

L.Joe's pov:

L.Joe paced around the deathly quiet apartment, waiting for Chunji to return. In Young was gone, and so were the cameras, lifting a huge weight off the members. L.Joe still felt numb from the events that had taken place in the day before. Chunji's hurt face flashed through his mind, reminding him of how crushed the older had looked. He was devastated.

After the filming had finished the previous day, not a single word was uttered between the couple. L.Joe simply didn't know what to say. They were in a fight, after all, and In Young choosing him… it had just made things a whole lot worse.

Running his fingers through his hair, much to the displeasure of the stylist noonas, L.Joe let out a grunt of frustration.

Why weren't they back yet?

Chunji and CAP had been out the entire morning to god knows where. Apparently Chunji needed some fresh air, and the leader had accompanied him. L.Joe needed to see Chunji's face, needed to hear his voice, and calm words of assurance. It was a big day after all. In Young and his first "date". Nothing but irritating to L.Joe, really. He had loads on his mind already, and he really didn't need an extra load.

"Well, at least it's Youngiie… She doesn't seem that bad. She'll probably be cool about the date, right?" L.Joe muttered to no one in particular before being ushered out of the apartment to the filming site. He would have to go another day without the older, it seemed.


Chunji's POV:

I was depressed. I was angry, betrayed. But who wouldn't be if your other half were to date someone else? It didn't matter to me whether it was for a variety show or whether it was real anymore. Seeing L.Joe with another person just boiled my anger to no end.

How could he...

I sighed as I chided myself for being inconsiderate to his feelings. How would he feel on a date with someone else? I'm being too selfish.. I-- Tears rolled down my cheeks as I swung on the swing. Feeling extremely troubled, I asked CAP Hyung to follow me to have some fresh air. He brought me to his favourite place, the playground. It really does make you feel a whole lot lighter.

"Channie.. Don't cry.." CAP Hyung stopped the swing as he wiped my tears away with his warm fingers.

My heart clenched as I heard the leader call L.Joe's nickname for me. If only I fell for someone like Minsoo Hyung..

Sighing, I nodded and sniffed up my tears. Looking at my watch, I saw the date today. It was the filming date for L.Joe's first date with that.. Inyoung. A part of me was guilty that I wasn't with L.Joe, cheering him on for this tough schedule, but a part of me was insecure. He might actually like it that I wasn't there to meddle with his affairs.

I felt my anger bubbling inside of me once more as I muttered to CAP Hyung. "I want to go to the date. I will personally see to their date."

CAP Hyung's eyes widened as he said, "Channie. Don't tell me, you are intending to stalk... them? You can't.. It's business. It isn't persona-"

"Try me." I cut CAP Hyung's sentence and dragged him to the filming site (which I found out via hacking Manager's Hyung GPS system of his handphone AND vehicle).


A/N: HEY EVERYBODY! Firstly, @deathcease and @hcheartjkpop are EXTREMELY sorry we haven't updated since AGES AGO! This past month had been extremely hectic for the both of us! We had school camps and events in school and our new term has started! BUT for this week, we present to you guys a DOUBLE UPDATE!!!<3 We hope you enjoy reading them! SUBSCRIBE. COMMENT. ENJOY.

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Chapter 14: Why do you have to add that son of a bish
She ruined ChunJoe
Why don't she choose Changjo?
wishful_promises #2
Chapter 14: Oddly enough, even though I KNOW that in any other case (read: any other situation that does not involve my favourite kpop groups or idols, like a talent show or something) I would find Inyoung pretty cool, or in the very least a decent person, I hate her to death here =_= Although I imagine real life has caught up to you guys, I hope that you'll be able to update it again someday ^^
Chapter 14: Omg great i love it
Chapter 14: Oh yeah. Channie, you go call that little hoe bag mean names. But don't hit Byungie. And suicide? I hope L.Joe fixes the situation before Chunji hurts himself...
Stupid Inyoung can shut the f up and die in a hole.
Chapter 14: This is just.


Atm I see all the characters as pathetic
-Ljoe for being a man_____ and making loads of stupid excuses
-Chunji for crying and thinking of suicide. Seriously? Too much waterworks from him

-and ohohohoho. Inyoung that ____ for being a hog and taking l.joe.

He is MY manwhore. ehem. Correction. Chunji's manwhore. Therefore you do no touch him.Only chunji.

hehe. For some reason I call L.joe mean names to signify my love for him xD
Chapter 14: Inyoung is such a freaking bish >:/

Poor Channie v.v

L.Joe better make up with him

& soon~
Jimins_Wifey #7
Chapter 14: awweee my poor Channie.....he's my bias too
he hurt his finger?!?!?!? i hope he's ok
i am really pissed at Inyoung right now and a bit with L.joe
Chapter 14: omo!!! channie =[[[
i feel like crying T^T
L.JOE-U BETTER MADE UP WITH CHANNIE! he wanted to kill himself for ya D:!!
Chapter 14: poor channie .. :'(