, and In Young had chosen him. He didn't want to let anyone down, so he pushed those feelings deep into the depths of his mind in hope of forgetting them completely. It wasn't so successful, actually. The older had popped into his head more than a few times during the date.

And so the date started. In Young and him had a great time, smiling and laughing. Making small talk and cracking jokes. The atmosphere was light and less awkward than L.Joe would have ever imagined.

"Thank God we chose Youngiie…" L.Joe thought to himself as In Young browsed through the couple accessories, with him tagging along behind her.

Glancing through the rack of colourful knick-knacks, he found himself being drawn towards a pair of matching dust caps for phones. Both had little cartoon kitties on the ends of them, doing different poses, though. One was smiling brightly, and the other was almost emotionless, but with a small smile on it's face. When the were both plugged in, they looked like the were facing each other, smiling at each other happily. It was… perfect. Leaning forward to touch it, L.Joe stared at the couple dust caps. These 2 kitties were a lot like Chunji and himself. He had to get them. And apologise to Chunji, giving it to him as a peace offering.

Telling the crew to proceed with In Young's private interview, L.Joe purchased them quickly, putting them in his back pocket safely. He would give the kitty smiling to Chunji later. With that, he stepped out of the shop, joining the filming again.

It was the last scene of the date, where the MC would ask them on their thoughts of the date together. The pleasantries were out of the way, and L.Joe and In Young were just joking and having fun.

"I saw you getting couple dust caps just now, L.Joiie oppa! Are you cheating on me? You have another girlfriend, huh?"

L.Joe froze in his place momentarily, before faking another smile. He knew how to deal with these situations. But.. it was hard to deny that he was Chunji's boyfriend.

"Ani, I was actually planning to give one side to you…" L.Joe took out the dust caps that were hidden safely in his back pocket, looking at them forlornly. He had really wanted to give this to Chunji, but then again…. there was probably other opportunities for couple accessories that he could buy with the older together.

Passing one side of the pair to In Young, he continued with his sentence, "… Unless you don't want it of course." L.Joe could see the genuine shock in her eyes as she grabbed the item happily, narrowing her eyes at him playfully and whacking his arm. "I was just joking, oppa! But thank you. It's cute."

Nodding and smiling politely, L.Joe continued the last bit of filming with an ache in his heart. He felt guilty.


Chunji's POV:

CAP Hyung and I ended up in one of Korea's most famous shopping district streets. Wearing our disguises cautiously, I held his hand and pulled him behind one of the pillars. "Hyung.. Are those.."

I pointed at a somewhat familiar silhouette of a petite male and a confident lady.

Definitely L.Joe and Inyoung huh...

They were currently feeding each other Korean traditional kimchi pancakes. I bit my lips, closing my eyes. CAP Hyung whispered and clutched my hand more tightly, "Channie.. it's just a show. It's fake."

Nodding, I slowly opened my eyes again. The whole day passed by with the two of them doing couple stuff like trying on pretty clothing. I was slowly starting to not be bothered with this but somehow, a sickening feeling was eating me up.

If only we weren't idols.. I could be doing this with you. If only I wasn't a boy, maybe we could date openly. If only I wasn't.. Lee Chanhee.

Sniffling a little, CAP Hyung drew his attention on me, looking at me, concerned.

"I-I'm okay Hyung.. I'm okay." I tried to avoid his stares but CAP Hyung held my hand more tightly.

"Channi-" CAP Hyung started once more but I cut him off.

"Hyung.. I don't want to be Channie anymore. I don't want to be.. 'me'." I bolted away and hid behind a stall, crying softly.

Never could I let CAP Hyung see me in this state..


Hours passed as I felt  my handphone vibrate non-stop. Checking it occasionally, it was all from CAP Hyung, begging me to tell him where I was.

From: Channie
To: Minsoo Hyungie

I just need some time alone. Please, Hyung?

