012 FINAL!

So this is really the work of fate

<Blue: ChangjoPurple: YouOrange: Ricky, Yellow Highlight: Sue>

*2 weeks passed*

I miss Jonghyun. I really miss him. I quit my job as i couldn't bear working there anymore. I see Jonghyun everywhere in the store. I know I'm mad but i realise i really like Jonghyun that much, I'm practically in love with him. I hate myself for taking so long to understand my own feelings. My indecisiveness cause me to lose someone i love. I broke up with Ricky too. We only lasted for a week. 
"Jonghyun has got a girlfriend already." "Jonghyun what?" "He's gotten himself a girlfriend." "Its only been less than a week there and he got a girlfriend?" "Yeah he said that was his ex colleague." "What's her name?" "Sue i think?" "That girl that disappears once in a while and changes her boyfriend faster than anyone else? Jonghyun likes her?! I don't believe it." "Hana relax! Why are you so agitated?" "I'm not agitated! This is just too ridiculous!" "You are obviously agitated." "No I'm not! Why would i be?" "Because you like Jonghyun." "So what if i like him?! It doesn't matter anymore does it?" Wait what did i just say? Anger came over me and i just let it slip from my mouth. Ricky look at me dumbfounded. "No its not like that Ricky. I don't know why i said that but that's not what i mean." "You've finally said it. Actually i knew it from the start. I just chose to run away from it since you seem like you have no idea about that. I know you like Jonghyun. I just didn't understand why you chose to be with me instead." "Ricky i... I really thought i like you. I'm so sorry." "Don't be. I'm the one that broke the two of you up. I should be sorry instead." "No Ricky its not your fault. Its me that took so long to sort out my feelings. I always thought i like you instead. I've been too stupid." "Don't say that of yourself. I guess now that you've admitted, i shouldn't hold you back any longer." "Sorry Ricky. And, can i ask that you don't let Jonghyun know of this? I don't wish for him to know..." "Alright if that's what you wish..." 
*End of flashback* 
And that's how i broke up with Ricky. Because i found out Jonghyun got together with Sue... I didn't know she went to Taiwan too. I was roaming on the streets and i have no idea why i walked to the CD shop. I quit because i want to forget but i ended up coming back. I was intending to turn and head back home when i saw..... "Jonghyun?" "Hana. Why are you here?" "I... Why can't i be here?" "I thought you quit?" How did he know i quit? Oh i forgot, he is with Sue. Not surprising if he knows. "Well i have no idea why i ended up here either. You?" "Erm i...." "Came here to wait for Sue?" "Erm Sue? Yeah Sue! Haha yeah i came to look for her." "Mind sitting down for a talk?" "Sure no problem." Although its heartbreaking, but i just have so much question regarding him and her. Its just too questionable. We found a bench and sat down. "So how were you and Ricky doing? Has he been treating you well?" "Huh?" "You and Ricky. How were your progressing?" I almost forgot he doesn't know i broke up with Ricky already. I got too engrossed in staring at him i forgot everything else. "Oh sorry. We're fine! He treats me very well. We're getting along smoothly!" Its a lie. We broke up. I can't let go of you. I wanted to tell him that so much but i couldn't... "Great to know that." "Erm... Jonghyun, why did you choose to go to Taiwan?" "Because erm... its a nice place to take a break in?" "Haha ok... I heard you are with Sue now. You really like her?" "Yeah. She's very cute and i really like her." "Hmmm ok. I guess its time soon. I'm off to find Ricky." "Ok see ya!" I ran off looking like I'm in a hurry but actually i wasn't meeting Ricky, i just ran off to prevent him from seeing me cry. While running, i saw Sue heading to the CD shop with another guy hugging her. So she's working the night shift? And who's that guy? I walk over to her wiping my tears. "Hey Sue. Who is this guy?" "Hi Hana! Its been some time! He's my boyfriend Ben." "Boyfriend? What about Jonghyun?" "Jonghyun? You mean Changjo?" She calls him Changjo still? "Yeah." I replied, pissed. "What about Changjo?" "Aren't your dating?" "Who's dating him? I thought the two of your were together? I only met him in Taiwan recently but I have no idea when did i date him." "You weren't dating him?!" What is going on? Jonghyun said he is dating her... "No I'm not dating Changjo! I don't even have his contact number!" "I see. Sorry..." I ran off again. Everything is in a mess.  Why did Jonghyun lie? I ran home as i was too confuse. I didn't want to confront Jonghyun. He can't know how bothered i am over this. 

