

Chunji's POV

That day ended with L.Joe (being the stubborn one) grabbing his blanket and pillows and camping out on the couch for the whole night.
I shrugged.

Well there's nothing I can do anyway.

But... I couldn't sleep. I tossed and the bed, my mind fully fixated on the fact that L.Joe had someone he liked. Someone whom he gave his heart to. I woke up the next day, with eye-bags, and groggily walked to the living room. L.Joe looked exactly like how I did. Even with the same pair of panda eyes.

"Woah, what's up with you two?" C.A.P's voice boomed as he made breakfast for us.

L.Joe muttered a, "I'm going to wash up" and brushed past me. I sighed, was this really going to be the end of our friendship?

After everyone gathered for breakfast, I glanced at Niel, who currently thought it was very fun (sarcasm, intended) to feed L.Joe grapes. We all knew that L.Joe wasn't the biggest fan of grapes, but Niel was insisted that L.Joe ate grapes.
"It makes you grow, Hyung!!!" and at that, L.Joe reluctantly opened his mouth, letting Niel's slender fingers slip in, biting and chewing on the grape and opened his mouth once again to let those fingers slip out.

I winced at that and the only thing I could hear after was Changjo yelling, "CHUNJI HYUNG! YOU ARE POURING TOO MUCH MILK IN YOUR CEREAL! IT'S SPILLING!!!"


It was soon time for our schedule; Teen Top put on our best outfits and confidently walked onto the stage for an interview. 

The MC started, "So, L.Joe, all the fans are very curious! Who, actually, in Teen Top is the closest to you? As friends, I mean, now Angels, don't get too worked up over this innocent question."

L.Joe laughed.

Damn it Chanhee, why am I thinking this, but oh it sounded too wonderful with that silvery quality to the lazy voice which is so so so attracti-

This was not an uncommon question, it had been asked countless times, in fact. And his answer was always...

"Minsoo Hyung. I mean, CAP, our leader." came L.Joe's reply.


I couldn't disguise my shock, as disbelief clouded my features, but as an idol, I quickly covered it up, maintaining a neutral face.

"He's a fellow rapper and because he's our Hyung, I feel that it's really easy to communicate with him!" L.Joe winked to the fans. Did he just... say that CAP Hyung was his best-friend? I... I thought it was me. I'M supposed to be L.Joe's best buddy.

I nudged him as he was seated on my left as Angels screamed louder than ever. L.Joe brushed my touch off as he waved to the fans.

That's it, I'm really losing him.


The day soon ended as I rested in Teen Top's van, plugging my ear-phones in.

Why was I so affected by L.Joe? My fellow Teen Top member? My best-friend?

I read the comments for today's interview.
"Chunji oppa looked so distant, is he sick?!?!"
"Chunji looks kinda pissed.. Bad day?"


I guess I couldn't hide my discomfort for L.Joe's answer. I mean, sure we were currently in a rough patch of our friendship, but doesn't he still consider me as his best friend? Urgh, I had let my personal feelings affect work. I shouldn't be like that! Why was I feeling so angry and miserable that L.Joe was now taking cute selcas with Ricky? (THEY EVEN MADE A HEART URGH)


Why was I acting like that?

These feelings were endless as they pricked my heart; the emotions hurt me deeply as I bit my lips, turning to face the window and looked out, staring at nothing in particular.

This wasn't supposed to happen, L.Joe's just my best-friend. I'm not supposed to be feeling like that, but I did. I thought of L.Joe in ways normal friends wouldn't. Normal friends would congratulate when their friend had a crush; normal friends would laugh it off when they see their friend hanging out with others; normal friends wouldn't be afraid to lose their friend as they didn't belong to them. But I did all those that didn't put me in the category of 'normal friends' with L.Joe. Indeed, I wasn't. 

Because I realised through the aches of my heart that, I, Lee Chanhee, has fallen for my best-friend, Lee Byunghun. can't be...

I pushed this dark secret down to the deepest depths of my mind and locked them up in the deepest part of my heart. Maybe I had already known that I liked him, but I forced myself to believe that he was JUST my best friend. It doesn't matter anymore, anyway. He has someone else. 

I swallowed hard and turned up the volume of my music.

L.Joe's pov

To say Chunji was acting weird after the interview would be the understatement of the year. It almost seemed as if he was disappointed with my answer. What did he want me to say.. him? I didn't think that the way he treated me was deemed "best friend" worthy, and CAP was a close friend. 

I grumbled. I didn't want to fight with him, but he was so confusing sometimes. One moment, he was bawling his eyes out, and the next, he's pissed off at me for not saying that he was my best friend. 

For the next few hours, I avoided him like the plague. I sat far away from him in the van, although we always sat together. He didn't seem to mind, seeing as to how he gazed out of the window, wordlessly.

I rewatched our interview, to notice one tiny flaw with Chunji's acting when I answered to question. Needless to say, the fans had noticed it too, I noted after reading some comments. His face contorted to shock before returning to his neutral glance, and for the rest of the interview, he seemed off. Not saying a word unless the question was directed to him, and even then, the answers were vague. A huge change from his usual happy-go-luck and talkative demeanour.

There was something bothering him, but I wasn't just going to falter and ask him. If he wanted to ignore me, then I would ignore him too.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading, subscribing and commenting <3 We really appreciate it ^~^ Heh. we really had a lot fun writing this fanfic together, but the drama hasn't even started yet ;) Since this is based on the twitter roleplay, and Hazel & I roleplay Chunji & L.Joe respectively, that's how we split the writing ^O^ Wonder if you can tell from our different writing styles! It really gives out the vibe of two seperate people's thoughts :) 

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Chapter 14: Why do you have to add that son of a bish
She ruined ChunJoe
Why don't she choose Changjo?
wishful_promises #2
Chapter 14: Oddly enough, even though I KNOW that in any other case (read: any other situation that does not involve my favourite kpop groups or idols, like a talent show or something) I would find Inyoung pretty cool, or in the very least a decent person, I hate her to death here =_= Although I imagine real life has caught up to you guys, I hope that you'll be able to update it again someday ^^
Chapter 14: Omg great i love it
Chapter 14: Oh yeah. Channie, you go call that little hoe bag mean names. But don't hit Byungie. And suicide? I hope L.Joe fixes the situation before Chunji hurts himself...
Stupid Inyoung can shut the f up and die in a hole.
Chapter 14: This is just.


Atm I see all the characters as pathetic
-Ljoe for being a man_____ and making loads of stupid excuses
-Chunji for crying and thinking of suicide. Seriously? Too much waterworks from him

-and ohohohoho. Inyoung that ____ for being a hog and taking l.joe.

He is MY manwhore. ehem. Correction. Chunji's manwhore. Therefore you do no touch him.Only chunji.

hehe. For some reason I call L.joe mean names to signify my love for him xD
Chapter 14: Inyoung is such a freaking bish >:/

Poor Channie v.v

L.Joe better make up with him

& soon~
Jimins_Wifey #7
Chapter 14: awweee my poor Channie.....he's my bias too
he hurt his finger?!?!?!? i hope he's ok
i am really pissed at Inyoung right now and a bit with L.joe
Chapter 14: omo!!! channie =[[[
i feel like crying T^T
L.JOE-U BETTER MADE UP WITH CHANNIE! he wanted to kill himself for ya D:!!
Chapter 14: poor channie .. :'(