Somehow, I managed to persuade CAP Hyung to go back to the dorm first. Sighing in relief that no one could bother me now, I slowly took out a pen-knife. M-Maybe... the hurt would go aw--

"Opppaaa~!!!!!!" I heard a childish squeal.

That sounds familiar. Too famili--

"Youngiie-ahhh~ Filming has ended and Oppa is tired. Why not you head home first? You don't leave with us anymore, so it might be a little dangerous if you go back late by yourself!" I heard another familiar, calming voice.

My Byunghun..

Dropping the pen-knife, I accidentally cut my own finger. Tears fell as I cupped my mouth, peeking at the two of them. They really did look like a couple. Without me in the picture, they are perfect.

"Ah, Oppa! Thank you for the couple dust caps today! I love them!" In Young then leaned in to peck L.Joe's cheek.

Shock and hurt engulfed me as I ran from my hiding spot and pushed her away from L.Joe. Slapping L.Joe's face, I pointed at In Young viciously and pulled onto her hair.

"YOU !" I yelled.

She pushed me away, yelping as I stopped, realising I'd attracted too much attention. Too much.

The two of them stared at me in shock as I slowly looked down. Random passers-by were staring at us three and I prayed hard they didn't recognise me.

L.Joe grabbed me away and hissed, "What are you doing here?! Why are you attracting useless attention?! Have you forgotten we are idols?!"

"L-Let me go.." I bit my lips as L.Joe grabbed onto my bleeding hand.

"I-It hurts.." I whispered, not knowing whether was it my heart or my finger which was hurting more.

"Do you not think I'm hurt?" L.Joe sighed as he tried to change his tone.

"Chanhee.. Why did you come?" L.Joe tried again; I stared into his eyes and sniffs.

"I-I'm sorry Byunghun.. I know I'm not supposed to come.. but.. I was really afraid something would happen between the two of you. Y-You saw it! She kissed you on the cheeks!" I pointed accusingly at where In Young awkwardly stood by herself.

"You are reading too much in this.. We are just friends. Rea--" I pushed past him, not wanting to hear his explanation.

Holding onto my cut, I let the tears roll down my cheeks and hired a cab to go back to the dorm. It was just too much.  


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Chapter 14: Why do you have to add that son of a bish
She ruined ChunJoe
Why don't she choose Changjo?
wishful_promises #2
Chapter 14: Oddly enough, even though I KNOW that in any other case (read: any other situation that does not involve my favourite kpop groups or idols, like a talent show or something) I would find Inyoung pretty cool, or in the very least a decent person, I hate her to death here =_= Although I imagine real life has caught up to you guys, I hope that you'll be able to update it again someday ^^
Chapter 14: Omg great i love it
Chapter 14: Oh yeah. Channie, you go call that little hoe bag mean names. But don't hit Byungie. And suicide? I hope L.Joe fixes the situation before Chunji hurts himself...
Stupid Inyoung can shut the f up and die in a hole.
Chapter 14: This is just.


Atm I see all the characters as pathetic
-Ljoe for being a man_____ and making loads of stupid excuses
-Chunji for crying and thinking of suicide. Seriously? Too much waterworks from him

-and ohohohoho. Inyoung that ____ for being a hog and taking l.joe.

He is MY manwhore. ehem. Correction. Chunji's manwhore. Therefore you do no touch him.Only chunji.

hehe. For some reason I call L.joe mean names to signify my love for him xD
Chapter 14: Inyoung is such a freaking bish >:/

Poor Channie v.v

L.Joe better make up with him

& soon~
Jimins_Wifey #7
Chapter 14: awweee my poor Channie.....he's my bias too
he hurt his finger?!?!?!? i hope he's ok
i am really pissed at Inyoung right now and a bit with L.joe
Chapter 14: omo!!! channie =[[[
i feel like crying T^T
L.JOE-U BETTER MADE UP WITH CHANNIE! he wanted to kill himself for ya D:!!
Chapter 14: poor channie .. :'(