I really miss Hana. I heard she quit her job from Ricky. Why did she quit? What about those memories? I unknowingly walk to the store as i was recalling those memories. I thought i saw wrongly. I saw Hana... "Jonghyun?" "Hana, why are you here?" Did she end up here like why i did too? "Why can't i be here?" "I thought you quit?" We ended up sitting down for a chat. She thought i was here for Sue. She didn't know that it was a lie when i said i was together with Sue. I didn't want her to think I'm still depressing over 'us'. I asked how is she doing with Ricky even though i didn't wanna know how close they got, how they were progressing... She seems very concern about my 'girlfriend'. I told her my 'girlfriend' is cute and i like her very much which I'm actually referring to no one else but her. I've only like her. No one else. She said she's in a rush to meet Ricky and she ran off. She seems really anxious to meet Ricky. Looks like my decision was right. I decided to head back home. When I'm back, i saw Ricky walk out of his house. "Ricky why were you home?!" "Why can't i be home? Am i suppose to be somewhere else?" "What you mean by that? Aren't you meeting Hana? She was so anxious to find you?" "I'm suppose to meet Hana? I have absolutely no idea about that." "Are you kidding me? You're neglecting her already? Your haven't been together for long." "Wait. I'm really confuse. Hang on." Ricky makes a call to Hana and on loudspeaker. "Hello hana, are we suppose to meet today?" "No i guess? Did we arrange to meet?" "I think not too. Sorry to disturb you. By the way you sounded moody, are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine, just confuse with some stuff. Ricky, did Jonghyun really tell you he's dating Sue?" "Yeah he did told me that, what's wrong?" "Why did he lie? Never mind its ok. Sorry i have some stuff to sort out I'll hang up first. Bye Ricky." "Bye." I look at Ricky confused. Why did Hana lied? And what does she mean by why did i lie? Has she found out already? "Told you i wasn't meeting her." "But she did told me she was meeting you and she ran off." "Just what happen? Can you tell me in detail?" And so i told him what happen exactly. "Yah you pabo! I thought you understand her? Why don't you seem to realise her feeling? She ran off because she didn't want to start crying before you. She likes you more than anything idiot!" "She likes me? But she... you... argh what am i saying?" "Jonghyun, we broke up already. Because the one she likes is you and only you. She didn't realise it until you were gone." "Really? I thought she likes you so i lied saying i got a girlfriend to let her think that I've gotten over. I'm such an idiot." "You are the biggest idiot! If not you wouldn't still be standing here!!" "Yeah! Sorry Ricky got to go!" I ran to Hana's house at the fastest speed i could go. I actually chase her away. How stupid can i get? I arrive at Hana's house and started knocking her door. 
*Hana's POV*
Its all in a mess. Why did Jonghyun lie? Why? I just can't figure it out. I really thought he was with Sue. Why did Ricky ask if we were suppose to meet? Did Jonghyun ask him?? Ahhh I'm going crazy... 
*intensive knocks on door*
Ahh who is it? Why so urgent? I open the door and see Jonghyun panting and sweating looking anxious. Before i could say anything, he pulled me into a tight hug. "Pabo yah! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" "Jonghyun what are you doing? Why are you scolding me?" "Why didn't you tell me when you've sort out your feelings?" "You push me to Ricky! You never gave me the chance to say either!" "Sorry its all my fault! I shouldn't have push you to Ricky. I regretted it the moment you left but i saw you asking Ricky out so i couldn't say anything after that. I lied that I'm with Sue because i want you to think that I've gotten over so you can focus on Ricky. Knowing you, if you know that I'm depressing over 'us', you definitely can't concentrate on being with Ricky. Does that explain all your thought?" "How did you know the questions that i had been troubling over?" "Coz I'm your Jonghyun! Sorry that I've misunderstood you. Actually regarding that day in the classroom, Ricky had already explained everything to me before i left for Taiwan. And the reason why i went to Taiwan, its because of you. I wanted to understand why did you like that country so much. I wanted to understand you better even if i thought you're leaving me for good." "Jonghyun... I wanted to let you know this. I really love you. Don't misunderstand me or push me to anyone else again okay?" "You've finally said that. Don't worry, this time round I'm not going to let you go even if you tell me you want to leave! *evil laughter*" "You idiot! Haha." With that, we shared a very sweet kiss. Our story ended well, all thanks to Ricky!  



And here's the last chapter! Sorry if it's a bit too rush, i did my best already! Finally it has came to an end. Honestly speaking, when i completed this i felt a little empty coz its what i've been working on all this while but it has ended. but, i guess it means its time to focus on a new fic! Still, i hope your enjoy! Lastly, subscribe, comment and CHEERS! :D


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Chapter 15: yay! finally read it! i can't believe i never knew you made an alternative ending >.< I'm so pabo.

anyways in my opinion the other ending was still better. mehe~ but this ending is possible too. unfortunately it's not that happy. good job though! (Y) hwaiting!

good luck on your new fanfic
Chapter 14: i wish there was actually a guy like changjo (in this story).. for me =P =">
Chapter 14: YAY!!!! happy ending xDDDDD wahh ="> fangirling

Chapter 12: update them all T.T
Chapter 12: Author-nim!!! lol. Update both ^^.
Chapter 11: AMAZING!! Silly Changjo. My bias <3 He should have listened first.
Chapter 11: I'm so glad of the double update
Chapter 9: mehe. of course you're welcome! God bless! <3

I like the new chapter! (y)
And also the upcoming chapters.

I'm glad you updated soon xD
Update soon!

Keep asking for help if you want to!
Orchrd_flower4 #9
Chapter 8: its so cute!
Chapter 8: yay! an update! im so happy =))

changjo and hana. xD so sweet <3